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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. I have wondered now for a long time. Am I doing the right thing? I have searched for love for a long time it seems. But that doesn't matter to me anymore. I have lost hope. So, I have found hope in being single. I love it. Yet now I am in College. I am beginning to finally start my life. Yet I wonder if I want to remain single and become someone successful at thier job. I think it's the right path, but I'm not sure. And the worst part, is there no way to truly know...

  2. People sometimes want to achieve more. They feel they have to accomplish something and hate to waste time. Yet we should enjoy life and not worry about if we don't always use 100% of our potential. So, don't worry about it. If you expect yourself to accomplish something you can't physically or mentally accomplish, then the failure will weigh heavy. And the outcome can be devastating to your mental side. I would suggest just go with what they suggest. That way you can relieve any stress you might feel. Good luck!

  3. I'm no expert in Pyschology, but it's definetly her past. It might be something her parents did. Maybe they were very mean to her as an adult and she's passing her anger out on her kids. They were nice to her as a child, but then mean to her as an adult. That's what I figure.

  4. Wow, this is a problem. Well first she's underage. That can be a problem. It would been worse if you were an adult. You shouldn't have had sex, if she did want it. You were both drunk, right? That still wasn't good. I suggest not neccesarily breaking off, but take a break. Let things cool down before trying to get into a relationship with her again. Things are messy, and you don't want to make them worse. Good luck! You'll need it.

  5. I have a friend who did that. They couldn't deal with one of their friends forgetting an event. So, they severed all ties. It can be very stupid. People can destroy friendships over the stupist of things. I suggest this, if it gets any worse, then break it. But try to be there for her. I'm sure she'll stop in time. Good luck.

  6. It took me a long time to realize something...you shouldn't let someone else be responsible for your own happiness. For the longest time I thought I needed someone to complete my life. What a bunch of bullsh!t that was. I needed me to complete my life. Be happy with what you have. Because if you try to do something that isn't you, than what good was it trying? If you aren't happy with your life, than do something! I've seen a lot of posters complain because thier nice. Is that it? Or is it that apparently all woman like jerks. Such generilazations or complaints won't solve the problem. that they don't get someone, or apparently as you get older it gets harder. If you haven't had any success now, than you won't later. Again, BS. There is no way to determine if you'll find love. So why worry about it? If you just be yourself, sometimes it will find you. But not always. Many people have gone their whole lives not finding love. Does that mean that they wasted thier life? Not at all. The point of life is to enjoy it. So do it already!

  7. Bingo. I've heard woman say that all men are perverts. Either I guess this based on past history or they actually believe this. Sad. But then you have the opposite end of the spectrum, where nice guys complain about not getting girlfriend. So some people can't find love...tough sh!t. Sometimes in life you have to try and if you don't succeed, then oh well. If you actually believe that 'nice guys finish last' then you already know your answer.

  8. But sometimes it is better to think over something. To try to figure out if you should ask that certain someone out. If you were to rush into something, without thinking, or just go for it, it could have disaterous results. And if society does keep with the 'man asks the girl out', it could be a long time before you start to see a good number of girls being assertive. Not to say there aren't girls who aren't assertive, but there are probably more men who are assertive than woman. But who knows what the future holds?

  9. Well said, Corvidae. Oh, I like your qoute, too.


    To Northern Lights:

    Sorry I didn't mean to offend. Let me clarify. I meant woman can't help but fall for 'jerks', because their biolgically programmed that way. Like guys who look at cute girls, and woman who look at hot guys. We're biolgically progammed to do that. Many so called, jerks, look handsome or hot to woman, and plus opposites attract. My apology if you took that offensively.

  10. But what if a nice doesn't want to change? Should he have to suffer for not getting the girl of his dreams? I don't think so. If a nice guy though would at least have confidence in approaching a girl, then he would succeed. Maybe. Yet also don't forget, woman can't help it but fall for 'jerks'. It's in their nature. You definetly bring up a lot of good points Shiboshi. Besides getting involved with your 'manly side', any advice for nice guys?

  11. It's true many nice guys complain about not getting girls. We say it's because the girls go for the jerks. Yet what of it if nice gusy are in touch with their emotions? Will that guarentee they get the girl? Not neccesarily. Nice guys can learn what the 'jerks' have. Confidence. Now, Shy soul I can see where your coming from. Going by generalizations, nice guys are in touch with thier emotions, and jerks aren't. That's true in some cases, but not all. And Shiboshi does it mean that shy/nice guys are afraid of rejection? I don't think so. Jerks I believe are afraid too. They're afraid to get in to touch with their emotions. If nice guys and jerks would find a balance of being a man, and being on touch with one's emotions, they would be better off. Just my opinion.

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