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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. True, true...this is another way to keep that fire going in a romance. After all, there are hundreds of ways. So as long as you find a way that works for to keep passion alive, then that is what truly matters.

  2. I didn't say it wasn't passion. Cuddling and Talking is good for a while. But what if you want something more that? People find that even though they've been together for a long time, that the passion eventually runs out. And sex is one way to ignite that passion. All you need is love, and one way to express your love is sex.

  3. Yep. I'm a kind person and I've found in the past people stomp on me too easily. But, I've found through exercise and reading about logic (Being Logical is a good source for this) that I can improve. A lot of it is simply a state of mind. As long as you 'act' tough, then you are tough. Hope that helps. It did me. Good luck!

  4. Listen. There is no magic pill to take to get confidence to ask a girl you like out. But there are ways to improve yourself. So, what if your not attractive like that guy who girls think is a hunk? Nobodies perfect. What I suggest, is believe your conident and you will be. There is nothing set in stone that every girl will think your ugly. As long as you try, isn't that enough?

  5. I guess size does matter...anyway I'll add my thoughts:


    The way I see is sex is very important to people. Humans, at basic levels, are animals. We crave things every day: food, sleep, and sex. Relationships as I see it are based upon compatibility, physical appearance. Sex I don't see it as a mandatory thing, but it could be helpful. That is what keeps a relationship 'healthy'. Because otherwise you are talking and hugging and maybe cuddling. It doesn't neccesarily mean it's boring, but then where is all the passion? What is there to keep the romance going? Sex.

  6. Maybe think of anything interesting that happened in the news, or think about how her day went, or maybe something your thinking. It's not too hard to think of something to talk about; you'll be fine. Good luck.

  7. Emotional is right. Just think of her as one of your friends. Don't think of her as that pretty girl you like. Otherwise you'll get nervous. The problem itself is really easy to fix, but shyness can seem like your trying to climb a mountain. I had the same problem. I couldn't talk to girls. I would freeze up as to what to say. I didn't want to screw up. Yet, when I realized they were people too, it all made sense again. So, good luck!

  8. I lost a job. I was a dishwasher for a small asian restaurant. I got fired after only 2 days of working. I think about it a lot. It's been 4 months. We dwell on the past to think about the mistakes we've done. It can be heart wrenching to make the same mistakes again. Yet somehow, we go on. That is all we can do. You may dwell on the mistakes you've done now, but don't worry. In time, we forget what has happened in the past and move on. All you have to do, is think only of the future. Good luck!

  9. I have a friend who is in the same dilemma. I have the same advice I gave him: go for it. Don't expect a miracle or there being a ray of hope. But if you don't try, then you'll never know. This is one of those things that can bug you the rest of your life. I suggest tell her and see how she feels. Good luck!

  10. If it does annoy you, then tell your friend about this. You two should talk this out, since reminders of past relationships can be very annoying. And no one wants to be reminded of past mistakes that they did. So, just talk with your friend about this and hopefully that will help. Good luck!

  11. Try to become social, seems like the hardest thing in the world. I suggest if you have anything interesting to add or say, then when you get a chance to talk, do that. Or suggest if they want go to somewhere to hang out, then do that. Show that your interested when their speaking, to show that your listening. That way they know your not bored, if it interests you. There's not magic pill to becoming a social person, but all it takes is time. Good luck!

  12. It's probably your body still adjusting to the drugs wearing off. Since your body isn't used to you not taking drugs, then it can take time for that to adjust. Thus, you not feeling really any emotions, could be a side effect. Just give it some time and hopefully things will be better. Good luck!

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