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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    How Investing in Sleep Helps You Live Longer

    Dreamily slide into slumber with sweet satisfaction knowing you are embracing a healthy habit that can extend the length of your years. Who could ask for anything more than knowing the elusive eight hours can bring you health, longevity, and happiness? Modern sleep research delves in not just the quantity of sleep, but also the quality of sleep that can influence life expectancy. Here are some science-backed sleep habits to make sure your body is getting just what it needs during those precious hours of rest.

    Start by creating an ideal sleep environment where you as the owner control all of the noise and lighting. Noise during the night can disturb deep sleep, the most recuperative stage for us. Sleep experts recommend purchasing blackout curtains or shades to ensure total darkness at night; digital light sources can disrupt the body’s cortisol and cheapen the quality of our rest. Temperature plays an integral role in sound sleeping; keeping the room slightly colder encourages longer deeper sleep—and can even save you money on air conditioning bills.

    Also, sleeping seven to eight hours as adults replaces the wider range of sleeping habits more typical of a teenager. As adults, we are programmed to experience something called social jet lag, when an individual’s sleep cycles don’t quite align with their desired waking up and going to sleep times. It is important to create a realistic goal you can build into your lifestyle consistently because sleeps irregularities over time can be hard to fix.

    Investing in yourself in your mattress and bedding could pay off dearly with a longer lifespan in return. Studies have found spending money on better quality mattresses could help improve sleep apnea, reduce back pain and lead to longer lives. The perfect mattress for you might require a little trial and error, so if you can test out a few before you buy, that may be in your best interest. Bed sheets, blankets and other textiles can also play a role in aiding deeper sleep. The type of fabric used for these items matters for temperature regulation and in avoidance of sleep-disrupting allergens; some people find linen sheets to be the most breathable and fresh-feeling.

    Most importantly, stop looking at your phone before bed! Not only can the light trick your body’s natural circadian rhythms, blue light output from technology also sends messages to your brain to be alert, when you should be winding down. Setting a specific schedule to turn off electronics before bed can also clue your mind in on when it’s time to start resting.

    It's worth the effort to invest in bedding and a good mattress, find ways to set up a great sleep environment, and prioritize shutting off electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. These healthy sleep habits could help increase your life expectancy and get a better, more restful sleep so you can live your life to the fullest every day.

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