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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Sadly this will happen in life. We make friends and things are good for a long time, but then events happen in life and we forget our old friends. The fire has been put out. My advice is try to hang out with other friends, or make set plans to meet with your friend and hang out at certain times. But if you feel that your friend has moved on, then as you stated, you wish to do that. Hang out with the friends that matter and that you do now. They will be your support; your strength.

  2. As you pointed earlier, this girl showed you signs that she was interested. Is it too late to tell her the same? If you've already met her family and have know her a long time, then I definitely would say it's not too late. As for the daughter comment, that could possibly be an age gap hint, but I'm not sure. Ask her out. The worst she could say is no. And if that happened, than at least you knew, right?

  3. If he's already given up on himself, than what can you do? I suppose try to reason with him. Tell your friend that you want to help and he doesn't have to become desperate and choose some random girl. But it is for him to decide if you're right and he must be the one to make the right decision. Just tell him the truth of what you think of his decision now, and see where things go. Good luck.

  4. Do you enjoy doing math? You can choose what you wish to do with this field. Follow your heart. Decide for yourself what you want to do and then do it. You still have time to think about what you want to do. Just take general course requirements, or if it's not too late, go to a community college. I have friends who weren't sure what they wanted to do with their lives, so they went to a community college for now. Have hope.

  5. Perhaps things are too easy? Are you doing well in your courses? It could be the course material is too easy for you, and you get bored with it. Or sometimes the same routine can be boring. Spice up your life then. Do something out of the ordinary, or maybe get a hobby so you don't get bored in life. I don't think it's your relationship. As you said, you want to change and change can be good. So, don't worry.

  6. I suggest move on. If you gave your heart and soul to this girl, and all she can think about is her career and if her 'boyfriend' is treating her right, than she isn't much of a girlfriend. I am sure you still deeply care about her, but when she doesn't really return your feelings for her, than what kind of a relationship is that? Move on. You deserve better.

  7. I know how it can see that people just won't leave you alone, but your still rather young. You will have time to yourself, especially when your older and not working or going to school. It can be tough to bear, but your sister, I am sure, is just trying to protect you. Go to London and try to have fun, nonetheless. You won't get that many oppurtunities later in life to visit countries, as you'll be tied down with work.

  8. You're still pretty young, and I undestand it can be a struggle to get your life into shape and to get keep studying. I feel like that sometimes. But I realize that in life I will be struggling to survive later on, and if I really work hard now, I have a better chance later in life. Think about what you're good at and go from there. Pick a good university and choose that. If possilbe, I know your depressed, but try to think positive. Your life is not over. It's just beginning. I suggest maybe going to a community college, since it's cheaper and you can just take general course requirements, so you have more time to think about what you want to do with your life. Get a simple part time job if possible, so you can have money as you think to pay for College. Good luck.

  9. That's pretty good advice. If she's just looking for a fling when her boyfriend isn't around, tell her you're not interested. Does she do this with any of her other friends? Maybe it's just her way of showing that she likes you as a friend...

  10. I'm happy being by myself. After going through some rough patches, I've decided to choose being single, if I ever decide to pursue a relationship again, I might, but I just want to improve myself. I've found it can get lonely at times being single, but it's wonderful! I have lots of freedom and am learning to depend on myself. My advice is to keep busy or do something that interests you, so you won't get depressed at times. Good luck.

  11. I feel the same way. I loved being single last year, and then I had some girls interested in me. I had no interest in them and wasn't ready to leave the single life, so I let things pass. Well that was several months ago and I wonder if that was my only chance at finding love. So, your not alone. All I want to do right now is endure this pain and continue to grow as a person. You'll get another chance, have hope.

  12. What was the setting that they would correct your grammar or pronunciation? If it was public, they might not have wanted to make fun of you in public. But if they did in private, they would be able to get away with it. Or maybe they were just having fun. Anyway, if they do continue as LiquidCherry said, than I'd cut them off. If it was only a one time thing, than I suppose don't worry about it. Good luck.

  13. So your friend hasn't made any mention of the package in 2 weeks? Well, I suggest wait and see if your friend mentions anything about your gift. You could email them again or call, but it's your choice. If they don't mention it anytime soon, then try to email again. If nothing, well then they're not much of a friend then are they? I guess don't worry about sending a gift then next year, if they don't thank you for this one. Good luck!

  14. 4 weeks seems kind of quick to fall in love with someone, it could just be infautation for the person. Don't make any claims just yet; how well do you know this person already? Have you met her family or a lot of her friends? Don't make any conclusions yet and just see how things go. Good luck.

  15. I suggest just see things go from here. You've obviousely been through a lot with a rollercoaster of emotion wondering if you are just friends with this girl. Does she still have a boyfriend? If she does, then just let things be. If not then take some more time to think about this and think and see if she feels the same way about you. Good luck.

  16. This sounds troublesome. You really want to be friends with this girl again, but at the same time the feelings will not go away. Love can have a powerful effect on people and sometimes it does not want to let go. I suggest, as cruel as this can seem, is to let things be. If your feelings for this girl will not go away, than seeing her with other people can be even more troublesome. Until you somehow learn to handle these feelings, I suggest just let things be.

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