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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. When your starting out on your own, it can be hard to be able to get motivated to get what you need done. Yet all you need is time and things will get better. Once you find a great way to manage your time, then you'll be better off. Good luck!

  2. Okay, let's break it down. You say that your boyfriend is depressing you? I suggest he take some anti-depressants, if it's a condition. Also your worried about Exams? Then I suggest some studying. I know it can be tough to worry about grades, especially what the people who are paying your tuition might think, but just study and then you'll be able to relax. Then you want to move in with your boyfriend, right? Well if you both don't have jobs, as your boyfriend is about to lose his, then take your time to search for a new one. Don't be in a rush. Just take things one at time, and you'll be fine. Good luck! PM me if you want anymore advice!

  3. There coming back now, because of what could have happened. It is as you said, you feel you blew a chance to be with this girl. Yet, just keep doing what you've been doing, and that is moving on. If she has someone now, then there is no point in trying to win her over. And as you said, the two of you barely talk to each other now, so there isn't much contact there. Just remain friends, and you'll be fine. Good luck!

  4. Reality is harsh and that's the sad truth. Do you have a job? It sounds like with all the drugs you've taken, that you don't. If you can, rehab might be your best bet. Not everyone in the world will hate you, but not everyone will love you. I suggest just try to live your life, because you still have a chance to survive. And anything is better than death. PM if you want anymore advice.

  5. It sounds like your having these cravings, because of what could have been. If she liked you in high school and you saw her in College, then there was time, hypothetically, for a relationship. Yet since you now see her, it's like you have a chance and want to take it. Even though, you know realistically you can't. Try not to worry about it and it should pass. Good luck!

  6. I can understand where your coming from. You want to help your friends. This is very noble. Yet how can you help your friends if you haven't helped yourself? No, your not being selfish. Once you find a way to settle down yourself, like maybe take a day off, then help your friends. If your lost, then your friends are lost. So don't worry, and good luck!

  7. When I get nervous about something, I just ignore it. If there is someone whom I like, I'll go up to them and talk to them. Who cares if they think your weird. That's her problem. So, if you like her, then talk to her! Remember, your not alone. Good luck!

  8. It stinks your mom does't want to admit she has a problem. It will be very hard for her to get cured if she doesn't want to be. Yet I suggest somehow try to help her. As for yourself, you say you worry too much and that you quickly get depressed. Is this a condition in your family? If it is, there is medicine that can help. Also you say that you feel you are too fat, well how large are you? If you are a good size then you can exercise to reduce that. If it's not a condition in your family then think of good things in your life. As long as you have something positive to think of, then perhaps that will help you get through your days. Sorry if I couldn't be of any help, just PM me if you want to talk. Good luck!

  9. Okay, first of all I suggest talk to your mom. I know you say you and your mom aren't close, but she needs help. Maybe see if she is willing to join alchoholers annoymous. Yet if your mom isn't willing to admit she has a problem then she can't be cured. Second, you say your too emotional, well what do you mean by that? Do you worry too much, or do you get depressed too quickly? It may seem like life can be in shambles, but there is always hope. PM me if you want anymore advice. Good luck!

  10. It can be tough when your feeling isolated that no one understands you, but there are people who do. And if you really like this girl, and it's only 3 years difference then pursue her. The age difference doesn't matter at this point. You are the person that can make you feel wanted and strong, so remember that. So, good luck!

  11. I feel the same way. I'm a nice guy and that's what people expect to be and I'm quite and responisble. Yet I like to 'cut loose' and sometimes act 'angry', but it would scare people I fear. So I try to act as I always do and not do anything they might think strange. It can get annoying, but I'm used to it now.

  12. Comment on things she likes. See if she likes anything your interested in and then go with that. If you show her that you like things she likes, then she'll know it's not just for her body. As Laura Ashley said, just take things slow and don't force her into anything. Good luck!

  13. There are many sad times when life can seem to bring up down, yet you can't give up. Since quitting is too easy. We have to be strong to go on in life, if we let the bad things happen to us then we are wasting our lives. I know it's hard to move on after your dad has died and your girlfriend breaks up with you, but life will be better. Since you can make it that way. Good luck!

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