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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It sounds like you really like this girl. It bugged when she was in a relationship, that you couldn't spend time with her. It still bugs you now. If your feelings keep growing, than you might have to tell her...again. You said you already have and things are okay now. But sometimes things can get out of proportion. Or if you don't want these feelings, than look for someone else. I am sure if you don't think about it and concentrate on something else, they will go away. It's your choice. Good luck.

  2. There are times when life can get confusing and when it almost seems impossible. But if we believe that if we try and that we'll pull through, there is a chance we will. Talk with friends and family about your new changes and acceptance of things that have happened, will help too. Good luck.

  3. You shouldn't have to distance yourself just yet. If he doesn't have a girlfriend now, than it's best not to worry about it. And if he does, than still doesn't mean you two can't be friends. I am sure that once he gets a girlfriend, he will spend time with her, but I doubt he would forget his friends.

  4. What is the cause of all of this emotional pain? I am sure the cause if it is fixed, would help lower your emotional outbursts. But your stress reliever ideas are a good way to help. Keeping busy with a project or a hobby is another way to reduce the emotional pain. Do you have any friends you could talk to about this? I am sure they could help. Good luck.

  5. Sometimes ignoring people who are mean to you, does not solve them problem. I do not think it is that you are being assertive enough. You should not have to change. Yet if this problem persists, then you might have to become more assertive. They must have some reason for disliking you. There is a reason for everything. If the stress continues as you said it has for 5 years, then I suggest exercise or read, or do something to relieve it. It is not good to worry about what other people think. You should not have to deal with this. Find out what their problem is and try to resolve it. I am sure you can. Good luck!

  6. Okay then, new idea. Your friend lies because of her weight, right? Well she needs confidence and lots of it. See if you can't convince your friend about things that she does well. Everyone has something they are good at and they can gain confidence in what they do, and not what they look like. Beauty is only skin deep. I am sure if your friend can see what she is great at, then she'll gain confidence. Hopefully, she will then stop lying. Good luck.

  7. This girl doesn't sound like much of a friend. Do you want to be friends with her? If she lies on purpose and breaks guys hearts, then she's not a nice person. I suggest avoiding her and breaking contact. Good luck.

  8. It sounds like you have no self-confidence. When you find a relationship, you cling to it, as a way of boosting up yourself, right? I suggest this: find something that makes you happy. Don't make someone else responsible for your happiness. Only you can do that. So get out there and find your happy ending. Good luck.

  9. It seems your friend has a lack of self-confidence. You should tell her to stop acting like you and to start acting like herself. Tell her she needs to see who she is and not try to act like a friend. Your friend is definetly in need of confidence though. Good luck.

  10. I suggest go up to your group, with this new acquitance, and say:

    "Hey everyone, this is so-and-so." And then maybe go from there and see what his interest are and perhaps he'll click with someone. That's a good start, I guess. Good luck.

  11. It can be scary trying to make new friends, when your so used to staying in a familiar enviornment. I believe you are right; you are afraid of making new friends because they might hurt you. But try to see if you can find new friends. There are nice people out there, I'm sure. Good luck.

  12. Well, it seems that all my life I've made friends younger than me. When I was 4, I wasn't deemed intelligent enough to start a class with regular 4 year olds. Thus, my parents waited 1 year before sending me to school. I don't mind anymore, but it was always annoying being a year older than my classmates. Now that I'm in College, I have a better chance of meeting people who are the same age as me. It feels so nice.

  13. Worrying can be a problem for lots of people. They want to make sure the future has many good promises and doesn't end up bad. Your boyfriend David sounds like a good guy. You definetly should try to work things out. I suggest when you do get a chance to spend time with him, I know you said he was busy working the bar, but I'm sure he still wanted to spend time with you. Relationships are a lot of work, but if done right, the payout is worth it. I suggest keep looking towards a more positive future. There are plenty of marriages out there that have lasted a long time and are filled with happiness. To accomplish that future, don't worry about the little things, try to talk things out with your boyfriend, too. Communication is the biggest thing. Remember, as long you as you don't give up, there is always hope. Good luck.

  14. Talk with her. When you get a chance, strike up a conversation and introduce yourself. You don't have to make it known at first you like her, but simply talk to her and see what she's like. If your still interested, then eventually ask her out. But take it slow. Good luck.

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