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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It's all right. To be proud of something, we need to have skills. I am sure you some. No one is completely devoid of some talent that they possess. Search for that. As for shyness, socialization is one way to get over it, or not let fear control you. Even though you've finished College, you're still pretty young. You still have time to search for what you want to do in life and maybe take some time to think about it. Get a part time job in mean time and use the other time to enjoy yourself and gain confidence. Good luck.

  2. It seems that you really do care for him. If he started to act as a jerk after you to fooled around, than is he really a good friend anymore? I suggest if you still like him after all of this, than talk with him. Tell him how you feel and if he still doesn't feel the same way, look for a new friend. Good luck.

  3. It is possible that if you if you only worry ata certain times, than you might have bi-polar. There is medication for this and counseling too. I suggest do some research before you officially decide anything. As for ways to clam yourself without worry, than I suggest just not to think about being worried. Good luck.

  4. It can be rather hard to adjust to the life that College has for you. Yet with practice, you can do it. I found it hard too. For a few months I was extremely tired from all the studying I did. So I developed a routine. I studied for about 50 minutes a subject, take a 10-15 minute break and then begin on the next one. It can be very tiring still, but once you get a routine it becomes easier. The hardest part is to start. Good luck!

  5. Searching for what do in life, can be one of life's greatest strugglest. I suggest try to think of things that interest you. If psychology doesn't, than perhaps something else. All I can think of is keeping thinking of something that might interest you. As long as you can find something to give your life purpose, than you should be fine. Good luck.

  6. Think about what you like about yourself and emphasize that. Everyone is good at something and I am sure you are too. I doubt your that bad looking and I am sure someone will like you. A good way to boost confidence is also think about ways you are beautiful. That way you can truly get a good idea of what makes you who you are. Good luck.

  7. I am sure in time he will admit that he's bisexual, but until he does, than as Kimmikazi said, than be a friend who is there for him. You like him and that's good. I am sure he will need all the help he can get. If he does admit he's bisexual, than you can be more open. Good luck.

  8. It all depends on the guy too. Some guys may look for something more in a girl than just her looks. Others just want a girl to get laid. I don't think you neccesarily have to dress a certain way, but just keeping being you and I'm sure some guy will become attracted. Good luck.

  9. But what if you never get that chance to find your true love? Even though you went through such pain to find it, and lost it, than it wouldn't it have been better to experience love? I think so. Sometimes in life we only get one chance and if we don't take it, than who knows when it will happen next? There are no guarentees in life, after all.

  10. We each handle death in our own ways. My grandfather died at the beginning of last month, and I didn't cry at all. My sister's boyfriend died 2 weeks later, and I knew him pretty well, but I didn't cry at that point either. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you, but just that you handle the pain of loss differently. I clam up. That's how I handle it. Other people cry. That's how they handle it. So don't worry about it.

  11. I suggest see if you can't find any good topic conversations. Maybe ask them how their weekend went, or if they have any interesting hobbies you can go from there. As long as you think of something that will keep them interested, than I'm sure your shyness won't intimidate them. Good luck.

  12. You don't sound like your jealous of this guy, but I'm guessing you miss spending time with your friend. The fact that she is with a 'new' best friend, or so to speak, you feel that your not her best friend, right? Talk to her about this. Or just enjoy the time your spending with her.

  13. You're very closed minded aren't you? Anyone can have friends. Just because someone appears to be quite doesn't mean they can't find people they have similarities. Friendhships are formed on common interst, gender, and cultural influences. I am not surprised this girl has had a relationship. Again, anyone can. Don't be so judgemental. Keep an open mind about things.

  14. It can be tough, when there is a friend who is too clingy and they stop all over you. I had a friend who did that once. They used me and made sure I was their only friend. But finally I got help and they felt hurt. But in time they got over it and we became good friends again. My advice is this: don't let him keep coming to you, break this friendship temporarily. He has to heal himself and can't keep depending on people. He needs to learn to rely on himself. It can be hard, especially if they don't take 'no' for an answer. But he'll eventually quit, once he really receives the message. Good luck.

  15. It doesn't sound like she is ignoring you on purpose. I'm guessing she is trying to spend time with other friends, or maybe you aren't as close as friend as you'd like to be? If she is spending this much time with other friends, than perhaps that is the case. Have a closer talk and find out. Good luck.

  16. I would have to say the same thing. I was really close with my cousin, and then he changed in the little time I see him. I have a best friend, but he was a great support when I was young. Now that I'm stronger, I wish I could help him a lot, but maybe he has to be the one to help himself. I hope your friend improves his life. Good luck to him and you.

  17. It seems obvious that you'd tried coping with your depression through going out, friends, therapy, etc. All I think of to say is have hope. I am sure that even though you get depressed a lot, that there is a cure. Sorry I can't be of much help. Good luck.

  18. I had the same feeling. There was a girl I liked through in childhood and she didn't even know I liked her back. Well years later in high school, I saw her again but could not stop. And then even when I entered College, I found out she would be going to the same one! It was hopeless. But then I told myself to concentrate on something else to help keep my mind off of her...well it worked. When I did get a chance to see her, I had lost hope (not a bad thing as I see it) and decided to let her go her own way in life. I found my way. And I believe things have gotten better because of that. So keep busy and try to think of something else. Good luck.

  19. For me it has. My cousin. We were awesome friends as kids. Then I see him years later and he's completely changed. He doesn't seem to have any motivation and doesn't care it seems. I'm in College now and he's looking for a job. Life can be odd sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could help him out, but I realize too: not everyone can be helped. Such is life.

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