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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. I can see why you don't want to be hurt. But I don't understand your reasoning for 1 and 5. Why would 2 years really matter? Yes, he's still in school, but College as you know still gives you a lot of time to manage things. And what if you both do have different culture ideas? Your still friends. It's your choice if you want to remain friends and that's fine. But don't let all the things you find negative about him or the reasons you can think of, to make the final decision. They made add weight, but just make sure you think it completely through. Good luck.

  2. Okay, this is just a vent. I was told that due to the way my jaw had devloped, that it was improper. That I would have problems because the muscles had to stretch to support it. So, I got the surgery. Well it's day number 5 and I can't talk. It sucks. It will maybe be about 2 weeks before things get really better. Until then, I can do nothing. Joy.

  3. Okay it definetly sounds he likes you. And vica versa. But don't you think you should slow down? It sounds like you two are so 'madly in love' that you are rushing things. The lust and infatuation seemed to have been turned up a bit. I suggest to slow things down. You don't want to burn out the romance do you?

  4. I wouldn't say that the friendship will fail, but simply the way things are. It seems your friend doesn't call, because of who she is. Her personality might be that her friends call and she doesn't neccesarily call them back. I don't think it's her trying to be rude or upset, but how she is. That's what I see.

  5. I suggest with the above user and take classes. That way you have better motivation to ask a girl you like to dance. Sometimes, breaking the ice can be the hardest thing in the world!

  6. I would definetly say there are other things to do. You could simlply talk. Sometimes, when I hang out with friends, it's enjoyable to have a good conversation. Whether it's about politics, a nice debate, or a personal problem. It is nice to have fun once in a while, but than there are other moments in life, too. The moments that you can be deep.

  7. That's a good idea. Show him that he will be missed when he goes to his new school. Yah, it would be a good idea to rent the gym. You could go off to the mall with him and then convince him to head to the gym. Then I am sure he would definetly be surprised. Maybe have some dancing, or other games to keep it going. Also, yes it would be a good idea to tell his parents. Hope everything goes well!

  8. No offense, but it sounds like she was using you as a crutch. When she had a problem, even though you two hadn't talked in years, she went to you. When you solved it, then she left and went on. I would not worry about it and move on. That's my advice. Good luck.

  9. It sure does. I've learned try to not to conform to everybody's wishes. In life I simply want the essentials (job, home, insurance, car, etc.) and then I'll do what I wish. But of course I know there will be people who will want me to be 'normal'. Yet I've learned not to care for other's opinions, if it go against what you believe. For example, I love being single and would love to travel. I'm not worried about finding love, because it's not an essential thing for me in life. Your qoute, DragonGirl724, sums that up nicely.

  10. This is a dilemma....to not break a friend's heart and let him hope that the wedding will happen...or to break it immediately and tell him his girlfriend is unsure of feelings. As much as the second option seems like the worst, it is the best. That way, if he proposes to her later, and she says no, than that could be worse. It would be better to deal with less emotional pain that later on. But it's your call. Good luck.

  11. This reminds me of Dead Poet's Society. Yet people who fight against society are fighting against their own kind. Humans have made socities to better suit thier needs. People want order. They would hate to live every day, not knowing what will happen. As much as it is good to not always been to socities rules, will society eventually ensare you? Is it inevitable that you will become one of society's drones in life?

  12. But people don't have sex, just for passion. Although that would be nice. Sometimes, people simply have sex to relieve stress. I don't think it's a bad thing to have sex, for different reasons. Whether it's for stress, to have a child, passion, or simpy pleasure. It's when people do it on a constant basis that it can be a problem. It can lead to obsessions or sexual transmitted diseases. Nobody wants that. So how much is enough? Once a week? Once a month or year? I suppose it's truly up to the person to decide.

  13. If your boyfriend doesn't comfort, then does he really love you? Personally, I suggest move on. You've tried to patch things up and even though he may not neccesarily show his emotions, there are still ways for to show concerns. He could simlpy talk it out. If he doens't even try that, than I suggest move on. Good luck.

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