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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. That can happen when you don't neccesarily want to do something, but everyone else does. You individuality can suffer tremendously. I suggest sometimes maybe just go along with the flow, and not worry if you seem invisible. The same thing will happen to that other person, I'm sure. As long as you only care about having fun in those uncoftorable situations, you'll be fine. Good luck!

  2. When you have to plan a lot of things at once, the task can seem overwhelming. I suggest just do things one at a time and try not worry to much about how much time you have left to plan your wedding. I am sure Aaron will find an apartment, even if he's a proscratinator, the job will get done. As long as you don't worry about the small stuff, you'll be fine!

  3. I don't think your approach is bad, or that your not looking for enough girls. But you see to dwell too much on the past. A lot of girls you say you've dated, have gotten married, correct? Well, so what! You're still relatively young and you will still have many chances to find love. So, do as the abover poster suggested, and just keep looking! Good luck!

  4. A mental breakdown. I had one because of this. I was 17 when I had a mental breakdown because I wanted love. I wanted to find the 'girl of my dreams'. Well, I didn't and I still haven't. But I've learned how to cope without it. Focus on other things. I'm focusing now on going to college and becoming a writer and translator. It's good to have someone who cares for you, but if you try to focus on just that person you will miss out on a lot of things in life. You still have plenty of chances to find your soulmate. So don't give up. Live life now. Good luck!

  5. If you've gotten this far and are still trying to reach for your goals, you can still recover. Don't let the fact you've screwed up a little stop you. You've said that your disability hasn't hampered you and it sill won't. Believe that you can get over this and you will. It will take time, but you will succeed. Good luck!

  6. Confidence building can be a very hard thing to do indeed. I myself found it hard. What I did was just ingnore any feelings of self-doubt I had, I also made sure not to care if anyone thought anything bad about me. These things can take time, but it's well worth it. To get over shyness, I suggest just to try to think of the girl you want to talk to, as a friend. Don't assume at first that she likes you. You can tell in time. Good luck!

  7. If you've noticed eye contact already, then that's a start. Some more signs would be blushing or nervous speech, but since you said she doesn't talk much, than this is irrelevant. I would wait until after the trip, because if it doesn't turn out she likes you, then things could be akward and you're right that could ruin the trip. 8 weeks is a long time to wait, but you'll endure, I'm sure. Good luck!

  8. It seems hard to connect with people at times. There were many times in my life I felt that everyone thought I was a loser. I wondered why I was here. Yet then my answer came. I don't care. I socialize a lot now by not caring what they think. Only my very close friends and family's opinions matter to me...not someone whom makes a comment about me in public. It can be especially hard not to worry about what others say or think about you, and that is what is the hardest hurdle. This won't neccesarily be easy. Nothing in life is. But if you can not care what others think about you, then you've made a big step. Good luck!

  9. It sounds that you two both love each other very deeply, but there is nothing to keep it going. The fires are dying. How far is the place she's moved? If you are at least talking to her on the phone, then that is good contact. If there is no way for you two to be together, then it is just best to be friends. You can't force her, if she does not wish to go against her parents wishes. It's painful, but it's best I say to let things be. Good luck! PM me if you want anymore advice.

  10. Whether or not you were supposed to be in this world, doensn't matter. There's a chance we all could be mistakes. But your alive. You've come this far and I know you can go farther. Your mother is coming and usually that's happy, but it sounds like that won't be your case. God doens't hate you. God, as I understand it, loves all. Nothing can change that. You've done nothing wrong! I wish you luck and hope you can find happiness in your life.

  11. It definetly sounds like you have a great interest in her and I would say you like her...as whether it's love your feeling...I think your close...very close. How long have you known this girl? Since time is also a factor.

  12. I suggest as codaaurora did, you see a counselor. Your state of mind seems to be in a depressing mood. You shouldn't get down on yourself though, for how you are. It is your personality that truly shines. If you are yourself truly, than it is the person whom you talk with and know that will need to deal with that. You shouldn't have to feel to change, just because of people around you. You are you. Don't change that. Good luck!

  13. You really have good reasons for not wanting to see this guy after all the years he's treated you. I suggest write him a letter, explaining to him that you don't want to see him and this is the last letter you'll send. It seems this "H" guy is a thorn in your side. Eventually he'll stop I'm sure, after this letter. You're doing great now, so keep it up! Good luck!

  14. Perhaps, you are wondering if it is even worth it to be with her. When you first started going out, did you completely love her? I believe your love hurts, because it's forced. You maybe losing feelings for her, from what it sounds. Take time to think abou this and make sure of your feelings for her, before saying anything. Good luck!

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