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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    15 Extraordinary Traits of a Godly Man (Must-Know!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Godly men prioritize faith and integrity.
    • True godliness reflects in daily actions.
    • He is compassionate, wise, and disciplined.
    • Generosity and responsibility define him.
    • Committed to relationships with purity.

    What Does It Mean to Be a Godly Man?

    When we talk about a godly man, we aren't just referring to someone who attends church or reads scripture regularly. No, being a godly man goes far deeper than that. It's about embodying the principles that God calls us to live by every single day. These are the men who stand firm in their faith, even when the world around them pushes them in the opposite direction. A godly man strives to live in a way that mirrors the character of Christ—full of love, patience, and wisdom.

    It's easy to think of godliness as a lofty, unattainable goal, but in reality, it is within reach for all of us. The core of being godly is not perfection. Instead, it's about striving, trying, and working toward becoming more like the man God intends us to be. For many of us, the challenge is in applying these values to everyday life. So what does it look like to actually live as a godly man? What does that mean when you're making decisions, interacting with people, or dealing with challenges?

    The Heart of a Godly Man

    At the core of a godly man's life is his heart, and that heart beats in tune with God's will. Everything flows from that connection. A man's faith is more than just a belief—it's the lens through which he views the world. The heart of a godly man is compassionate, yet strong. He doesn't waver when faced with trials because he draws his strength from something bigger than himself.

    But having a godly heart isn't just about strength. It's about humility. It's about understanding that no matter how much you achieve or how far you go, your heart must remain open and in service to others. Scripture reminds us, “The Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7), and this means more than just outward appearances. For a man to be godly, his actions must reflect the goodness and purity residing in his heart.

    This kind of man doesn't just follow God when it's convenient. His dedication is constant. Whether through his generosity, his patience, or his willingness to forgive, he shows his commitment to living out God's calling in all areas of life.

    How Faith Shapes His Character

    man with Bible

    Faith isn't just something a godly man keeps hidden in his heart. It actively shapes who he is, how he thinks, and how he treats others. A man of faith is driven by a moral compass rooted in his belief system, and that faith manifests in his actions. Whether he's at work, with family, or engaging with strangers, his decisions come from a place of integrity and honor. Faith gives him a foundation for how he lives and what he strives to achieve.

    In moments of uncertainty or adversity, it is his faith that strengthens him. Rather than letting frustration or fear take over, a godly man leans on his belief in God's plan. This allows him to act with patience and wisdom even in the most challenging circumstances. As C.S. Lewis once said, “Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.” For a godly man, this ability to stay grounded is what sets him apart. He doesn't waver in the face of temptation or doubt because his character is built on unwavering trust in God.

    15 Characteristics of a Godly Man

    What does it truly mean to embody godliness? It's one thing to claim to be godly, but it's another to live it. Below, we'll explore 15 key characteristics that define a godly man. These traits show how faith becomes action in everyday life and relationships.

    1. He Puts God First: A godly man knows that his relationship with God is the most important thing in his life.
    2. Pure in Heart and Intentions: His actions come from a place of love and goodness, without selfish motives.
    3. A Man of Integrity: Whether in public or private, he upholds honesty and moral principles.
    4. He Works Hard and Perseveres: Diligence is one of his strongest attributes. He never shies away from hard work.
    5. Disciplined and Consistent: His habits reflect dedication and self-control, whether in work, prayer, or relationships.
    6. Never Quits or Loses Hope: Even in the toughest times, he holds onto hope and faith, pressing forward.
    7. Generous in Nature: He gives freely, whether it's time, resources, or a kind word, without expecting anything in return.
    8. Always Ready to Help Others: A godly man looks for opportunities to serve and support those in need.
    9. Takes Responsibility Seriously: He understands that responsibility, in his personal and professional life, is not a burden but an opportunity to lead.
    10. Forgiving and Understanding: He offers forgiveness to others, recognizing the importance of grace in relationships.
    11. He Possesses Wisdom: A godly man seeks wisdom, knowing that knowledge without understanding is hollow.
    12. Respects Everyone Around Him: He treats people with dignity, no matter their status or background.
    13. Committed to Relationships: His relationships are built on trust, loyalty, and deep respect, reflecting God's love.
    14. Sincere and Honest: A godly man speaks truthfully and genuinely, even when it's difficult.
    15. Lives a Chaste and Pure Life: His personal life is marked by purity, reflecting his dedication to moral values and God.

    1. He Puts God First

    A godly man makes his relationship with God the cornerstone of his life. This isn't just about going to church on Sundays or following religious traditions—it's about centering everything he does around his faith. His decisions, actions, and even his relationships are grounded in his commitment to God. This means that he turns to God first for guidance, support, and strength. When faced with a difficult choice, he prays for wisdom rather than relying solely on his own understanding.

    Putting God first doesn't mean neglecting other responsibilities; instead, it ensures that every responsibility is approached with the right heart and mindset. As the Bible says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). A godly man lives by this principle, trusting that when God is at the center, everything else will fall into place.

    For him, faith isn't an afterthought. It's the guiding force behind his daily actions. He understands that true success, peace, and fulfillment come from aligning his life with God's will. In every season, through every trial, God remains his top priority.

    2. Pure in Heart and Intentions

    The purity of a godly man doesn't just show in his actions; it starts with his heart. His motives are rooted in goodness, and he seeks to act out of love, not self-interest. This purity means that when he serves, he does so without expecting anything in return. When he loves, he loves unconditionally. His heart mirrors the intentions of Christ—compassionate, giving, and free of deceit.

    Being pure-hearted doesn't mean he's naïve or without flaws. It means that when he makes mistakes, he acknowledges them and seeks forgiveness. A godly man strives to keep his heart aligned with God's will, even when faced with temptation. Purity also applies to his thoughts. He guards his mind from negativity, lust, and malice, making conscious efforts to cultivate what is true, honorable, and just. This inner purity reflects outwardly in the way he treats others—with respect, honesty, and grace.

    “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). A man with a pure heart lives this truth, knowing that his intentions shape his character and influence those around him. His purity isn't just an internal struggle—it's a reflection of his relationship with God, shaping everything from how he speaks to how he serves.

    3. A Man of Integrity

    Integrity is one of the most defining characteristics of a godly man. It means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. A man of integrity doesn't bend his morals based on who he's around or what benefits him in the moment. His word is his bond, and people trust him because they know he stands for what's true and just. Whether at work, at home, or in his personal relationships, a godly man holds himself accountable to high ethical standards.

    Integrity also means being transparent and honest, even when it's uncomfortable. He doesn't hide behind lies or half-truths to protect his ego. Instead, he values honesty and clarity. When mistakes happen, he takes ownership, understanding that covering them up only leads to greater harm. He knows that integrity isn't about being perfect; it's about being accountable.

    As the Proverbs remind us, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them” (Proverbs 11:3). A godly man lives by this wisdom. He trusts that by walking in integrity, he is honoring God and building a life of respect, trust, and peace. The consistency of his character, no matter the situation, is what makes him a pillar in his community and family.

    4. He Works Hard and Perseveres

    A godly man understands that hard work is a form of worship. He approaches every task with diligence and dedication, knowing that his efforts are not just for personal gain but to glorify God. Whether he's working in his career, serving his family, or helping his community, he gives it his all. This man doesn't cut corners or look for the easy way out. He knows that perseverance builds character and that true satisfaction comes from giving your best, even in the small, unnoticed tasks.

    His perseverance shines through, especially in times of struggle. When others might give up, he presses on, trusting in God's plan. He understands that life's challenges are opportunities to grow in faith and resilience. As Paul said in his letter to the Romans, “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4). This process shapes the godly man, teaching him patience and fortitude.

    But this trait goes beyond physical labor. He also works hard at nurturing relationships, maintaining integrity, and strengthening his faith. The godly man doesn't just work hard for material success; he works hard to become a better servant of God and others. His perseverance inspires those around him, showing that with faith and effort, no obstacle is too great.

    5. Disciplined and Consistent

    Discipline is a hallmark of a godly man's life. It's not just about self-control; it's about creating daily habits that reflect his commitment to his values and to God. He rises each day with purpose, setting aside time for prayer, reflection, and growth. A man who is disciplined knows that without structure, even the best intentions can falter. His routine is his way of staying grounded, no matter what life throws at him.

    Consistency is just as important. A godly man doesn't show up for his responsibilities only when it's convenient. He follows through on his promises, whether to himself, his loved ones, or God. He is reliable because he understands that consistency is the foundation of trust and respect. People depend on him because he is steady, not swayed by passing emotions or external pressures.

    Discipline and consistency require effort, but for a godly man, they are worth it. As 1 Corinthians 9:27 says, “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” This verse reminds him that discipline is more than just physical—it's spiritual. His consistency in faith, kindness, and service is what builds lasting character.

    6. Never Quits or Loses Hope

    Life's challenges can be overwhelming, but a godly man doesn't quit when the going gets tough. He knows that setbacks are part of the journey and trusts that God has a plan, even when it's not immediately clear. His hope isn't based on circumstances but on the unwavering belief that God is in control. This gives him the strength to endure trials with patience and courage.

    Even when he faces failure, disappointment, or loss, a godly man holds onto hope. He understands that hope is not a fleeting emotion; it's an anchor for the soul. Hebrews 6:19 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” His hope is in God's promises, and that's why he can keep going when others might give up. He never allows despair to overtake him because his faith fuels his resilience.

    This perseverance is what sets him apart. He doesn't quit on his goals, his loved ones, or his faith. A godly man believes that with God's guidance, every challenge is an opportunity to grow. His hope inspires those around him to keep moving forward, no matter how difficult the road ahead may seem.

    7. Generous in Nature

    Generosity flows naturally from a godly man. It's not just about giving money or material possessions—it's about giving time, attention, and love. A godly man sees generosity as a way to reflect God's abundant love for humanity. He doesn't give out of obligation or to receive praise; he gives because he understands the importance of sharing blessings. Whether it's supporting a friend in need or volunteering his time, he is always willing to give of himself.

    Proverbs 11:25 tells us, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” This principle of generosity isn't lost on a godly man. He knows that by giving freely, he creates a ripple effect of kindness and grace. His generosity doesn't just bless the recipient—it transforms his own heart, keeping him humble and grateful. He trusts that God will provide, so he doesn't cling to what he has but rather shares it abundantly.

    A godly man doesn't just give when it's convenient. He looks for opportunities to be generous, believing that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. His giving nature extends beyond financial support; it includes offering encouragement, wisdom, and friendship to those who need it most.

    8. Always Ready to Help Others

    For a godly man, helping others isn't just something he does occasionally—it's a way of life. He is always ready to lend a hand, whether someone needs physical help, emotional support, or spiritual guidance. This readiness comes from his understanding that life is meant to be lived in service to others. He takes Jesus's words to heart: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45). A godly man embraces this call to serve with open arms.

    He doesn't wait to be asked for help. He is proactive, looking for ways to assist others, whether it's offering to help a neighbor move, supporting a friend through a difficult time, or simply being there to listen. His help isn't limited to grand gestures. Often, it's the small, everyday acts of kindness that have the most impact. The godly man is attuned to the needs of those around him, and his willingness to help never wavers.

    In helping others, a godly man finds fulfillment. He knows that serving people brings him closer to God and aligns him with God's purpose. His compassion drives him to act, and his heart is filled with joy every time he makes someone else's burden lighter. This readiness to help defines his character and shows that true strength lies in serving others with humility and love.

    9. Takes Responsibility Seriously

    A godly man never shirks his responsibilities. Whether it's in his career, family, or community, he understands that taking responsibility is not just about getting things done—it's about being accountable. When he commits to something, he follows through, knowing that his word and actions carry weight. He views responsibility as a privilege, not a burden. This sense of duty defines his character, and people can depend on him because they know he will deliver on his promises.

    Taking responsibility seriously means acknowledging mistakes and learning from them. A godly man doesn't pass the blame when things go wrong. Instead, he owns up to his errors and seeks to make things right. In doing so, he demonstrates humility and maturity. As 1 Timothy 3:2 reminds us, “Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable.” This passage speaks to the level of responsibility that a godly man embraces, especially in relationships. He knows that his actions affect those around him and that he must live in a way that honors both God and others.

    Responsibility also extends to leadership. Whether leading a family, a team, or a community, a godly man takes his role seriously. He understands that being a leader isn't about power or control—it's about serving those who depend on him and guiding them with wisdom and integrity.

    10. Forgiving and Understanding

    Forgiveness is one of the most profound traits of a godly man. He knows that holding onto grudges or resentment only damages the heart, so he chooses to forgive, even when it's difficult. A godly man forgives because he has been forgiven by God, and he understands the freedom that forgiveness brings. He doesn't just offer forgiveness when it's asked for—he forgives proactively, letting go of bitterness and choosing peace. This ability to forgive comes from a place of understanding and grace.

    Understanding is the key to true forgiveness. A godly man seeks to understand the hearts and struggles of others before passing judgment. He listens deeply, asks questions, and shows empathy, knowing that everyone carries their own burdens. As Colossians 3:13 tells us, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” A godly man lives by this principle, offering grace freely and modeling the forgiveness that God extends to all of us.

    But forgiveness doesn't mean ignoring wrongs. It means addressing them with compassion and wisdom, while still letting go of anger. A godly man is slow to anger and quick to forgive, knowing that true peace comes from understanding and reconciliation. He builds stronger relationships through his willingness to forgive and fosters an environment of grace around him.

    11. He Possesses Wisdom

    Wisdom is more than just knowledge—it's the ability to apply that knowledge in ways that bring about good results. A godly man seeks wisdom not only for himself but for the benefit of those around him. He knows that true wisdom comes from God, and so he constantly turns to scripture and prayer to guide his decisions. This wisdom shows itself in how he handles life's challenges, how he treats others, and how he leads his family or community.

    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” says Proverbs 9:10. This verse resonates deeply with a godly man, as he understands that wisdom is grounded in reverence for God. It's not about being the smartest person in the room or having all the answers. Instead, it's about knowing when to speak, when to stay silent, and when to seek counsel. A wise man is humble enough to admit when he doesn't know something and is always open to learning more.

    He applies wisdom in all areas of life—his work, relationships, and even in difficult times. When others are reactive, a godly man is reflective, thinking before he speaks or acts. His wisdom is evident in the calm and measured way he approaches problems, never rushing but always seeking to understand the full picture before making a decision.

    12. Respects Everyone Around Him

    A godly man treats all people with respect, regardless of their background, status, or beliefs. He understands that everyone is made in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity. Respecting others isn't just about being polite; it's about recognizing their worth as individuals and showing genuine care for their well-being. He doesn't just reserve respect for those in positions of authority—he extends it to everyone, from family members to strangers on the street.

    This respect also shows up in the way he listens. A godly man knows that respect isn't just about words but about actions. He listens without interrupting, values other people's opinions, and engages in conversations without belittling anyone. Respect doesn't mean agreeing with everyone, but it does mean valuing their perspective. As 1 Peter 2:17 says, “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.” Respecting others is a key part of a godly man's character, and it influences the way he interacts with the world.

    In his relationships, a godly man shows respect by being kind, patient, and empathetic. He doesn't dominate conversations or push his own agenda. Instead, he seeks to uplift others, understanding that true respect comes from humility. He recognizes the value of every person, treating them with honor and kindness, regardless of differences. This attitude fosters peace and understanding in every interaction, creating a ripple effect of positivity wherever he goes.

    13. Committed to Relationships

    A godly man doesn't take his relationships lightly. Whether it's his relationship with God, his spouse, family, or friends, he is deeply committed to nurturing and maintaining these bonds. His commitment isn't just about being present physically—it's about being emotionally and spiritually invested in the well-being of those he loves. He values trust, loyalty, and communication, knowing that these are the pillars that sustain healthy, meaningful relationships.

    In romantic relationships, he strives to be a partner who is dependable and faithful. His commitment is not swayed by momentary emotions or challenges. Instead, he remains steadfast, working through difficulties with patience and understanding. As Ephesians 5:25 states, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” This kind of sacrificial love defines how a godly man approaches all of his relationships—he gives of himself without expecting anything in return.

    Being committed to relationships also means prioritizing them. A godly man makes time for those he loves, even amidst the busyness of life. He recognizes that relationships require effort, and he is willing to put in the work to keep them strong. He understands the importance of maintaining a close connection with God, his spouse, and his community, realizing that these relationships are essential to living a fulfilling, godly life.

    14. Sincere and Honest

    Honesty and sincerity are core values for a godly man. He speaks the truth, even when it's difficult, because he knows that trust can only be built on a foundation of honesty. His sincerity isn't just about telling the truth—it's about being genuine in all his actions and words. He doesn't wear a mask or pretend to be someone he's not. What you see is what you get with a godly man.

    In a world where people often hide their true selves or manipulate situations to their advantage, a godly man stands out because of his transparency. He doesn't engage in deceit, and he avoids exaggerating or distorting facts for personal gain. As Proverbs 12:22 tells us, “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” A godly man strives to live by this truth, making honesty a defining part of his character.

    Sincerity goes hand-in-hand with his honesty. He is not just truthful in what he says but also in how he lives. His actions reflect his words. He is sincere in his love, his faith, and his service to others. There's no hidden agenda or ulterior motive—his kindness, generosity, and compassion come from a place of true sincerity. This genuine approach to life and relationships is what makes him trustworthy and respected by those around him.

    15. Lives a Chaste and Pure Life

    A godly man's commitment to purity isn't just about refraining from physical acts—it's about living a life that honors God in mind, body, and spirit. He values chastity not because of societal pressure, but because he understands the spiritual significance of purity. He recognizes that purity involves his thoughts, intentions, and actions, striving to keep them aligned with God's will.

    This dedication to purity extends to his relationships. A godly man respects the boundaries of others and maintains integrity in how he treats people, especially in romantic relationships. He doesn't use manipulation or deceit to fulfill selfish desires. Instead, he seeks to honor God through his relationships by demonstrating respect, patience, and self-control.

    Living a chaste life doesn't mean he's perfect or without struggle, but it does mean that he consciously chooses purity every day. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8) serves as a guiding principle for him. His focus is on purity of the heart, knowing that outward actions flow from inner purity. He dedicates himself to living a life that reflects God's holiness, and this pursuit of purity influences everything he does.

    How to Find and Recognize a Godly Man

    Finding a godly man can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, but the truth is that they are out there—men who live their lives with integrity, faith, and love for God. The key is to know what to look for. A godly man may not be flashy or draw attention to himself, but his character speaks volumes. You'll notice his kindness, humility, and the way he consistently puts God and others before himself. He leads with a quiet confidence, not arrogance, and shows patience in both good times and bad.

    When looking for a godly man, pay attention to how he treats the people in his life—his family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. Is he respectful? Does he act with compassion and grace? His behavior in relationships will reveal much about his heart. Remember, it's not about finding someone perfect, but someone who strives to live in alignment with godly principles.

    You'll also recognize a godly man by his faith. He doesn't just talk about God—he lives it. His life is a reflection of his walk with Christ, and you'll see that in the way he serves, leads, and loves. Look for a man who is humble, who seeks wisdom, and who isn't afraid to admit when he's wrong. A godly man is a work in progress, just like anyone else, but what sets him apart is his commitment to growing in his faith and his desire to honor God in all that he does.


    Being a godly man is not about perfection; it's about striving daily to live according to God's will. A godly man isn't defined by his achievements or status, but by his character—how he treats others, how he lives his faith, and how he handles both the triumphs and the challenges in life. He embodies qualities like integrity, generosity, wisdom, and humility. Most importantly, he lives with a heart committed to God, always seeking to grow in his relationship with Him.

    For those seeking to find a godly man, remember that it's not about looking for someone flawless, but rather someone who is committed to walking in God's ways. Look for the man who shows kindness without seeking recognition, who leads with grace, and who is unafraid to admit his mistakes and seek forgiveness. These are the men who will build strong, loving relationships rooted in faith and devotion.

    As we reflect on the characteristics of a godly man, we are reminded that these traits are not unattainable—they are a calling for all of us. Whether we are seeking to become godlier ourselves or looking to surround ourselves with godly influences, the journey begins with a heart fully surrendered to God. A godly man lives not for himself but to reflect the love and grace of God in everything he does.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Measure of a Man: Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man by Gene Getz
    • The Man God Uses by Henry T. Blackaby
    • Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes


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