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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    7 Signs You Don't Trust Your Boyfriend

    The foundation of any thriving relationship is trust. But what happens when that trust begins to waver? How do you handle the gnawing feeling that you don't trust your boyfriend? These questions can be both confusing and terrifying to confront. But, before we delve deeper into these issues, let's understand why trust is so crucial in relationships.

    Trust is the bedrock of any successful relationship. It's like glue; it binds two people together and allows them to weather storms that come their way. But when this bond is threatened, it creates a shaky foundation that can lead to relationship breakdown.

    In my early twenties, I experienced a romantic relationship that fundamentally altered my understanding of trust. He was charismatic, caring, and charming, at least initially. However, with time, I started to feel a growing sense of discomfort. Even though he was doing everything "right", my gut feeling constantly alerted me that something was off.

    Trust in Relationships

    The feeling of trust or the lack thereof isn't just black and white; it is complex and can be confusing. It is not always about infidelity or dishonesty. Sometimes, it's about being emotionally unavailable or not respecting your boundaries. Sometimes, it's the fear of opening up completely, vulnerability, and getting hurt in return.

    In my case, the trust issue wasn't about infidelity or dishonesty. It was about him not respecting my emotional boundaries and being dismissive of my feelings. This experience taught me that trust is multidimensional, and its absence can make you feel isolated even in a relationship.

    Identifying the Signs

    Recognizing the signs that you don't trust your boyfriend is the first step towards addressing the issue. Here are seven signs that you might be struggling with trust issues:

    1. You're always on edge around him, worrying about his actions or words.
    2. You find it hard to open up to him about your feelings or experiences.
    3. You constantly check his phone or social media activities.
    4. You have recurring dreams or thoughts about him betraying your trust.
    5. You doubt his intentions, even when he does something nice for you.
    6. You find it hard to rely on him for support or help.
    7. You often feel the need to control his actions or decisions.

    Reflecting upon these signs, I realized my relationship was in jeopardy. The feeling of not being able to trust my boyfriend was all-consuming, leaving me in a constant state of worry and anxiety. This was a clear indicator that I needed to address my trust issues before they destroyed our relationship.

    Addressing the Trust Issue

    When you realize you have trust issues with your boyfriend, the natural reaction might be to panic. However, it's essential to remember that recognizing the problem is the first step towards resolution. Here are some practical steps you can take to address your trust issues:

    1. Open Communication: Honest communication is the cornerstone of trust. It's essential to articulate your fears and insecurities to your boyfriend without the fear of judgment or ridicule. In my case, opening up about my feelings led to a deeper understanding of each other's emotions and perspectives.
    2. Seek Professional Help: If communication isn't enough or if it's too challenging to express your feelings, seeking professional help is a valid and beneficial option. A relationship counselor or a therapist can provide guidance and help you navigate your emotions.
    3. Self-reflection: Understanding why you feel the way you do is crucial. It's important to ask yourself why you have these trust issues. Is it because of your boyfriend's actions, or does it stem from a past experience? Self-reflection can lead to self-awareness, which is a key step in resolving trust issues.
    4. Patience and Time: Repairing trust is not an overnight process. It requires time and patience. It's important to give your boyfriend the opportunity to regain your trust, and equally important for you to take the time to heal and rebuild your trust in him.

    These strategies helped me to slowly rebuild the trust in my relationship. But remember, every relationship is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. It's crucial to find what works best for you and your relationship.

    Building a Healthier Relationship

    Dealing with trust issues can be a rocky journey, but it's not impossible to overcome. Trust can be rebuilt, and relationships can be made healthier. Here are some tips on how to build a healthier relationship:

    1. Build Open Communication: A healthy relationship thrives on open and honest communication. Talk about your day, share your dreams, and don't shy away from discussing difficult topics.
    2. Establish Boundaries: Every individual has unique needs and boundaries. It's crucial to respect these boundaries for a balanced relationship.
    3. Practice Empathy: Try to understand your partner's perspective. Practicing empathy can help in resolving conflicts and building a stronger bond.
    4. Focus on Emotional Intimacy: Emotional intimacy is as important as physical intimacy. Sharing your feelings, fears, and joys can deepen your emotional connection.

    It's important to remember that trust is a two-way street. Both partners need to work on building and maintaining trust. In my case, by practicing these principles, we were able to cultivate a healthier relationship built on mutual respect and trust.


    Trust issues can be a major hurdle in any relationship. However, they're not insurmountable. Recognizing the signs, addressing the issue, and working towards a healthier relationship can lead to a stronger, more fulfilling partnership. Always remember, a relationship without trust is like a car without gas; you can stay in it as long as you want, but it won't go anywhere.

    For additional resources, consider these books:

    • "The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity" by Esther Perel
    • "Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown
    • "The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate" by Gary Chapman

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