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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. As bad it seems to go behind a parents back, it can be even worse to be strict with children; destroying a healthy enviornment can have serious consquences in later in life. Normally I'd advise to talk with your dad and hope he changes his heart, but I'm not sure if that plan is fool proof. Nothing is. I suggest go on with what your doing, unless you see any hope your dad will change. Good luck.

  2. Well, my grandfather passed away on Saturday. It's sad, because I loved him, but this is the first time someone close to me has died. I know that more of family will eventually die. It's inevitable. I'm deterimened though to move on. I know if I remember him, then he'll always be immortal. It will take some time though. I feel empty, but nontheless inspired. I have a future, and now all I have is the past of him. Life sure is interesting...

  3. I totally agree Miss M. I decided to get more involved in my College. There's a hall government (for residence halls) and I decided to join. Maybe after College I'll go on a few dates, but until then, I want to continue to grow as a person.

  4. After what I've been through (a lot of mental pain), not really. I'm through with worrying about it. I figure I would rather pursue a successful career in life, than worrying about finding love. I have loved every minute of it. I wouldn't change the path I'm on now. I love the freedom of being single and I'm learning to enjoy reality and not escape from it. So, I'm happy thanks. Maybe other people find love, but I seek something else. I've found my happiness and I wouldn't change it for the world. Thanks anyway.

  5. It definetly sounds like you've improved yourself. I congratulate you! And your not alone finding love. I too have never had a girlfriend, but I don't let that get me down. I have a future to grasp a hold of and friends and family. You'll get friends. All you have to is believe. Good luck.

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