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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Thanks for answering about bipolar disorder. I've been busy the past few days. About passive aggressive behavior, it is when someone shirks their responbilities and then decides to good off instead. It is a behavior, rather than a condition. This website can better explain it:


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    Hope this helps.

  2. When your at lack of words to say something, your mind sometimes just seems to wonder on. I suggest try to talk about a subject you know the other person is interested in and go from there. Or maybe just say 'hi' and ask how they are. A good way to keep things going, is to think of any important issues, such as on the news. That's just for some ideas. Good luck!

  3. When people have to deal with conditions unknown to them it can be very hard. Especially when they don't have any friends to help them along the way. I've been in this kind of situation. I went to Space Camp for a week and nobody liked me there. I hated it. Yet there is always hope in life, to make more friends. You may not make any now, but there is still a chance to finding friends. You just have to look. Hope that helps. Good luck!

  4. Hmm..I'll have to do some research on bipolar disorder and passive aggressive behavior. But, if others thing your boring, then that's their problem. We each have inside us, something that makes us great. I'm sure you'll find that. I know it. Good luck!

  5. Don't worry about the future now. If the person you love is hurt, then help them first. Only then, will you know the future. If she's sad, then help make her happy again. Wouldn't be worth it, to see her smile again? You are right though, you can't predict if she'll go back into her old habits, but nonetheless I suggest helping her cope with her problems. That way, you'll know at least she'll be better off in a happy condition, than a miserable one. Good luck!

  6. I was sad when high school for me ended a little over a month ago. It was really hard to say goodbye. I didn't want to, but I had too. I couldn't cry, as you said, and really felt sad though inside. Yet I just thought about all the good memories and that kept me going. Knowing I was losing a good deal of friends, but I would make more of them later on in life. And I would always have memories, to keep me going. Hope that helps. Good luck!

  7. I'd break it off. If she's treating this way, even though supposely it's because she's been busy, than it's not worth it. Friends shouldn't treat other friends like this and she is. I'd move on. That's my advice. Good luck!

  8. Breaking out of routine can be hard. It's like trying to jump start a car. Not an easy task. I suggest telling yourself to finally break out of routine. Or take a day to relax. After that relaxation day, then take your time thinking about what you want to from now on. Whether you want spice up your life, or just leave it the same. Just take things one at a time, and you'll be fine! Good luck!

  9. It can be hard to control your feelings. Especially when they finally come out. You shouldn't blame yourself for not realizing this sooner. There are somethings we just don't have control over in life. It doesn't sound like he has any interest though, but as long as you two are still friends, then things should be okay. I know you feel bad for not realizing how great of a guy he was, but that still shouldn't stop you from at least keeping a good friend. Good luck!

  10. Sometimes it's good to vent about things that can annoy you or to get something off your chest. It's good you've figured those things about yourself. The worst thing you can feel is lost, as in not knowing who you are. But, your not lost. So, no worries. good luck!

  11. I'm in the same boat. I've had a lot of oppurtunities to find love, but have failed horribly. Part of it was due to my shyness, and also no one seems to have been interested in me. Yet I've learned to move on and realize that I'm still pretty young and love can happen anytime. Even if it never does, at least I was able to live in this world and experience many things. I'm sure you'll find it. Your not the only person who hasn't. Good luck!

  12. some_guy is right. It's not your fault. If your friend feels you are trying to rub it in, them she needs to rethink it. In no way, have you gloated from what you've said and that's good. If you did, then that would be rubbing it in. You friend needs to calm down and I suggest you help her with her dilemma. It's tough, but I'm sure it will work out in the end. There is always hope. Good luck!

  13. Having a painful past can really put a strain on the future. This is the truth of life. If your boyfriend is a trusting person, then try to open up to him. A therapist wouldn't be such a bad either. Not everyone is bad, there are good people you know. You just have to look. Good luck!

  14. It can seem to people, that your betraying thier trust if you can talk to certain people. I'm sure she likes you as a good friend, but since you've lost her trust (in her eyes), then it's hard to act like a friend. I would concentrate on trying to prove to her that you don't like her ex. Even though that can be very hard, just tell her the circumstances of your visit. If that doesn't work, then your road maybe officially be divided. Good luck, though!

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