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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. I've always find that even though it is hard to make friends at times, many times it just comes naturally. I've been here at College and it was to make friends at first, but then things got better. I usually let my new friends initiate if they want to hang out, though I try to intiate things if I get the chance. Just be yourself, that is the most important thing. If your not, than your simply lying to your friends and you.

  2. I'm doing much better, thanks. I know now that I have friends and family who will help me bear with this pain, if I ever ask. But I'm learning to cope with it and become the person I want to be. Thanks Shysoul, I'll keep that in mind. Good luck with your pain, too.

  3. My suggestion is maybe join a help group to boost your confidence in yourself, or maybe clubs that have something you're interested in. It's important not to give up hope, even if things seem hopeless. You may not have many friends now, but that doens't mean you won't have any in the future. I am sure you feel exhausted and think there is nothing you can do to improve yourself, or your situation, but I am there is. Think about it.

  4. What is the class? Perhaps it's the material or the subject. Is the subject in this class not your favorite? Sometimes we get nervous when we don't know the material well, and feel we'll say something stupid. It's not embarrasing to be afraid to make mistakes in class. That's all part of the learning process. We learn by our mistakes. Maybe, study up more on the material before class so you won't be so worried and choke when it's your turn to be called.

  5. Heck no! I have lots of friends in College who have serious relationships and people are dating all the time. Don't let stupid things like that detour you from dating at College. If anything, it's better at College. You get a better choice of whom you wish to date and more flexible time to date them. So, don't worry.

  6. Well I decided to write how I feel, for venting purposes. Enjoy.


    Vanish by Alabama


    Sometimes, I just want to disappear

    I want to leave this world

    I wish to go somewhere else

    Just somewhere I can think


    Since the world is getting too complex

    Life isn't fun anymore

    Things are confusing

    But I'm still me, right?


    But nonetheless I shall go on

    No matter how bad things get

    I will never give up

    Or run away, to the nearest exit


    Yet some days are troublesome

    They are tiring, indeed

    And these days I wish to vanish

    To go somewhere for months or years


    But somehow I am still me

    Somehow I am still here

    I have the strength I suppose

    Is it me, or something else?


    I contemplate and let things be

    Time heals all wounds

    Life gets better, don't you see?

    But we have to fight for that


    Those times I wish to leave

    Those times I wish to disappear

    Will never go away

    But I'll fight, to truly stay

  7. Hey, join the club! Anyway, I also recently started on a personal journey to find out who I am. I suggest think about what makes you interested, and then go from there. It's best to do something you enjoy doing. Don't worry about finding love now, you're still pretty young. It'll come when you least expect it; trust me.

  8. For the past few days I have been going through a severe depression. It hasn't hampered my life yet, but it almost did today. I made a rather crude remark on the Valentine's day post, but am glad it was deleted. For the past few years I've masked my pain. But it always comes back. I love being single, but the pain of not finding anyone, is excrutaiting to me. There have been people who have liked me, but I haven't been interested in them. It hurts not having my love returned. Life is funny like that...

  9. The way I see you just wanted some place. You wanted change. You and your friend had been going to the same place for a long time and you just wanted a different restaurant. I wouldn't place the blame on all you, but your friend should have at least been open to discussing a new restuarant. Since the two of you haven't talked, then nothing has been done to work out this problem. I know you're still mad at your friend, but call her. Try to work something out. You shouldn't let something this simple ruin your friendship of 6 years. Be strong.

  10. It's obvious that he is interested, but he must be too nervous to call you. I've had this feeling plenty of times when I have wanted to call a girl I liked, but was too nervous to call her. So, even though it may seem annoying, I suggest you make the next move. See if he wants to go on a date. Because due to his shyness, it might be a long time before he finally calls you.

  11. You want the truth? You can't. I started looking for love a few years back and couldn't find anyone. Then I stopped, and then it came to me. But I had just gone through the pain of searching and wasn't ready for it yet. So, I didn't take it. Now I wonder if that was the right choice. But I figure I'm still young and I have a chance. If it doens't come again, then at least I had the chance.

  12. Keep it up Shy. I am sure you have been great inspiration for many people here. You have remained strong and by still being here, even after all you've gone through, your still going strong. So never give up. As you have stated, there is always hope. So always believe. You'll find the happiness you seek. I am sure of it.

  13. There are times in our life when things just don't go our way. Thus we want to give up adn think that the world will be indifferent. But that is true of anyone, yet we nonetheless must not give up. We exist in this world and can still live a good life. I am sure that one day you may find someone else you care for. It seems that you want to accept you are friends with this girl, but still play a major role in her life. That is for her to decide if she wants you still to be a big influence. Think things over. You can still mend things with her and go on in life. Life isn't over.

  14. It's taking me a long time it seems. I spent my whole senior year developing who I was and then preparing for College. I was blown back last semester, because I was trying just to concentrate on my studies and not worrying about anything else. But over winter break, I had a sense of change. I realized if I wanted to survive in this world and have an attempt at succeeding, I would need to live in it. Thus I have finally decided to get more involved in social activities and talk with random strangers and make more friends. Any advice?

  15. Even though this guy says he just wants to remain friends, he's just in denial. He does want a relationship it sounds like, and he wants to be more than just friends. But he is holding himself back a little, and trying not openly admit it. Even though he is texting you and as you said, talking about the future together. If you just want to remain friends and not have a relationship, I suggest just to have a talk with him.

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