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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Dealing with Painful Jealousy - Advice to Help You Overcome Insecurities

    When feelings of jealousy arise, it can be an uncomfortable experience. Jealousy is often associated with feelings of insecurity, loss of control, anger, and fear of being replaced or forgotten. It can cause turmoil in relationships and make it difficult to trust and feel safe with another person. Although feeling jealous from time to time is a normal experience, it is important to express these feelings in constructive and healthy ways instead of letting them turn into resentment or controlling behavior. The following tips can help you work through your pains of jealousy and help you learn how to create healthier relationships.

    Communicate Your Feelings Openly and Honestly

    One of the most important things to keep in mind when dealing with jealous feelings is to communicate them openly and honestly. It is important to tell your partner what you are feeling and why it is making you uncomfortable. Instead of resorting to behaviors that could be seen as controlling or manipulative, communicating clearly and realistically can help your partner understand where you're coming from. Being honest with one another can help build trust, as well as understanding and appreciation for one another.

    Recognize Your Jealousy Triggers

    People often react differently to certain situations. It is important to be aware of what triggers you may have in order to be able to deal with them proactively. Think about the types of things that make you feel jealous, such as seeing someone flirting with your partner or hearing about their successes or experiences without you. Once you are aware of your triggers, you can start to understand why those situations make you feel the way you do and take steps to better manage the feeling when it occurs.

    Invest In Yourself

    Sometimes when we feel jealous, we can start to focus on ourselves and think things like "I am not good enough" or "I don't measure up". This type of thinking can cause a downward spiral and lead to negative feelings, self-doubt, and insecurity. It is important to take the time to invest in yourself and practice good self-care. Spend time doing activities or hobbies that make you feel good, get enough rest, take care of your body, and find creative outlets for the feelings of envy or inferiority.

    Reframe Negative Thoughts

    When we are feeling jealous, we can become overwhelmed with negative thoughts. It can be helpful to practice reframing these negative thoughts by looking at them in a more positive light. Instead of thinking something like "I am not good enough", try something like "I am a work in progress and I can learn and grow in this situation." Re-framing your thoughts can help to focus on the positives instead of the negatives and help you to develop healthier ways of thinking.

    Examine Your Expectations

    Expectations are often a major source of jealousy. If we expect our partner to fill a certain role or behave a certain way, we can often be disappointed if they don't meet our expectations. Examine what you expect from your partner, as well as yourself, and talk openly about how to continue to create a healthy dynamic. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your partner and be open to adjusting them as needed.

    Seek Professional Help If Needed

    Sometimes it can be helpful to seek professional help if the jealous feelings are causing long-term distress or harm to your relationships and overall wellbeing. A therapist or counselor can help you to gain insight into the causes of your jealousy and explore ways to cope with and manage it. Therapy can also provide a safe space for expressing your feelings openly and working through any underlying issues that may be contributing to your jealous feelings.

    It is important to remember that experiences of jealousy are normal and don't have to lead to negative feeling and behaviors. By recognizing the signs of jealousy and taking action to address it in healthy ways, it is possible to have fulfilling relationships and avoid destructive patterns. Everyone has different triggers and methods of coping, so it is important to maintain self-awareness, commit to honest and open communication, and practice self-care.

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