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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. If your stress level has gotten this bad, and you pull your hair out, then I suggest therapy. Or maybe fine some way to relax yourself when you do it. Anxiety can be a troublesome thing, but there are methods to counter-act it. Good luck.

  2. Normally I'd say she was playing hard to get, but if she acts all of a sudden she doesnt' like you, then this is odd indeed. Perhaps she still likes you, but when someone all of a sudden get's close to her, she doesn't know what to do. It sounds like she is inexperienced when dealing with someone she likes. That's my guess.

  3. As Lil R said, just make sure she knows that someone is there for her. You don't want her to make a stupid mistake, ones that she has avoided for a long time. As you noticed, depression can really lower one's self-esteem. So, be there for her and show her what a good friend you are. Good luck.

  4. Hey, I've been there. If I see a girl has no interest, than I at least want another good friend. I find the best way to get contact info, is to simply go up to them when you have the chance and ask. Is it possible to ask her before class or after? Because just waiting for her to show up at a certain spot won't neccesarily yield the results your hoping for. Hope you get the information to stay in contact with her! Good luck.

  5. Sadly in life, people we've known since childhood can really seem to drift. But that is the way things are in life. You could see if any other interest interest the both of you, or maybe it would be best to let things be. It's your call. Good luck.

  6. You were thinking because she was being so friendly, that she liked you. Did she ever blush around you, or did you see eye contact? As you stated after you kissed her, than it really was proved to be just friendship. I think you looked to close into things, when she simply smiled and talked. Things like this can happen, when your too absorbed into someone. Good luck resolving this though.

  7. Indeed this a problem. How did you get rid of someone like that...well, I suggest maybe confronting him more. He obviousely isn't going to go away if you try to avoid him, if you have. I suggest telling him not to spread lies and threaten him if you have to. He should not be treating you like this and your boyfriend should not have to suffer. Since you obviousely will see him quite often, than it is best to find some way of ending this. Find something you can exploit. Then go for it. Sorry if this approach is very assertive and mean, but this seems like the best option. Good luck.

  8. Coping with someone else's illness and trying to help them, can be hard in deed. It takes a great deal of mental strength to endure it. I suggest maybe spend some alone to enjoy yourself by watching a good movie, or reading, or do anything you like to do. It may seem you need to help your boyfriend 100% of the time, as good as that seems, you need to enjoy yourself too. For example, you can helpl someone who is hurt, if your hurt too, right? The point is spend time with the things you do, so you can be strong to help him. Good luck.

  9. I suppose it would be make you a user. But you can just look at as a proffesional basis. Think of her as a teacher and your a student, if you just want to be acquitences. But if you hang out with her in addition to teaching you violen lessons, you should accept the outcome and consequences of your actions. Good luck.

  10. I thought for the youngest time I too was doomed to finding love. I only got girls to like me after I quit worrying about it. I'm a nice guy, so I'm shy around girls I like. Also, I was too clingy and raised them to where I thought they were Goddesses. Big mistake. As far as personality goes, don't worry about if they don't like it. Not everyone will be heartless, there are good people out there. Trust me. I suggest not to worry about if you don't find it now, you'll find it. Have hope and good luck.

  11. Here's what I suggest. Tell your friend that it's okay. Even though your father may not like her, that you really care for her as a friend. That's the best I can think of. Sorry. I know that loniness can be hard to cope with, but do you have any activities? I'm sure you'll make friends your father would approve of. Just have patience. Good luck.

  12. I know it can be painful. Being away from home in a strange place. But it gets better. All you have to is hang in there. I was lonely, but in time I made friends. It also helped to get involved in clubs and go to social activities. Good luck.

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