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    Simple Tricks to Waking Up Early Even When You're Not a Morning Person

    Waking up early may seem like an impossible task for those of us who aren't morning people – many of us simply aren't built for the early rising lifestyle. However, there are some simple tricks you can use to make the task of waking up early less daunting. Here, we explore some of these tricks that could help you break through your early bird hesitations and get up with ease.

    Sleep Hygiene

    One key factor that determines how easily you'll be able to wake up in the morning is your sleep hygiene. Primarily, it's important to make sure that you're getting plenty of quality sleep. Create a bedtime routine that allows you to get into bed at a similar time each night, set your environment up for relaxation, and avoid anything that might impede your sleep quality like the blue light from electronics. Regular exercise and nutrition habits will also help support your overall sleep hygiene.

    Create Motivation

    People often struggle to wake up early because they don't have any motivating factors. Ask yourself what would motivate you to wake up early each morning and create a system where your motivation will help push you out of bed. This could be a morning game plan such as journaling for 10 minutes, stretching for 15, and learning something new each day before getting ready or it could be something completely unrelated to your morning activities like having to write out 10 positive affirmations or taking a brisk walk around the block. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something meaningful to you so that you feel a sense of reward when you complete it.

    Use an Alarm Clock

    To actually ensure that you wake up on time, you should make use of an alarm clock. This should be separate from any other devices and preferably not one that you can switch off easily. Pre-set your alarms for the time you actually need to wake up to be awake, refreshed and ready to start your day. Your wake up times should be realistic for your lifestyle; for example, if you need to be at work for 9 am and you take a 30-minute shower, make sure you set your alarm for 7:30 am. The key is to ensure that you account for all the things you need to do before your official starting time.

    Schedule Quiet Time

    In addition to setting your alarm clock, you should also consider scheduling a few moments each morning of quiet time. This could be a period of meditation to clear your head, reading a quick chapter of a book, or listening to some calming music. Create a moment of peace and tranquility in the morning before you start your day that allows you a few moments of silence, contemplation and calm.

    Train Your Mind and Body

    You can also train your mind and body to wakeup at the desired time. Start small and set your alarm slightly before the time you want to wakeup. Don’t hit the snooze button, but instead get up, get dressed and step out of the bedroom. This will gradually help you to adjust your sleep rhythm and eventually you will start to wakeup easily on time. Similarly, you can also train your body and mind with gradual exposure to sunlight, which helps to balance and reset your body’s natural clock and can make waking up easier.

    Create Anticipation

    Try to create some anticipation for the start of your day. Doing so will make it easier for you to break through the feeling of reluctance you may encounter in the morning. To do this, plan something enjoyable or motivating in the morning such as meeting a friend, working on a small project or even practicing a new instrument. If you can find something to look forward to when you wake up, it will encourage you to wake up rather than hit the snooze button.

    The best way to wake up early when you’re not a morning person is to follow a consistent routine while using the tips mentioned. It can take some time to adjust, but by creating a morning routine that works for you and sticking to it, you'll be able to wake up with no trouble in no time.

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