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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. If you really want to find love, and not worry about being single, then why not look other places for single guys? Also, how old are you? Because if your at least 18 then you could go to a dating service. As long as you give the effort to search, you won't be disappointed. Good luck!

  2. I'm doing that myself now. I've learned to do this by thinking about who I want to become. I want to become someone strong, mentally and physically. So I exercise everyday, use good time management, and make sure I at least accomplish something. I know my weaknesses and try my best to stick with my strenghts. I try to conform though when given a task. It's taken me several months to become who I am and I'm proud of it. I am a kind, quite, mature, responsible and fun inidividual. Anyone can become who they want to be, if they trust try. You can too. Good luck!

  3. Since he didn't remember anything, than it's just good to let things be. I would suggest maybe since you both want to go out with him, then do it! He may not have remembered your kiss since he was drunk, but nonetheless if you like him, then set a date to go out. If you need anymore advice, then just PM me. Good luck!

  4. You have the right idea. First give your friend a chance to ask her out. If it doesn't work for him, then go ahead and ask her out. Make sure it's okay with your friend though before this idea is implemented. I had the same problem like you did. My friend and me liked this cute blond girl. Yet we were both unsuccessful in our attempts to woo her. He still likes her but my feelings have passed. I know you can do it. Good luck!

  5. From what you've said it sound it was just subconscious mind. He couldn't control his senses and thereforeeee people do things they normally don't do. I believe he's showing he likes, even though in a drunken state he might not realize it. When he's sober, see if he remembers anything. Good luck!

  6. I don't know of any particular group but there are sites and books that can help you. I suggest to simply try your best not to get nervous when you get a chance to talk. If you do get nervous, just ignore it. That's what I do if I get nervous. Good luck!

  7. There are times in our lives where we all reach a breaking point. We give up and don't believe there is anything left. Well your right. It is in life unpredictable if you'll find love, so sometimes you need to face the music, even if that is the hardest thing you'll do in life. You have family and friends right? Be happy, because there are people who don't even have that. Good luck!

  8. There's this guy I know, who thinks I'm his friend, but I'm not and don't wish to be. I'm just being nice to him when I see him, but there have been times that he wants to hang out. Now normally I'm a nice guy and don't mind, but this guy I know is a jerk. And I know he could be a bad influence on me, what should I do? I'm thinking though that I'll probably just come and say that I just think of him as someone I know, and don't want to hang out with him. I know that's mean, but I feel it has to be done...

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