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Anyone else get a "What the <bleep> holiday gift??


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(Before I start, yes, I graciously said thank you, and I'm aware that it was nice of the people to take the trouble to even get me a gift.)




Anyone else either give (because you didn't have any clue what to get the person) or receive a "what the ??" holiday gift?


I have some cousins who, every year, get me a gift to share with my kids. Which is a nice thought, but my kids and I live 300 miles apart, so I'm not sure how we're supposed to share the tin of cookies (which incidentally, have nuts in them which I am deathly allergic to) or the popcorn. I suppose we could ask the hostess of the family gathering for a container so we can divvy it up then and there, but every year this happens and my kids and I are left scratching our heads.


And another very close family member gave me a suede fringe purse. Except, I never carry purses and have always been very vocal about how much I hate them. I carry a backpack because it leaves my hands free and I can easily take it with me when I'm at a restaurant or bar and have to go to the bathroom. I hope my acting skills were at Academy Award level because I was seriously puzzled and my face tends to show every thought I have.


As for the "what the ?" gift I gave someone, I did give a dear family member yet another coffee mug. I think this is two years in a row. She loves coffee and I'm fairly certain you can never have enough mugs, but still. For the record, I gave her other gifts in addition to the mug, but I'm still feeling a bit embarrassed.


One year a long time ago, my brother in law gave my husband and I a replica Samurai sword. Totally appropriate gift to give when there are small children in the home! Another time he gave us a bug vacuum. True story.


For the record (again), I think all of this is funny. I'm not offended, just mainly puzzled or amused.


So, anyone else?

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My lady bought me a set of whisky glasses, but apparently needed like $2 to meet the minimum for one-day delivery. So I open my present, see the glasses (good gift), and then see two KitKat bars next to them. Not really a shining example, but the most recent. (For the record, they lasted like two minutes, so no complaint here)


Last year, she bought me a Sodastream. At first, I was very much in my head "what the ****?" I'd never ONCE indicated any desire to make my own pop, so where she got the idea is well beyond me. I'll admit that I just smiled and said thanks at that moment, but as the days went on, I grew to actually like it. Bought a whole bunch of those Torani syrups and mix all kinds of flavors up.


Personally, I'm a pretty good gift-giver, but people have always had a hard time shopping for me (as an adult, at least). If I want something, I usually buy it myself. And if I can't afford it, I don't want it. The lady's hit and miss but has a pretty decent track record so far. My mom's just given up and buys whatever random FC Barcelona merch she happens to come by during her shopping.

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I tell everyone my specific size on everything. Although I am super thankful of the trouble people went through to give me the gifts, I'm surprised that people would still insist that a different size would suit me. No, I'm not an adult small, I'm an adult medium. If you get me an adult small, it doesn't go past my waist lol

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I’m gonna throw my two cents in. This year my family and husband’s family decided to get each other nothing besides our company. This is the first year we have done this and I will say by far it has been the best Christmas. Yes I know it’s the season of giving. But I feel like a lot of people forget what the holidays are truly about. (We don’t have kids and yes my nieces got gifts). But as far as adults go I don’t see the importance. They spent their money on you and I don’t see the reason to knit pick what was given. It takes away from the whole idea of being together. I don’t shame on anyone that takes gifts seriously but just be thankful you have family to spend it with. Many don’t. Again this is not meant to be rude or shame you in anyway. Just look at the bigger picture :)

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I’m gonna throw my two cents in. This year my family and husband’s family decided to get each other nothing besides our company. This is the first year we have done this and I will say by far it has been the best Christmas. Yes I know it’s the season of giving. But I feel like a lot of people forget what the holidays are truly about. (We don’t have kids and yes my nieces got gifts). But as far as adults go I don’t see the importance. They spent their money on you and I don’t see the reason to knit pick what was given. It takes away from the whole idea of being together. I don’t shame on anyone that takes gifts seriously but just be thankful you have family to spend it with. Many don’t. Again this is not meant to be rude or shame you in anyway. Just look at the bigger picture :)

Absolutely, I agree with you. My husband and I discussed this several times over Christmas.

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My brother got our family a panic room thing where you find clues to get out of a locked room. I'm like dude? I just bought you season 7 of Game of thrones on blu ray and you get me something that doesn't appeal to me at all?? I don't think he knows me that well. For one thing, these things terrify me and make me claustrophobic.


I'll be a good sport and go along with it but yeah it's not what I was expecting...

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