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Massages and Erections...

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Okay, so I am relatively new to massages (I've had 4 in my entire life, the first being in November).


The first time I went to this place the masseuse told me it was my decision to leave my boxers on or take them off (covered by a sheet). Never having had a massage, and being somewhat bashful, I left my boxers on for the first three times.


Another reason I left them on was because I was worried that I could potentially get an erection during the massage.


So, after the first 3 massages, I felt nothing. No movement down there, I didn't feel the "touch" was sexual at all. This being the case, I decided to go boxerless on my last massage.. Where I got an erection.. Not a full one, let's say 70%.. But she would have definitely noticed.


Once she moved away from my lower body it went away..


I don't think it bothered her. When I was paying my bill I did notice she was seemed frazzled..


So now I'm wondering if I should go back to boxers.. The massage was a lot better without them (for back and back legs).. And I honestly don't care if she sees my junk.. I just don't want to offend her.. It's not like I'm showing the thing off.. It just happened.

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How were you not nervous enough for it to be suppressed? Was she really gentle or something? I cannot even conceive that sort of thing happening to me.


Anyway, I would not be- or try not to be- embarrassed. You did nothing wrong. She has no right to be offended.


But I would like to ask how you think she perceived your reaction. Did you look embarrassed? Or did you have a pretty good poker face?


And you should not have to ask for a male masseuse just because you got an erection.

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what? it is very normal to get an erection while receiving a massage. I doubt she was frazzled, in fact, I'm sure she has had many people proposition her for sex or a "happy ending". They talk about erections in massage school. her being frazzled was your imagination. just enjoy your massage.

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I have a few friends who do message professionally and they say it's pretty normal. They don't take it personally. They aren't creeped out by it. If you don't make a move on them or ask them to do something about the erection it's really not a big deal.

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"I posted an inquiry on ABMP’s social media site, link removed, asking how massage therapists deal with the occurrence of erections during therapeutic massages. There are more than 11,000 massage therapists listed as members on this site, which is described as “an open community for all massage therapists.” I received responses from 12 massage therapists. Eleven out of the 12 said that as long as the client is displaying appropriate behavior, they ignore erections. One therapist said she has a zero-tolerance policy for erections.


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LOL...i'm a massage therapist, and we even talked about erections during our classes.....


It's just the body. I told a guy once when he apologised...it's not the erection that bother's me...its the guy behind it! lol...meaning...if the guy is moaning...or obviously moving/wringling around....lol


I've also told guys "don't worry about it....it's only cuz it's new. Once you get use to me...it'll get to be 'old hat' and that won't happen anymore.


But usually??? No one even mentions it. It happens, it happens. They don't talk about it, and i don't mention it.


I DEFINITELY don't want them to wear their 'unders'...lol I do up the whole leg...over the butt...and down the back...all at one time. Boxers cramp my style.


The guys that bug me, are the one's who come in and want to be naked...and NO COVERS!


I ask, haven't you ever had a professional massage before? They reply, 'yeah, but they said covers are optional"... sheesh


Don't go for a guy. Once we've been in this profession so long...we've seen it all. And they're basically all alike anyway!

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That is a good article. I like how they attach meaning to the word "therapist" in "massage therapy." It is called therapy because it isn't just about the act of getting your body rubbed. It is supposed to transcend that.


Thus, a good massage therapist should not be put off by the activity of a single- relatively uncontrollable- organ.

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No, don't go back to boxers, but request a male masseuse next time so that this doesn't happen again.


We are also not called 'masseuse's anymore...we are therapists. I never felt this way, but i was told, that in some circles, that 'masseuse' is the type that give happy endings, whereas massage therapists....those that have a license...don't.


To me a 'masseuse' is just a french word that people giving massages USE to be called. Now it is outdated. Sort of like a 'beautician'...instead of hairstylist...or stylist. I am both...and i cringe with being called a 'beautician' or a 'masseuse'...lol


Sorry for being off topic. Just a little info i'm passing on...lol

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Thanks for the info everybody.


I will definitely keep going to this Message Therapist, as she has been the only one who's really helped my sports injury.


And I think my reaction was "cool", or rather unchanging from my usual behaviour. She usually turns the lights down for my massages and I tend to keep my eyes closed.. So I just kept my eyes closed..


My main concern would have been making her uncomfortable or whether or not I should say something (I'd prefer not to say anything)..

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A woman sensually touches your skin and you get an erection? Shocking new insight into the way our bodies work.


I don't mean to belittle, but it's really not a big deal if it's only happened this one time. I suppose you could try and think of something very un-sexy in an effort to stop this happening in the future.

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Yes, but he was getting a sports massage for a sports injury...he wasn't being touched 'sensually'....difference.

Think of us more as how a chiropractor will massage before an adjustment. Or a physical therapist....


That's the modality we work under. Usually...not all! lol


All different 'types' of massage out there....

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A woman sensually touches your skin and you get an erection? Shocking new insight into the way our bodies work.


I don't mean to belittle, but it's really not a big deal if it's only happened this one time. I suppose you could try and think of something very un-sexy in an effort to stop this happening in the future.


I tried visualizing my ex with her new boyfriend.. Usually that thought is instant impotence.. Didn't work


But I wasn't fully aroused, like I said 70%. My main concern was making her uncomfortable, as if it was on purpose.. But I didn't even knew it was happening until it was way too late.. I just started thinking and trying to sense where "it" was, and then I realized..

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I just started thinking and trying to sense where "it" was, and then I realized..


LOL...I'm sorry, but i find this all so funny....even tho you were embarrassed at the time.


Now you can look back and laugh....and we'll all laugh with you!

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