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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Yah, even though it is nice to have friends who are immature at times, it can be annoying when you are trying to have a serious relationship and the person just wants to have fun or might do something stupid to amuse themselves. I suggest if you still want to ask her out, then maybe wait and see how things go. Otherwise, a friend isn't a bad thing, right?

  2. An excellent way to make friends is to try to join clubs or do something that can make you active in a social setting. It's important to also attempt to talk to people you might not know. This can be hard, especiall if you're shy, but it worth the attempt nonetheless. Don't give up! Eveyrone has trouble at times making friends, but it's not impossible. All you have to do is try.

  3. As cruel as the idea may seem for her to look after herself, it's something she will have to learn for herself. If she hopes to survive in this world after college, then she needs to struggle now, so she won't later on. You're doing the right thing, don't worry.

  4. ...it ain't easy, that's for sure! I've always wanted at times to run away from my problems. I would go somewhere quite and just think. Self-reflection has always been my psychology and I've always felt that I alone can solve my problems. But I'm tired of running. I've come to grip with my past mistakes and have accepted the past. But now I"m looking towards the future and how interesting it will be...and scary. But I feel like I'm becoming more of an adult with each passing day. I want to face my problems and make life easy. I know since I want to remain single if will be even harder, but I love the freedom of choice too much, to give up my single life...for now. Yet today, after a restless night at College, I started to move forward. I started to do projects that I should have done a long time ago. But now I want move forward and become stronger. I am beginning to exercise again and get back into shape. I am studying everyday and looking for a part-time job. I'm learning to drive whenever I get a chance, and cook, too. I know now that I have friends and familiy I can depend on. I'm not alone in this anymore and now I realize that. And even though many days, like today, will be tiring, I'm going to keep moving forward. Since that is the only way I will become stronger.

  5. Welcome to the club Caldus! I am also trying to meet people and actually have a social life, instead of just studying. It aint' freakin easy. I know it will be a long time, or possibly never, of getting over shyness. But it feels I have to find this courage inside of me, just to talk with someone! Argg! My advice, is to just keep going at it. It won't get easier, but at least as long as you try, than your effort will have a chance at succeeding. I figure the most important thing to do is to have patience and just try your best when talking with some random stranger and trying to befriend them. Good luck!

  6. No, your not asking too much. I have a similar problem at hand. My friend broke a friendship with my roomate at College. I want things to go back to the way they were, but I know won't happen. As much as you want to be best friends again, it seems that he has other things on his mind. I suggest to just settle for being, just friends. I know that sounds harsh, but unless you can think of any hope and have tried desperately to search for answers to find out how you can be friends again, it's best just to accept things.

  7. Are there any clubs or sports that interest you? A good way to make friends is to get active in social activities and to be yourself. There's no tried and true method for making a friend, but as long as you are yourself and try your best to make friends, you'll do fine.

  8. There are ways to know if someone likes you. They might behave nervous, when asked about something or asked if liking someone, or they might look away quickly. It can seem like a bad idea to ask if she has a boyfriend, as that would convey you might have interest. But how else will you know unless you ask? I suggest just did it in casual conversation. She might tell you one day, but anything's possible. When you talk to her, do her eyes light up or does she seemed interested in talking to you? That can be another sign. Just go about your day at work, and when get a chance to talk to her, do so.

  9. But if you've realized this much about yourself already and now know what love is, than you have come far. You've had time to heal your wounds it sounds like if you've stayed away for 2 years. I suppose the best way to give something back is to simply be a friend. That's the best way I can think of. It can be hard to give equal treatment for what people have done. But as long as we at least try, the effort will be more than appreciated.

  10. Then why not choose a career that won't require that many years to complete. Because school can be a drag at times, but a good education can get you a better life. Most people with even a simple Bachelor's Degree are about about 22 or 23. Maybe chooose a career that can fit within a 4 year program? Hope that helps.

  11. Well if she has three babies I am sure she is pretty busy with that, while you have been trying to contact her to still be her friend. There could be two possibilities: she's busy or she doens't want a friendship anymore. I'm guessing if she hasn't contacted you in a while she is probably not interested in that close of a friendship you wish for. Sorry I couldn't be of much help. Good luck.

  12. Okay, you really did like this girl and became friends at first, that's good. I don't think that your possible friendship with her is ruined forever. If you still want to help her that's good! I would see through the mutual friends if you can still contact her. Take it slow though. If she still feels that your a stalkerish type again, then it won't work. Approach her when you can and talk to her. See if you can't help her get through the pain that she has felt in the past and is still feeling. You can do it. Good luck!

  13. Many people I know weren't sure what they wanted to do in life during College, so they chose to stay it safe and either go to a Community College or just take required classes and think about it. You don't have to rush anything though. Just think about what you might like or something that interests you. Keep searching. You still have all the time in the world.

  14. The best way to get out of depression, is to get out and do something. Just by staying active, will you feel so much better. So as newt said, go and continue to play basketball, but look for something else. Why not exercise or some other hobby you enjoy? And as he stated darklue, his depression was because of a relationship. There are different states of depressions, it does not mean he has to see a doctor, yet. As long as he tries first, then he has a chance. Good luck!

  15. I had the same problem, but I learned a good way to hang out with a girl, simply for friendship, is simply talk to them as you would with your regular friends, even if they are guys. I honestly believe, besides biologically, that guys and girls aren't that much different than what the media or people say. Just think of anything that interests you and converse with that or any topic that comes to mind. Good luck.

  16. It can be hard to get over loneliness, yet a good way to get out of this unhappiness is to get active! Only then will you be able to enjoy life and truly see what happy things are waiting for you. I am sure it will still take time to get over your ex, but you can stilll be happy being single. Go and out exercise, or maybe do something you like doing. As long as you stay active in pursuit of something, you'll feel better about things. Good luck.

  17. There have been many truths to something. That even though people cna have many friends, they only have a select few who are true friends. I wouldn't worry about now having as many friends as your fiancee, because as long as the friends you do have are true friends, than what more do you need? You are right. It is the quality of a friend that is important and not the quantity. You'll be fine. Good luck.

  18. A good way to get out of depression is not to think about it. A counselor would be a good idea to. It is important when your depressed to get active. You are trying and that's a good effort. I am sure there are other people who feel the same way you do, so maybe group therapy if your interested. But just finding something to keep you active, as you already mentioned exercise is a good way to get out of depression. But you can do it, as long as you believe! Good luck.

  19. It can be hard to truly get through our thoughts and not worry. I suggest trying not to worry about it. It can be very hard, but the more depressed you get about saying the wrong thing, the worse it can get. As long as you try to make an effort, than you've gotten closer to solving your problem. Don't think, just act. Good luck.

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