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Do you think she will come back & do you think I should


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I posted this in another dating forum but I only got a few responses so I wanted to try and get more here. Dealing with a tough breakup and trying to figure out if my ex will comeback or if I should just move on. I will give some history so sorry in advance for the length.


My ex and I started dating January 2017 and the breakup happened March 2018. We broke up once in September for a couple weeks because of religious differences. She is very religious and I was more agnostic. My viewpoint has change on that since the March break up and I can talk about that later. When we got back together from the September breakup, she said she didn’t care about the religious differences and knew that she wanted to be with me. In fact three days later she wanted a ring. She knew that she is the one I wanted to marry but I figured 9 months is a bit early and I did express that to her. Since the September breakup things were great. In fact it sealed the deal for me knowing that without any reasonable doubt that I wanted to marry her but I just wanted the dust to settle from the September breakup. We went on a trip for her birthday which happens to fall on Valentine’s Day. Since we live up north where it is cold we went someplace warm with beaches and she likes them I wanted to take her to one. I paid for us to stay there and get there. We had an argument the first day there over some financing. I said a couple times over the course of a couple of months prior to the trip that I would get us there and she can pay for activities and meals. Even though I knew for her birthday I was going to paying for all of that day. She wasn’t happy about that because she doesn’t remember me mentioning that. I admitted that was my fault as I should have been clearer and it was my failure in communicating there. The fight was the low point of the trip but the rest was amazing. Everyone at her work was saying before we left that I was going to propose. I told her before the trip that wasn’t going to happen because the dust is really starting to completely settle from the prior breakup to get ready for something like that but we are definitely very close to proposing. Though I already knew I was going to propose to her this summer. I just didn't want her to know because well I wanted to surprise her even though she would bug me about it regarding a timeline. I was actually starting to look at rings that I wanted to get her at that time and starting to save up some cash to get one. That fight was our first real fight after getting back together from the small breakup in September.


Anyways everything seemed fine when we got back from the trip. There was no indication of her wanting to call it off and then out of the blue two weeks later she broke up with me. My friends who saw us a couple days prior where just as shocked as I was. They were saying she couldn't stay away from me the night they saw us. In fact even in pictures you can see body language that points to that from that night and she was still wanting a ring right up until we broke up.


She said her reason was that when she is 80 and looks back at her life she doesn’t think she would be happy with me. Then a couple days later she told me that she loved me and missed me. Couple days later after that she said that she loved me but she wasn’t in love with me. She did tell me that her friends asked her why she was breaking up with me. They said he must of done this or that. She told them I didn't do anything of the sort and I was an amazing guy. A couple weeks of being broken up and with limited contact, she had a big panic attack and called me. Concerned for her safety I ended up staying the night because she was worried about having to go to the ER. I offered to sleep on the couch but she wanted me to sleep in the bed with her “one last time.” We were up all night long making out and had sex. We both only got an hour of sleep before work the next day.


Now here is where I completely messed up with the breakup. I did everything you were not supposed to do and was very needy and desperate. I was this way for the next month and a half. At the end of March she said she wanted space which was only two weeks after the night I went over. So I wasn’t talking to her as much from that point but still about every few days to a week I would contact her to try and get back with her. Sometimes she was very receptive and the next very cold. I happen to find out that right after that night I stayed over that she was sending seductive snaps to a guy from her work later in the week. (Part of the issue why I think we broke up that I discovered later) She also around the same time started to go on dates with guys she met from online dating. Basically within two weeks of us breaking up from a year and three month long relationship.


During the month of May I went completely NC after trying to fight for her in April but knew she was going on dates with guys one to two times a week. I went and worked on myself and try to figure out what caused the breakup. I lost about 20 pounds from working out and prior to that I lost another 20 pounds from the start of the breakup from being hurt and not really eating. So I guess you could say some of that was a win for me. I found out some insecurity issues I had that caused me to be jealous of the guy from her work during my NC. Never noticed it but it did make me shut down a bit when I was trying to figure out how I was going to provide a future for us. So I wasn’t giving her as much attention and he was feeding her a lot of it. The guy was a complete player too and she knew that. He actually caused her best friend to call off her engagement a couple of months at the end of 2017 after him teasing her that he wanted to get with her. That is a great story in itself. I don't think she talks to that guy anymore outside of work but not entirely sure on that.


I tried reaching out to her at the beginning of June and try to reconnect and start to be friends first and go from there. She still was upset from what I did after the breakup and still doesn’t want to talk to me and says she wants space to move on. Here is my thing about her moving on. Shortly after that conversation she started to talk to a guy online, meet him and now I would say seeing him even though it isn't on Facebook. She also posted a picture of them together from the 4th of July. Found out from a mutual friend that he has been staying at her place every single night since the fourth and for some weird reason he sleeps on the couch every night when she goes to bed. Since then I went full NC by deactivating my Facebook and I no longer talk to that mutual friend.


Things I find as a red flag. The fact she has only known him a month and posted a picture of them on Facebook together so quick. Also staying over every night to me indicates this could be a rebound relationship. We took our time before we even stayed over at each others place. About a good month and a half before we even stay a night on a weekend. We would hang out through out the week but go home at night to our own places. As time went on we would stay at each others places throughout the week more and more but not within basically 2 weeks of knowing each other. The picture thing is a bit odd as well. We held off on things on Facebook of us being linked together until we were sure we were official or really close to announcing it. We were friends from day one but our first picture together was a good 3 months into our dating. Things posted like her talking about the flowers I got her would be there but she would be reserved and not tag me in them. I think we did everything nice and slow and this new relationship seems to be going faster than a rocket ship. So here is a quick over view and I can give more details, just ask about it. I just think that this is a rebound or it could be that she is in such a hurry for a ring. Which I think is still as bad for that relationship. I feel a bit sad for the guy to be honest because he is being roped into something unknowingly.


Couple odd behaviors of her.

Facebook pictures of us are still there just hidden. I can see them because I am tagged in them. Her ex of 10 years that she married and her first ever relationship, she deleted all photos and all printed ones of them. Even pictures from their wedding! Considering I am the second person she has dated I think that is a bit weird she isn't doing the same thing as she did for him. She also packed everything away that I got her. The time I knew her she didn't have anything that was sentimental to her ex. She has clinical depression and right around our breakup they changed her meds and lowered dosage. I should note that during our time together her depression was the best it ever was in years. After the breakup it was the worst it ever was that they actually had to increase her dosage. Found that out from her mother just before NC in May. She used to do counseling but I don't think she has gone in months.


What I am wondering is if I should continue NC, try LC or even just say screw it and move on. I am skeptical whether she is the one for me at times but if she is willing to work on herself I would like to have her back. A friend of mine thinks that this current guy will only last until a wedding in early September. So she is not alone there and has a date that looks good since he is an attorney. That would put it at the 3 month mark which would fall in a rebound. He is also very different from me. Likes to go downtown and party, chews tobacco (find odd on that since she wouldn't date someone that smokes so not sure if that falls in the same category) He is more into status symbols and that was something she never cared about. Since he is different and how fast they are going also makes me think it is a rebound.


I am wondering as well if she will contact me on my birthday next month. She knows how much that would mean to me. Not really a text from her but from anyone since I never really celebrated my birthday. Last year she went out of her way to make sure I had an amazing birthday. I feel her contacting me for that is 50/50 which might be more out of pity than anything and she might not because she is with this new guy.


I find myself some days doing better than others and I will admit I am having trouble moving on. Also some days I feel like I don't want her back and others I am completely miserable. What are your thoughts on my situation?

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You have already broken up twice in less than two years.


She seems to have no idea what she wants. You don't talk about marriage and break up a couple of weeks later if you know what you want.


Allowing yourself open to the idea of getting back with her will only cause more pain.


She very well might try to get back with you, but I imagine that it will end with her wanting to break up again.


Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't know what they want and is this wishy washy will just be an emotional roller coaster that would most likely never work in the end.

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Well, from the first paragraph I would tell you to forget about getting back together with her. And then as I continued reading, I couldn't figure out why you would want your ex back, considering that she flips out and is constantly arguing with you. And then you get to the part where she's dating and sleeping with other guys. At that point, I still can't understand why you would want her back. But then you get to the "Couple odd behaviors" where you drop the bomb that she had been married for 10 years before and has clinical depression! Whoa! How old are you guys?


So I don't think you are really in love with her. I see the Shining Knight Syndrome where you want to save her from herself. But that would be a pretty poor reason to renew the relationship. You need to let her go.


Get outside. Go walking. Go to the beach. Talk to some girls. Go to some concerts. Chat up some old friends. Maybe see what some of your old high school sweethearts are doing. There are other girls out there and there's no excuse to be caught up in your ex-girlfriend's drama. Maybe you should work on your self-esteem because you can certainly find someone who will love you equally and not be totally caught up in herself.

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You do hit on something my counselor said. They were wondering about her previous marriage. That it might of been filled with a lot of highs and lows. She very much wants to be treated as a princess where everything is her way. She would get mad at me if she asked me a question and I didn't answer her the way she thought I should. I always told her people have different opinions and she shouldn't get upset at people like that.


She says she knows what she wants but really I don't think she does very much and is just in a rush to get married. To put out some kids because her biological clock is ticking. But to also jump so fast into that next relationship kind of validates that point of not knowing what she wants. With her being strongly religious I was amazed to find out that she had sex with a guy after two dates back in April. Also she hasn't really been going to church from my understanding since we broke up. She really tries to portray the I'm innocent character and gets upset if you do call her out on something. She doesn't want the world to know. When I was fighting for her in April some friends saw her out with a guy and they told me about it. They didn't know we had broken up yet and wanted to let me know she was cheating on me. They said hi to her that day but she was cold to them. I told her about it and she got upset because she said it was an attack on her character. Can't be when you were in public.


I feel like she is going through a mid life crisis thing about never having the single life when she was younger since she did get married right away and now she was doing some of that and met this guy.

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She just turned 30 and I am 34 until next month. The depression was an issue but it was really good during our time together. After the breakup the depression was so bad that she almost had to quite her job and go to the hospital. I can see where you are coming from about why I would want to get back together. I ask myself the same thing and wonder why this girl has such a hold on me. Past relationships I never had a problem but this one has caused me so much pain.

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You do hit on something my counselor said. They were wondering about her previous marriage. That it might of been filled with a lot of highs and lows. She very much wants to be treated as a princess where everything is her way. She would get mad at me if she asked me a question and I didn't answer her the way she thought I should. I always told her people have different opinions and she shouldn't get upset at people like that.


I feel like she is going through a mid life crisis thing about never having the single life when she was younger since she did get married right away and now she was doing some of that and met this guy.

These statements tell you everything you need to know about her.


Start no contact immediately so you can start your healing process. This means no calls/texts, deleting her contact information and unfriending her on every form of social media. And do not stalk her for any reason. The best thing you can do is disappear and concentrate on learning, growing and being a better man that is going to be something that the next wonderful woman that comes into your life will want in hers.


As part of the healing process, I highly recommend disabling your Facebook and other social media accounts so that you will not be tempted to creep her. When you creep her, it is like stabbing yourself in the heart and is a blocker in the healing process. Once you start to heal, you'll eventually accept the situation for what it is and was and then you'll be able to realize that she would not have been a good long term investment.....as her ex husband learned a long time ago. I know this advice sounds harsh, but this is the reality that you will come to grips with once you start to take back the space that you gave to her in your mind and heart.


You've taken a very good first step by getting professional counseling. It takes a lot of strength to admit that you need help. I hope you continue down this road and that you heal and move forward in many positive ways in your life.

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Dealing with a tough breakup and trying to figure out if my ex will comeback or if I should just move on.


Moving on is your percentage play. If ex is ever free and clear of her old nonsense and ready for a relationship with you, she'll have no problem catching up to you to let you know. Consider that if the two of you were ever a meant-to-be deal, you'll both meet on higher ground someday. Meanwhile, it's up to each of you to reach that place on your own.


Head high.

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These statements tell you everything you need to know about her.


Start no contact immediately so you can start your healing process. This means no calls/texts, deleting her contact information and unfriending her on every form of social media. And do not stalk her for any reason. The best thing you can do is disappear and concentrate on learning, growing and being a better man that is going to be something that the next wonderful woman that comes into your life will want in hers.


As part of the healing process, I highly recommend disabling your Facebook and other social media accounts so that you will not be tempted to creep her. When you creep her, it is like stabbing yourself in the heart and is a blocker in the healing process. Once you start to heal, you'll eventually accept the situation for what it is and was and then you'll be able to realize that she would not have been a good long term investment.....as her ex husband learned a long time ago. I know this advice sounds harsh, but this is the reality that you will come to grips with once you start to take back the space that you gave to her in your mind and heart.


You've taken a very good first step by getting professional counseling. It takes a lot of strength to admit that you need help. I hope you continue down this road and that you heal and move forward in many positive ways in your life.


The reason why her marriage ended was because her husband had an emotional affair with one of his co-workers. They tried working on that marriage for two years before she ended it. Now he is dating the girl he had the affair with. At least that is her side of the story. I actually thought about reaching out to him to get his side and see if he did. If he did have one what he thought was the cause of him to have the affair. Whether it was something he/she wasn't providing in the marriage. I have a feeling he might say it was because it was always about her and that he got detached.


She is removed on all social media and actually has been for months. My Facebook has been deactivated for almost a month. The big one that I have yet to do is the phone which it will be a good idea to do that as well. Actually your advice doesn't sound harsh. I actually feel that on some days just others I do struggle which I wish I wasn't the case. Sleep is still an issue with me since I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. Pretty sure this is the cause of that.


Yeah the counseling was a huge step and I glad I did. I did end up learning a lot from my relationship with my ex from her.

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Moving on is your percentage play. If ex is ever free and clear of her old nonsense and ready for a relationship with you, she'll have no problem catching up to you to let you know. Consider that if the two of you were ever a meant-to-be deal, you'll both meet on higher ground someday. Meanwhile, it's up to each of you to reach that place on your own.


Head high.


I actually feel like I might be on higher ground long before she will get there. So I think that will help me and that if she does reach out and wants to get back together I am sure I would have moved on and said no. Sadly though I can't predict the future and know whether or not that will truly happen. That is why I am trying to figure out if she is in a rebound. To hopefully prepare for that day if it happens. So I am not blindsided again you could say. I always like to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. So depending on the day and how I feel. The worst could be never seeing her again to best getting back with her or vice versa if I feel like I want to move on.

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To be quite honest, I can't see this working out. She isn't the right woman for you and whether you see it or not, she treats you and has treated you very badly.

She only ever saw you as an option and then started messing with your head. Her feelings for you went back and forth and she essentially replaced you as quickly as she could.


No, she didn't do that to try to get over you, she did that because she is a selfish, self centered person who only cares about her own feelings.


Why you keep wanting her back is beyond me. You really should take care of yourself and your own feelings and change your focus.

Do whatever you can to heal and move on. You can find someone eventually who is better for you.

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To be quite honest, I can't see this working out. She isn't the right woman for you and whether you see it or not, she treats you and has treated you very badly.

She only ever saw you as an option and then started messing with your head. Her feelings for you went back and forth and she essentially replaced you as quickly as she could.


No, she didn't do that to try to get over you, she did that because she is a selfish, self centered person who only cares about her own feelings.


Why you keep wanting her back is beyond me. You really should take care of yourself and your own feelings and change your focus.

Do whatever you can to heal and move on. You can find someone eventually who is better for you.


You make some valid points. I do believe she only cares about herself and I think that was a big cause of the issues from her previous marriage. So you think that her current relationship isn't a rebound. But more so one of her just focusing on her feelings of what she needs of having a guy now verses really something long term. That instant gratification kind of thing.


I ask myself at times why I would want to get back with her and I have yet to fully figure out an answer. I think if I had to guess it would be because if sat down and actually talked about our issues we could resolve them. But that doesn't happen because she will talk to her friends about it and not to me. Even when I do get a chance to talk to her about something she just sits there and doesn't contribute. She then will decide with her friends what she should do and that is pretty much the end of it. I am at a loss with whatever issue we would have. Early in our relationship it was the complete opposite. We had no problem talking to each other and had deep conversations. Towards the end I would try to talk to her but it wasn't the same from her end.


My friends say that she doesn't deserve me. In fact I heard early on in the breakup that she mentioned to her friends that I didn't deserve this either. Found that a bit interesting. Last night I actually had a dream and was thinking about if she came back. I was feeling more that I would tell her that I don't won't to be with her. When I woke up I actually felt a bit at ease since that is the first I have felt that in months. I do feel like I am getting closer to moving on.

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You need to protect yourself, tinman94. So far, you are making the right decision, moving on. You have seen all the signs and clues. There is no doubt that she will have trouble with any man, so it is best that it is not you. You need to protect yourself by making sure, in your mind, that she will be trouble for you and she will hurt you. Then you need to protect yourself emotionally that you will not fall for any pity party that she will enjoin you in to take her back. And if these things with several guys can happen now, it will happen when you are together. Its just a matter of time.


So consider spending your time and money on getting in shape physically, mentally and spiritually so that you are gonna be a good catch when you meet the next woman who, I hope, is more likely to be faithful.

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You need to protect yourself, tinman94. So far, you are making the right decision, moving on. You have seen all the signs and clues. There is no doubt that she will have trouble with any man, so it is best that it is not you. You need to protect yourself by making sure, in your mind, that she will be trouble for you and she will hurt you. Then you need to protect yourself emotionally that you will not fall for any pity party that she will enjoin you in to take her back. And if these things with several guys can happen now, it will happen when you are together. Its just a matter of time.


So consider spending your time and money on getting in shape physically, mentally and spiritually so that you are gonna be a good catch when you meet the next woman who, I hope, is more likely to be faithful.


You know that is something that is helping me I think move on. Is the fact that I am pretty positive that she would do the same thing over again and I really do not want to deal with that drama.


Definitely getting in shape physically, mentally and spiritually. Since the breakup I have lost about 40-45 pounds. About 20 of that was initial breakup and not eating but the rest was from getting in shape and being active. Going to be getting into a gym soon and hit the weights. It will feel good to do that again. Mentally I have read a lot of relationship books to help me understand my wants and needs and also how to understand those of others better. Spiritually I can say that I believe I have found God after all these years being agnostic and attempting to seek him out. Something I know she wanted but I can say I did it for myself and I am really happy about it now. At times I get a feeling of hoping she will reach out just so I can turn her down. Has anyone ever had that feeling before but still getting the conflicting part of fully moving on?

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The more your describe this woman, the more immature and selfish she sounds. I can't for the life of me see why she would even think it was a good idea to drag her friends into yours and hers problems.

It's not their business.


She won't communicate with you properly, you have tried. You saying that she sits there is again behavior that is impossible to deal with. No one could ever have a healthy relationship with a person like that.

She is a grown woman, she could easily get help for whatever unresolved issues she has. But by the sounds of it, she doesn't care and is more interested in doing as she pleases without thought of who she hurts.

You really are doing the right thing in tossing her and moving on. She truly is going to cause harm for any man she decides to get involved with.


Keep moving forward and keep reminding yourself that you're saving yourself from a lot of pain. You are moving towards something better.

You don't need her, you never did.

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The more your describe this woman, the more immature and selfish she sounds. I can't for the life of me see why she would even think it was a good idea to drag her friends into yours and hers problems.

It's not their business.


She won't communicate with you properly, you have tried. You saying that she sits there is again behavior that is impossible to deal with. No one could ever have a healthy relationship with a person like that.

She is a grown woman, she could easily get help for whatever unresolved issues she has. But by the sounds of it, she doesn't care and is more interested in doing as she pleases without thought of who she hurts.

You really are doing the right thing in tossing her and moving on. She truly is going to cause harm for any man she decides to get involved with.


Keep moving forward and keep reminding yourself that you're saving yourself from a lot of pain. You are moving towards something better.

You don't need her, you never did.


I also feel like she has been stringing me along in this breakup. Since I have gone completely NC and her seeing this guy. (whatever you call it with its weird behaviors) She hasn't attempted to contact me since then and I am sure she is just in the honeymoon phase with this new guy. I do feel that it will end just as fast as it started and I am hoping that if that happens and she reaches out that I will be in a place where I won't take her back but time will tell on that.

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Late yesterday and today have been tough. I have been really fighting the urge to contact her. Trying to maintain NC and give her space while waiting for this new relationship or whatever you will call it end. I have a feeling that it might burn up just as fast as it started and I think that is giving me some hope of getting her back. I really do feel that if we can talk about our problems we can resolve them and reconcile. Though I just don't know if she will actually give the time of day to actually do that right now. So because of that it is helping me maintain NC because I don't deserve that.

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Late yesterday and today have been tough. I have been really fighting the urge to contact her. Trying to maintain NC and give her space while waiting for this new relationship or whatever you will call it end. I have a feeling that it might burn up just as fast as it started and I think that is giving me some hope of getting her back. I really do feel that if we can talk about our problems we can resolve them and reconcile. Though I just don't know if she will actually give the time of day to actually do that right now. So because of that it is helping me maintain NC because I don't deserve that.


I feel your pain my friend. Try to stay busy with activities you enjoy. If not doing already, I highly recommend a gym membership. I use my emotions to fuel my workouts and I feel great after. Not to mention youll look amazing in a few months.

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I feel your pain my friend. Try to stay busy with activities you enjoy. If not doing already, I highly recommend a gym membership. I use my emotions to fuel my workouts and I feel great after. Not to mention youll look amazing in a few months.


Yeah that is the hard part. Activities that I enjoy that she didn't have anything to do with I don't anymore. I feel completely numb. One of those was flying and I tried that a couple weeks ago and I usually feel great after a nice little flight. I felt completely nothing. My walks have started to make me feel great but lately they are not having the same effect on me. I am planning on joining a gym. That will be great to start doing again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I wanted to give an update. Still having struggles with sleeping at night. Usually wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep. I know that it is because of missing her next to me. Time thinking about her throughout the day is getting less but is still noticeably there.


I am bummed a bit because of everything I learned about myself and changed all during NC. I really wanted to share that with her and I feel like I won't be able to. I do think she would be really proud of the new me. The more I think about this guy she is with the more I know he isn't the one for her so I am just trying to buy my time until that potentially fails and she contacts me. Debating on doing some online dating but I hate the fact of leading women on that it might not be a long term relationship. So being a bit reserved on that idea.


Either way I still miss her and I would like her back. I am hoping over the next month things get better. I haven't contacted her in almost two months but I hope that she does reach out to me and that we can work on us. Or at least see if she is willing to do that. If not I know she isn't the one for me.

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Sorry to hear this. Broken hearts hurt. You can dabble with online dating, why not? For example get a good profile and some nice pics up and at least start to browse. If something catches your eye, send a message, meet for a brief low-key coffee. All you have to do is be sincere and not string anyone along, make empty promises, talk about your ex, etc.

Usually wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep. I know that it is because of missing her next to me. The more I think about this guy she is with. Debating on doing some online dating but I hate the fact of leading women
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Sorry to hear this. Broken hearts hurt. You can dabble with online dating, why not? For example get a good profile and some nice pics up and at least start to browse. If something catches your eye, send a message, meet for a brief low-key coffee. All you have to do is be sincere and not string anyone along, make empty promises, talk about your ex, etc.


That is a bit of my thought on it. Still just hate doing it because around here online dating is a small sub-group. So most women are looking for a long term and I just don't want to feel that the potential of that is there. But who knows I could meet someone better than my ex through it as well.

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There is something I am a bit proud of today. So like most cities we have food trucks. Where I work there isn't much for food options so usually I go home the nine miles one way but I have been craving to go to a food truck. I find out that there was going to be a BBQ one right next to where she works. She works in the same area as I do. I love BBQ so what do I do on my lunch? I go there, park my car and get my food. Once I get my food I sit next to my car with my back turned towards her work. I am maybe 200 feet away from her building but she would be able to see me easily since they have huge windows in the front. She definitely knows my car and there was a clear shot of my car from her building. I just sit there and enjoy my delicious BBQ. I feel good about it because with the 45 pound weight loss and new clothes I look good. My weight loss is definitely noticeable dropping from 205 to 160. Its kind of like a rub in her face about what she is missing since I have changed and she gave me up. Now I don't know if she saw me but she also has a lot of friends that work there as well. So I wouldn't doubt if one saw me. I enjoyed some good BBQ and I feel good about the progress I have made over the last few months of improving myself. We haven't seen each out in person since the first week in May. So if she did see me I think it would be great to have her get some pain back about what she is missing from someone that is willing to work on themselves.


Is this a bit childish? Probably but it makes me feel good I am going to go with it. Even though I may miss her I am not going to have her dictate how I feel all the time and I will take this as a small victory for me to be happy.

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So last night I failed and ended NC. A friend of mine mentioned that my ex cleared out some photos recently on her social media. Last night I couldn't sleep so I ended up activating my Facebook account and looked at her profile. Big mistake! She started to delete photos of us. The ones from our last trip are still there which are hidden to everyone else but pretty much everything else is gone. Even just pictures of flowers I got her she deleted. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I am so distraught in the fact like our time didn't mean anything. I know I at least tried to fix our relationship during the breakup but this hurts. I know a lot of people say she doesn't deserve me but I still want to reconcile. I still want to at least work at it but seeing those photos gone just means all hope is gone for that. After last Friday's small victory this is a complete defeat.

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Photo removal is pretty common sadly. My ex deleted the majority of our photos 4 days before we broke up:D


Stay with the NC you were doing well!


Yeah I just didn't think she would after 5 months being broken up. It was given me some hope that we would reconcile. But now I don't feel that.

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