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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It can take sometime to get over someone, but I suggest possibly meet other people or just do some activity that will get this girl off your mind, as when you don't think about something or someone for a long time, it wil get better when you have to see them again and again. Good luck.

  2. LOL. Yah, it feels like I'm dealing with the same thing. I'm a nice guy, but I just don't seem to have confidence in myself. I realize I need it and am trying to improve myself, but hang in there JonnyG! Even if you haven't found someone who has reciprocated your love, you definitely shouldn't change. I'm still single and know I won't change. Why should I? Have patience and good luck!

  3. What's causing you to do poorly on all your subjects? Even though you may not be a master in the maths or science, you can still learn techinques to do well. What kind of learner are you? That may help you improve, but mostly I'm wondering is the homeworks stressing you out? You can always ask your friends or teachers for help on your subjects.

  4. There this girl in my Japanese class that I've liked for a while, but in class one day in an activitiy she said she didn't date. So, I thought I had accept that. But then recently she's started to hang out with my group of friends in class. Well, we just happen to walk some of the same route back to the dorms. I don't why, but today I just asked her why she didn't date. She just told me "I just don't". I said okay, but then I saw her leaving her the same she goes and not even say goodbye. I've been trying to accept just being friends with girls and hope I am just overanalyzing this. But it feels harder just to accept friendships with girls and nothing more. Am I just overanalyzing this?

  5. Do you find the photo too beautiful and think you don't stand a chance with her? Do you happen to know if Melissa has any feelings for you? I wouldn't just give up yet, I mean besides finding a job and a place to live, there is still time for you to find this girl. I know you said it takes you a while to figure out information processed, but if you can think about it and know there is a chance with this girl, than why not ask her out?

  6. What language did you translate the article from? I'm curious. Also the tone the fact that our life will be over one day, but counting doesn't neccesarily make it worse. We need counting to survive. We depend on it. And when it is our time to go, then that is that. We lived. Isn't that enough? That we were given the gift of life and allowed to enjoy this world in it's happiness and sadness? I think so.

  7. Well if you're feeling sad because of isolation, than why not try to make more friends? When I was early into my second semester of college, I felt depressed because I hadn't made friends. Yet when I opened up to people and actually started to talk to people, then things started to feel better. As for your ex, is it really such a good idea to keep your isolation to yourself? I know you want to get back together with him, but isn't one of the few people who can really help you?

  8. As hard as it to hold it all in and not burden anyone with your problems, tell someone about this. I have this same problem. Whenever I feel depressed I keep it in a times, but that is not a good way to handle things. We cannot lie to the people we love, since we feel we won't hurt them this way, but we're only hurting them more by not telling. The sooner you tell someone who cares, as you said your ex for example, the sooner you can get your problem solved. Or have you thought about exercise? It's a good stress reliever.

  9. Are you afraid of being hurt and that is why you've put this "aura" around you? If it is, than think about why it has developed and as tylercdurden2004 suggested, work on making a positive image. Don't think in your mind all the time, but be more extroverted in your thinking.

  10. Yes, I think you're right. If your friend has a problem, it's that he can't stay mad at this girl for long. She's stolen money from him, cheated on him, and he still hasn't officially broken up with her. Your friend is getting trampled and if he hasn't learned the hard way, than there really is no hope for him.

  11. Well I applied several months back for a Resident Advisor position. A Resident Advisor for anyone who doesn't know, is someone who is in charge of the floor of guys or girls they are assigned to. It is a big responsibility, but it pays room & board and it is a good experience. Well, I got it. I just got the call today and am amazed. I have been searching for a way to improve my self-confidence inside myself and know that this is a great oppurtunity to do that. I know it will be possibly stressful next year, with keeping in charge of the guys floor I'll be attending over, plus going to classes, but I know I can do it. I've made it this far. Now I'm going to see how far I can truly go...

  12. IronLight85 is right. If you're life is this bad right now, than it is your responsibility to help make it better. Never give up hope. As long as you believe you can fix things, than there will be a chance you can. Why did you get expelled? Is it possible you could take summer school, or would the school not be willing to change or amend their decision? It's also possible to find work, a car can be replaced by bus transportation, and why do you consider yourself a loser? I am sure you are not one. If you were able to get a job, that's pretty good so far. I am sure you have unique interests and skills you can use in life. Also you don't have neccesarily have to worry about high school either. As long as you are good in your proffesion, than that might be good enough. Believe in yourself.

  13. Once something is done, we worry if we've made mistakes or could have done better. But what's done is done. The test is over and whatever you end up getting, just remember your mistakes and don't do them again. Simple.

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