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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. I have had the same problem. I have a lot of male friends, but can't seem to really make that many female friends. Yet I've come to a conclusion. Girls and guys are the same. I don't act differently around girls, the same with guys. As long as you are yourself, you should be fine. So don't worry. You're not doing anything wrong. Good luck!

  2. That stinks...unfortunetly that can happen in life. Life isn't always fair, but I'm sure you'll see him when he gets back....then things will be so much better, hey at least you got the chance to meet him right?

  3. First, see if your ex's best friend has any feelings for you. Also, ticklebug is right, your ex's best friend might not date you, since it's the principle of the thing. Second, this may sound weird, but see if it's okay with your ex. If it is, and he has feelings for you, then go for it. Yet, if you still do have feelings for your ex, see how strong they are, and if stronger than the one's for your ex's best friend, then go for your old boyfriend. Good luck!

  4. When you decide to approach, see if they're not alone first. Maybe simply go up to them and say, and continue on there. Joke around, or think of somethign to discuss. Do what feels comfortable...good luck!

  5. I would think more about this. Decide if this is really love, and if you should pursue it. Think whether or not that if you have any chance. Does she show any feelings for you? Is there any body language to suggest that? If the answer is yes, then I would approach her with this. It would be better to be direct, rather than writing. It shows more confidence. Try to be subliminal, rather than have a love speech. It's actually more direct, than just telling her. Good luck!

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