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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It took me a while, to find out who I was and to establish myself. Yet after a lot of thinking, I finally can. I'm a quite person and still a little shy, but I've learned to ignore many times what I'm feeling...because that's not me. I'm learning to get out of my comfort zone, and a great way to do this is just try. Think about who you want to become, and become that person. Express yourself, it can be very hard I know, but you have to push yourself at times, to let your true colors show. Good luck!

  2. I have maybe 10 or so true friends, and over 50 school friends. True friends I would say aren't hard to make, as any friends are, but it's time and there has to be chemistry. You have to like getting along with that person and talking with them. But besides that, it's important after high school to stay in contact with them, which can sometimes be very hard.

  3. Do not let ideas cover you in shadow. For you are the light, remember that. You are the light that protects you from the shadow of the world. Perpahs it will not be too bad if Home and Growth meet. I do not think they would ally against you, as you seem to be a very good soul. I shall share you a tale of my experience. I had some friends for whom I really liked, and I had another group of friends whom I liked the same. So I tried to mix the two, but alas it was not too be. The two groups did not get along. So I have avoided mixing, but am friends with both of the groups still now. Think only good in home and growth and hope for the best. Good luck and may your wish come true!

  4. Welcome to enotalone! Anyway, I suggest take a walk or something so you can think. If you don't love your boyfriend, and you love someone else than think if it's truly worth it. Does the person you like now, like you? As long as you think things through...you'll find a solution. Good luck!

  5. Your writing is very poetic. As for your uncertainties, you must learn to let go of these. We as humans shape our minds, and our realities by our uncertanties. We think of something and wonder if it might be, and thus we are thrown a world of doubt. It is a very dangerous thing to do. Yet embrace your new friends, as you have done, and if the old ones are not as nice as they seem, then don't worry about them. But you said you rarely see your new friends, then maybe try find ways to see them more. Do not worry how often you are with them though, as their presense, even a little, can raise someone's heart like a mountain. They are your guidance and comfort and even a little should be enough. Good luck and may your heart guide you!

  6. Sadly I think your right. If your friend is so worried about a sale, and doesn't care about the fact you work so hard in a factory and the fact your sick. It sucks, but I believe your losing your friend. This is life though..and these things unfortunetly happen. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can nonetheless salvage your friendship. Good luck!

  7. It can truly be hard to accept that after all the love you give in the world, there seems like there is no one who can give it back...but there is. I thought this way many times several months ago, but I soon realized that I have friends and family and am very happy because of that. Don't let your loniless destroy you, for you alone can save yourself. You have friends and family right? They love you I'm sure and you don't have to worry about finding the one you love. Because you've already found them...family and friends. Don't worry, you're not alone. Good luck!

  8. You can still remain friends, even if you are dating. Many couples I know, still treat each other as friends and even after they break up, they are still friends nonetheless. So take a risk, and hope for the best! Good luck!

  9. Try to ignore it, if you get shy, and talk to him. Does he send body language that he likes you too? (eye contact, blushing, etc.). Also you don't neccesarily have to say anything when you seem him either, just take things casual and notice anys signs of interest. Good luck!

  10. If you really like this girl, try your best to ask her out. Try to be more open, even if it's really difficult. As long as this girl is nice, and someone you can trust than I am sure she'll be a better girlfriend than your past two. Also since your nice, that's a good bonus and try not to worry about it so much. Good luck!

  11. I've felt that kind of social pressure. I have no desire in searching for love, but so many people ask if I have a girlfriend and are surpised if I don't. I've also had offers of setting me on dates. So your not alone...I try to ignore it, but know it's not going away anytime soon...good luck!

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