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My boyfriend doesn't text me as much anymore?


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My boyfriend would text me everyday all day and now he won't text me first anymore or at all sometimes. Last night he stopped replying to my text so I waited the next day to see if he replied and he didn't. I so texted him today asking if he wanted to text and he said he didn't feel like texting. When we hang on the weekend he acts the same with me like he is interested in me but idk I just feel like recently his texting habits have changed so it feels like he's drifting away and I'm so used to texting him everyday. Is this normal boyfriend behavior? Btw we've been together for a year and 6 months. And this behavior has just started occurring since like a week or two.

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Do you speak on the phone?


Texting can be very boring.


He doesn't like talking on the phone. And idk I just feel like something is wrong cause we went from texting everyday to not texting that much. And him saying he doesn't feel like texting

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I agree texting can be quite boring. Phone conversations are better but face to face is really the best. Hanging out together, doing things, texting cant compare to that. Not all guys like to text or yack on the phone. Why not get together more often?


He lives an hour and a half away so we hang on the weekend cause that's when our schedule fits.

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He drives an hour and a half to hang out with you on the weekends? Man, he must hate you.


You posted like a week ago about calling him out for having the audacity to browse facebook instead of texting you. Give the guy some breathing room.

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I agree with j.man. I'll go even further and suggest you may be too clingy and you may be pushing him away, especially if you're bugging him about this and other things. From Google:


"This lack of love turns into insecurity, which can eventually turn into a plea for attention and love. And that is the real true definition of a clingy girlfriend. A clingy girlfriend is a great girlfriend who either hasn't got enough love or just wants more love from her boyfriend."


You can read more by doing a Google search yourself.

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Based on your two previous threads about him and this same issue - he's really tired of texting all the time and being pestered by you when he doesn't feel like it.


I have never asked someone if they "feel like texting;" I just send a message. They reply when they can. Vice versa. It sounds like you view texting almost as a joint activity that will require him to sit down and do only that for a period of time. But OP, that gets awfully boring and tedious.


You've turned a simple method of communication into a measuring stick of his love for you. The problem is that because you seem to place so much importance on it, you're turning it from a handy and sometimes enjoyable avenue to connect into an obligation he must fulfill. This is likely why he's backed away from doing it so much. If he is losing interest in the relationship, then yes, his frequency of communication could be a reflection of that. But pushing it on him is not going to turn that around. Take a step back. Let him come to you sometimes, and get busy doing other things that divert your attention away from your phone.

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Based on your two previous threads about him and this same issue - he's really tired of texting all the time and being pestered by you when he doesn't feel like it.


I have never asked someone if they "feel like texting;" I just send a message. They reply when they can. Vice versa. It sounds like you view texting almost as a joint activity that will require him to sit down and do only that for a period of time. But OP, that gets awfully boring and tedious.


You've turned a simple method of communication into a measuring stick of his love for you. The problem is that because you seem to place so much importance on it, you're turning it from a handy and sometimes enjoyable avenue to connect into an obligation he must fulfill. This is likely why he's backed away from doing it so much. If he is losing interest in the relationship, then yes, his frequency of communication could be a reflection of that. But pushing it on him is not going to turn that around. Take a step back. Let him come to you sometimes, and get busy doing other things that divert your attention away from your phone.


I just overthink it you know? We used to text all the time. Now if I don't get a text one whole day or something, I feel rejected & neglected because I think about when he would always text me all the time first and think there must be something wrong since he doesn't text me first anymore or at all. I remember even sometimes when we would text and I would take a while to reply, he would send another text thinking I stopped replying trying to continue the conversation. We would text all day everyday. And it just stopped so of course I'm going to be thinking "what happened?"

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I understand the change in communication is confusing.


And yes, it could potentially mean his interest is waning. But texting all day, every day gets monotonous. Most people aren't going to be able to keep that up. What do you talk about all day, really?


Don't panic yet. If he gives it up altogether, then yes, I would have a chat. But you said you two still see each other and in person it's okay, right? I recall in one of your other threads, you were worried because you normally went to see him on weekends and that particular weekend he'd gone silent and hadn't mentioned it. Did you end up going?

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it is as if he is constantly under pressure to prove his affection for you. that pressure will cause the affection to go away.


In order to keep a relationship, you can not be afraid of losing it. you have to know you will be okay on your own.

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I understand the change in communication is confusing.


And yes, it could potentially mean his interest is waning. But texting all day, every day gets monotonous. Most people aren't going to be able to keep that up. What do you talk about all day, really?


Don't panic yet. If he gives it up altogether, then yes, I would have a chat. But you said you two still see each other and in person it's okay, right? I recall in one of your other threads, you were worried because you normally went to see him on weekends and that particular weekend he'd gone silent and hadn't mentioned it. Did you end up going?



Hm well we would honestly text about random things. Honestly there were times where I ran out of things to text about maybe due to the fact that we would text all the time...

Yeah we still see each other, he's still affectionate and stuff.

Yes I did end up going... and yes I did end up texting him about it. I know I was suggested that I shouldn't but I did.. but anyway we talked about it via text before I went over basically he said that I depend on him too much to do stuff for me and he thinks I expect him to text me first all the time. And then I mentioned that I texted him the other night after work first and he didn't feel like texting. (The first thread is about that time) and he basically said that he didn't feel like texting that night and the reason he turned off his phone was because he left his charger at work and needed his alarm for work the next day. But then he turned on his phone again and got on Facebook.

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Hm well we would honestly text about random things. Honestly there were times where I ran out of things to text about maybe due to the fact that we would text all the time...

Yeah we still see each other, he's still affectionate and stuff.

Yes I did end up going... and yes I did end up texting him about it. I know I was suggested that I shouldn't but I did.. but anyway we talked about it via text before I went over basically he said that I depend on him too much to do stuff for me and he thinks I expect him to text me first all the time. And then I mentioned that I texted him the other night after work first and he didn't feel like texting. (The first thread is about that time) and he basically said that he didn't feel like texting that night and the reason he turned off his phone was because he left his charger at work and needed his alarm for work the next day. But then he turned on his phone again and got on Facebook.




You bore YOURSELF by texting. Yet you persist in being combative with him, even comparing how you text him as a way to illustrate that he could text you the same way


You know you text too much..

You know you've nothing left to say.

You know he has enjoyed being with you.

You know how he feels.


Why are you sabotaging your chances of sustaining this relationship?

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My boyfriend would text me everyday all day and now he won't text me first anymore or at all sometimes. Last night he stopped replying to my text so I waited the next day to see if he replied and he didn't. I so texted him today asking if he wanted to text and he said he didn't feel like texting. When we hang on the weekend he acts the same with me like he is interested in me but idk I just feel like recently his texting habits have changed so it feels like he's drifting away and I'm so used to texting him everyday. Is this normal boyfriend behavior? Btw we've been together for a year and 6 months. And this behavior has just started occurring since like a week or two.


Consistency is crucial in maintaining a relationship especially when it comes to communication. Therefore, if he was texting you on a regular basis, and then all of a sudden is not texting as much, then i would consider it a red flag. Whats next, he will now be hanging out with you every other weekend.

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As long as he is still acting interested when hanging out with you, I wouldn't be concerned. I think its normal that the texts come in less frequently. I recently posted a question about communication, so I understand that him not texting you as much can hurt initially. I can relate to your post since I felt the same way a couple years ago. I've been with my boyfriend for almost three years and we texted more in the beginning than we do now. The relationship was new, so it was an exciting time. You and your boyfriend have been together for awhile now, so I would imagine he knows you pretty well and vice versa. Maybe he wants to have stuff to talk about on the weekend instead of spilling it all on text? Just a thought. I was concerned when my boyfriend texted less, but it is something I got use to after awhile and I'm not even a big talker to begin with. I do agree with other posters when they say that texting can get boring. Its true. It can be a hassle. Nowadays, I'm happy just getting one text. It shows that he is still thinking of me. Besides, your boyfriend might not have time to carry on for text after text. That could be why he doesn't reply or start a text. It could be knowing that it could possibly be a lengthy deal if he were to start a text. I do think that he could send you one or two texts a day, but it doesn't need to be a long ordeal. Besides, if you two don't text as much, you will have more to talk about when you do see each other. Pull back a bit and see what happens.

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