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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Discovering Love and Acceptance Through Fighting Body Shaming

    Obesity is sadly a frequent problem in India these days, especially during the 21st century. Being obese or exhibiting any other body shape carries a strong social stigma, unfortunately leading to people being openly mocked and body shamed. However, this doesn't have to be the case. We can all stop this poor behaviour by learning how to deal with body shaming the right way and gain the peace and self-love that we deserve.

    If you're ever the unfortunate recipient of body-shaming remarks, there are a few techniques that you can use to manage them. Firstly, try to stay as composed as possible. Don't allow the instance to bother or upset you; calmly explain that what they're saying isn't helping and that you don't appreciate it. Secondly, understand that the person most likely has some personal issues they're dealing with and that the body shaming isn't a direct reflection of your worth. Chances are, those speaking negatively about your body simply aren't at a place in their own life to be mentally healthy, so try not to internalize too much of their criticisms.

    It's also important to recognize and accept that we all of different shapes, sizes and bodily features, and that such differences make us unique and special. When someone passes judgement on your body, do your best to draw attention to non-physical attributes that make you special. Tech into your strengths and values, focus on accomplishments and successes in life, try to distract yourself from the troubled waters and visualise a good thought about yourself. It’s crucial to remind yourself that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

    You may also find solace in talking to somebody whose opinion you trust. Family, friends and professionals are always available to lend an ear and provide support when needed. Furthermore, noting down how you feel and experiences you’re going through can alleviate emotional pain and provide perspective. Be sure to find someone that you trust and that stresses the idea that external appearance doesn’t reflect your inner strength, values and moral worth. Focusing on activities that bring pleasure or comfort can help recalibrate the brain to release endorphins, which in turn create feelings of wellbeing and security.

    In addition, there are some everyday new action steps you can take to combat body shaming. If you know of somebody else who experiences body shaming, supporting that person and helping them to overcome any negative beliefs they have about themselves is one of the kindest and noblest acts you can do. Though acknowledging that body image creates a sense of disdain and disbelief for many, using words of encouragement to let them know you celebrate and value that person in the exact form they are in can be incredibly powerful. Furthermore, monitoring the words we ourselves use about our own body is critical for gaining self-acceptance. Instead of dishing out harmful words that only lead to low self-esteem, choose words that positively describe our bodies.

    There are countless unique ways to celebrate and appreciate our bodies, so let’s venture out of the box and use creative tools and outlets to jumpstart body positivity. Dedicating a journal or a notebook not only to write down our progress and successes, but also create drawings, albums of inspiring pieces of art or either quotes that highlight the idea of self-love or connections can often leave us with a feeling of joy and compassion. Setting aside a day each week or month to do something that makes you feel beautiful and pampered, such as taking a warm bubble bath or getting a facial, can lighten up the mood, while exercising outdoors or creating a playlist filled with memorable tunes can make us feel empowered.

    Above all, remember that no matter where we are on our personal journey in terms of self-love, there is always something to learn, grow from, and use to nourish ourselves. Let’s reject society’s ideals for beauty and expand the meaning of beauty, love, and acceptance by embracing our individuality and loving who we are.

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