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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Unraveling The Depth of 'I'll Keep You Posted' (7 Hidden Meanings)

    What Does 'I'll Keep You Posted' Really Mean?

    In the realm of communication, words are often a gateway to the mind. They reveal, to an extent, the emotions, intentions, and thoughts of an individual. This article delves into a phrase we often use casually - "I'll keep you posted". Is it just a simple promise to stay in touch or something more? Does it vary in different contexts? Buckle up as we unpack the complexities and subtleties of this seemingly innocuous phrase.

    'I'll Keep You Posted': The Simple Interpretation

    At face value, "I'll keep you posted" is an assurance that someone will inform you about any changes or updates regarding a particular matter. It signifies a commitment to communication. On a personal note, I recall a time when a friend promised to "keep me posted" about her decision to either accept a job offer overseas or stay local. In this context, the phrase simply meant that she would share her decision with me once she had made it.

    Reading Between The Lines

    However, as we dig deeper, we realize that "I'll keep you posted" can carry various underlying meanings. It may indicate a lack of commitment, a need for control, a delay tactic, or a polite way to maintain distance. This makes the phrase not just about sharing updates, but also about navigating social dynamics, managing expectations, and exercising personal boundaries.

    The Psychology Behind The Phrase

    Often, the true meaning of "I'll keep you posted" is influenced by factors like the speaker's tone, body language, and the nature of the relationship between the individuals involved. It requires understanding the context, reading between the lines, and even an intuitive feel of the person's communication style.

    For example, a professional contact might use "I'll keep you posted" to establish a power dynamic, where they control the flow of information. A friend, on the other hand, might use it as a polite way to maintain a sense of distance, especially if they are not ready to share certain details yet.

    7 Hidden Meanings of 'I'll Keep You Posted'

    Below, we unravel seven hidden meanings of "I'll keep you posted", shedding light on the complexities of this seemingly straightforward phrase.

    1. A Promise of Connection

    In a world that is ever-busy and continuously evolving, maintaining a connection can be challenging. When someone says, "I'll keep you posted", it can be a promise to preserve that connection. It can be an indicator that the person cares about keeping you in the loop, valuing your opinion or input. They are willing to take that extra step to ensure that the bond remains intact.

    2. The Subtle Reminder of Power Dynamics

    In certain situations, "I'll keep you posted" can be a power play. It implies that the speaker has the control over the situation, and you are left to wait for their updates. It's subtle, but it's there - the power dynamics is unmistakable. From bosses to colleagues, this phrase can be a polite way of establishing hierarchy.

    3. The Polite Distancing Tool

    Sometimes, "I'll keep you posted" can be used as a polite distancing tool. It's an indication that someone wants to maintain a certain level of distance without appearing rude or insensitive. This is particularly true in situations where the individual is not ready to share certain details or wants to avoid further conversation on a specific topic.

    4. An Indicator of Indecisiveness

    There are times when "I'll keep you posted" is an escape hatch from making a firm decision. It buys the speaker some time and provides them with the flexibility to change their mind. It's an easy way to keep options open without committing to a definite course of action.

    5. A Sign of Consideration

    Often, "I'll keep you posted" is used out of consideration for the other person's feelings or situation. It acknowledges the fact that the person deserves to know about the changes or developments. It's a respectful way of saying, "I understand your concern, and I will make sure to keep you informed."

    6. A Delay Tactic

    Let's be honest, sometimes "I'll keep you posted" is nothing more than a delay tactic. It can be a way of procrastinating on a decision or avoiding an uncomfortable conversation. The individual may use this phrase when they are not ready to deal with the issue at hand, or when they want to delay giving a response that might not be favorable.

    7. A Non-Commital Statement

    Lastly, "I'll keep you posted" can be a non-committal statement, especially when used in casual or informal conversations. The person may not really intend to provide any updates and uses the phrase more out of habit or societal expectations. This usage is often devoid of any serious commitment and is essentially a vague and non-specific promise.

    Bringing it all Together

    The phrase "I'll keep you posted", as simple as it may seem, carries a rich depth of meanings depending on the context. It teaches us the nuances of communication and the importance of understanding beyond the words spoken. It reminds us that every conversation is an exchange not just of words, but of emotions, intentions, and power dynamics.

    As we interact with people around us, it's crucial to grasp these subtleties. It helps us communicate more effectively, understand others better, and navigate our relationships with a higher degree of insight. So, the next time you hear or use the phrase "I'll keep you posted", take a moment to ponder its true implication in that context. It's a small step towards becoming a more aware and effective communicator.


    • Deborah Tannen, "You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation", https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/233471.You_Just_Don_t_Understand
    • Alan Garner, "Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness", https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/774730.Conversationally_Speaking
    • Wikipedia, "Nonverbal Communication", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonverbal_communication

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