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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    What Is Fearful-Avoidant Attachment? Unveiling the Subtle Patterns in Your Relationships

    What is fearful-avoidant attachment? It is a type of insecure attachment style formed during infancy and childhood where one feared the close proximity of others. This was due to a perception that the world is an unsafe place, and therefore it's better to stay out of it altogether. As grown-ups, these people continue to struggle with trusting others, often leading to feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression.

    Fearful-avoidant attachment can manifest itself in many ways in relationships. One common sign is difficulty expressing emotion. Fearful-avoidant people are generally uncomfortable with emotions and find it hard to discuss them honestly. Much like their name implies, they will also avoid closeness or intimacy in situations that become too intense.

    Another common symptom to look out for is direct confrontations or disagreements. It’s been observed that fearful-avoidant individuals dread conflict and would much rather keep it all internally by avoiding, or distracting themselves rather than risk disagreeing or speaking their minds. This can have a huge impact on communication between partners as conversations don’t get addressed properly.

    On the other hand, other times fearful-avoidant people do make an attempt to talk about problems, but even then, their way of doing it can be destructive. Compulsive people-pleasing and a need for approval can lead to apologizing for everything and anything, or becoming overly docile and agreeable to avoid disagreement. They might struggle to make sound decisions as they seek validation from outside sources which leaves them feeling powerless and disempowered.

    They also may go to great lengths to maintain control. It is not uncommon for fearful-avoidant people to establish boundaries and rules to protect themselves from potential risks of being hurt in relationships. They might isolate themselves, become defensive easily, and hide how they truly feel from their partners, which can lead to separation and distance between the two.

    Fearful-avoidant attachment is something that requires conscious effort to overcome. Step one would be acknowledging its presence and assessing why it’s there in the first place. This doesn’t necessarily mean going into everyone of one’s past experiences trying to figure out the root cause. It simply means recognizing that this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

    Once this is done, the next step is to practice self-care, through self-regulation, building self-esteem, adopting healthier ways of relating to others and learning ways to express emotions without relying on self-control. Having a clear understanding of the problem helps to build resilience and enables healthy relationships to develop.

    The bottom line is that your past cannot dictate your future. Seek help wherever needed, learn to recognize the sneaky signs and patterns of fearful-avoidant attachment and let yourself open up and experience true connection. With some work and self-exploration, it is possible to transform these negative patterns in relationships, creating meaningful bonds with those around you.

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