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is what's happening to me an excuse for him to lie and hide or cheat?


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p.s, i wish you my previous 2 threads to know what my bf is doing and are we going through exactly so you can judge well


anyways, we've been together for 6 months


in these 6 months a lot happened to me; one of my male friends (my bf already knows about) got mad when he knew i'm in a RS

he was my friend doctor whom i used to consult him with my panic attacks; i knew nothing about medicines or anything

he was a good friend and helped me a lot [though we already talked for months, but he knows me since i was a young girl]

after he realized my RS, he started with being weird, violent with me, yelling at me, trying to kiss me, then stalking on me

i used to tell my bf everything, i kept him updated, he always wanted to meet him, and i tried not to let them meet

because it will end up with a big scene, uni. security around and one being hit, the other at jail

my bf asked me to block him and not talk to him, i did what he asked for, sometimes i asked him that i need to unblock him because i need to know when he texts me he's around so i can avoid him at uni, his msgs were like an alert so i can warn myself


it all evolved to that obsessed friend to kidnap me, torture me and drug me

he used to text my bf from my mob and send him my pics and voice being tortured


you might ALL ask; where's the police from all this

well that's the plot; involving police will ruin my life, my family will ruin my life if they realized i'm going through all this

my bf understood this, however he always insisted on me for finding a solution... i did my best with minimum consequences

i talked to his sister and family, i asked for a one mutual friend help .... but i never went to police.. i hate police


back to my bf!! in our RS i can say he was a hero to take what i have been going through

he supported me he was there for me, most importantly didnt take an action on his own that might destroy my life with the consequences


but now, i realized he was lying on me, hiding a lot on me, cheating and being conflicted, he's been doing this before and during the times i was suffering with my obsessed friend.. lies and lies everywhere, acting like a hero then it turns to be a lie, he literally broke all the trust between us

please for full details read my previous 2 threads PLEASE



after i confronted him with all his doings, lies, conflicts and dis-respectfulness-es

he said im sorry i wont hurt you again i did it all by stupidity


i wanted to break up

he said that i hurt him with my problems more than he did

and that he went through way worse things because of me

than i went through because of him!!



THOUGH, the truth unveiled; he was lying way before the peak of my problem

he hurt me before and during my problem with my friend

he keeps lying and denying

and when i confront him after saying sorry to me, he finally says you hurt me more than i do



is that love??? isnt it a must for both of us to stand for each others in our problems??

isnt what happened me from being hit to kidnapped to tortured out of my hand??? [even though i have chosen not to involve police and i mentioned above why!]


he keeps comparing the circumstances i have been through to his lies and untrustworthy actions!!


is it his right? he keeps saying "no man can take what you've been through, but i did, you hurt me more than i do"


is it a justifiable reason for him to lie and cheat?


is that love?


please read my previous 2 threads so you can judge well



thanks for reading till this last word :(

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That is so much drama in six months.


Don't justify or look for equivocating answers, just leave him.


so you think the drama will turn to an even worse drama after 6 months ?

my question is it his right to blame on me and compare between what he has been through because of me and what i have been through because of him?

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Only six months in, and he is already cheating on you. WOW! It will get worse!


People are supposed to support one another, that does not make them a hero.


He is a cheater and a liar. You should be insulted that he would put any blame on you, after such a horrible time. He blames you for his lying and cheating. UGH! he sounds like a monster.


I can't understand why you are even talking to this lying, disrespectful cheat, much less wanting to stay with him!


Get rid of him! He is no good!!!!

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Everyone has told you, on all of your threads that you bf is a lying, cheating jerk. Why do you still continue to stay with him????


It has only been 6 months. He has shown you who he is.


I don't know, i really don't know

Its my first experience ever, I'm trying to be a forgiving person and a good participant in this RS

I thougt i hurt him woth my.problems, so he might have some right

But now i can't take it

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I don't know, i really don't know

Its my first experience ever, I'm trying to be a forgiving person and a good participant in this RS

I thougt i hurt him woth my.problems, so he might have some right

But now i can't take it


How would you hurt him with your problems? That does not make any sense. I can't understand why you would believe him. It is an excuse! Look up gas lighting.


A healthy relationship DOES NOT include cheating and lying. We have all told you this. You can forgive him, and not have him in your life.


I don't understand your thinking, to want to have someone you cannot trust in your life? It has only been six months, too. Be smart.

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How would you hurt him with your problems? That does not make any sense. I can't understand why you would believe him. It is an excuse! Look up gas lighting.


A healthy relationship DOES NOT include cheating and lying. We have all told you this. You can forgive him, and not have him in your life.


I don't understand your thinking, to want to have someone you cannot trust in your life? It has only been six months, too. Be smart.


Thanks for your caring advice

it means a lot

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