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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. What if your being with her all the time just drives her crazy? Again, the abover posters have pointed out that if she doesn't change than is there really any point in having hope? It's fine if you just want to be friends, but don't sacrifice your hope for love for someone who hasn't returned your love. You will only grow lonely. Don't do it.

  2. As helpful as you want to be for this guy, it sounds like he has a lot of problems to deal with himself, before he should think about asking for friends in an ad. It's not good to be in a desperate situation and think that love or friendship will neccesarily save you. This guy has learn that if he wants his life better, it will be up to him to make it better. I learned that the hard way.

  3. NEVER think your worthless or useless. All of us are unique and we each have talents. I am sure that there are people in this world who care for you, what about your family? Think about what interests you and do that. You will be happy to have accomplished something. Also, I am sure you are not ugly. Beauty is only skin deep, after all. How about exercising or some heart-pumping activity? Getting the blood pumping, can make you feel great. Never think your are a bad person, you are a good person. Believe.

  4. Good advice as I see it, is someone who analyzes the problem and then gives their best advice in hypothetical conclusions. It is one thing to be empathetic, and that is good when telling someone the advice, but you do not want to simply tell them what they want to hear, it is best to give the advice that will solve their problem, even if the advice seems harsh, sometimes you need that kind of advice to solve the problem. The truth, I believe, is the best advice of all.

  5. A good idea to talk to this girl alone, so he isn't so nervous when talking, is to ask her if he can talk to her alone or maybe when he gets a chance just talk to her when she is alone. The oppurtunity though won't always arise, and he will need to put forth effort to make it happen. Good luck to him.

  6. I understand where your coming from. You hate to do routine things and want to go out and have fun. But your friends are the opposite. I agree with the above poster, if you want to go out on this holiday trip, it would be best to compromise with your friends and do things they want, but they must understand that you will want want to do something else than go to the local pub. Talk with them about this and see where this idea goes. Good luck.

  7. It's mostly what comes natural to people, as they're personality allows them to comfortable around people and be rather good socializers. I am not one of those people. I tend to think, and even though I am trying to socialize more, it's not easy. However I'm making small progress, but just thinking positively and then just going for it. Sometimes, it's best not to think at all and just act upon impulse.

  8. You sound like you need some self-condidence in yourself. I'm going through that phase. A good way not be way too emotional, is to self-evaluate yourself and see what your strengths are. You are not useless or worthless. We all have something about ourselves that makes us unique and great inside. Find that. Do some research and think about what makes you interesting and what your interests are. Good luck.

  9. Just because you didn't chase girls at an early age, does not mean you're a homosexual now. You're still 25 and you still have a chance to meet and date a girl. It's not impossible. Read up on dating, ask friends thier opinions, go to clubs, do things to socialize and learn NOW! Quit regretting your past mistakes and make a change in the future. It's not to late.

  10. Sadly, I don't think much can be helped at this time. The mother is in control of her child, and as you stated, your girlfriend still cares for her mother, but who is to blame then? The mother might change one day, but there is way to be sure. Accept things as they are now, until they get better. Sorry.

  11. From the way he talks and the way he is interacting with you, I think the 'spark' you two had, may have died. He seems he still likes you as a friend, but I don't think it's anymore than that. He talks to you when he sees you, but as you pointed out, he doens't call you personally to hang out, like 2 years ago. That's how I see it.

  12. Beauty is all an opinion. Don't think that simply becuase they think your friend us cute, that you are ugly. You shouldn't compare yourself to others and then rely on other people's opinions. You should be the one to make the decision. You are beautiful and unique the way you are. Remember that.

  13. He was using you. Sadly, that happens in life. There are men who are led by thier hormones and they use women for sex. It's the sad truth of realitly. I'm sorry this happened to you...but there are good guys out there, trust me.

  14. As much as I am sure he cares about, he just needs to be himself. He needs to have his own life, while also sharing his life with you. If you're too clingy and want to hang out with him 24/7, then he will be annoyed and might break up. Develop some hobbies, hang out with people that interest you. It doesn't always have to be about him.

  15. How long have you worked at your new job? Usually it takes time to get to know people and make friends. Even if you aren't interested in sports, I am sure there are other things you find interesting, that they might, too. And I'm wondering to, what makes you so sure what you like is nerdy? It can't be that bad. Just have patience.

  16. Don't give up, yet. It's true their opinions carry values as they have expertise in this area, but you can still make it. You're still at a good age and you can always train more to become a good Ruby player. Maybe get tips from a friend, or see if you can get proffesional training or something. It's not over, until the fat lady sings. Remember that.

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