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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How to Harness the Power of Polling for Making Relationship Decisions

    It has become increasingly common for people to turn to polls in order to make decisions about whether or not to stay together in a relationship. When faced with a difficult decision, couples are often intrigued by the results of a survey or the opinions of strangers. However, it can be tricky to weigh the advice you get from a poll with your own best interests and what may ultimately be good for your relationship.

    What exactly is polling, and how can it be used to power decisions in an intimate relationship? Whether you are considering taking a poll among friends or posting one online, understand how to navigate the process and ensure that you reach the right conclusion.

    What is Polling?

    At its core, polling is simply the practice of collecting data from a sample of people. It could be done informally among friends and family, or it could be done professionally with a larger audience. People decide to participate in polling for a few reasons: to ask for advice, to learn what the public opinion is on a certain topic, or just to have fun.

    Most surveys involve a set of questions that will be answered by respondents and then compiled into a report. As a result of this process, relationships take on a faint feeling of public support or a more visible sign of public opinion. When going through something particularly challenging, having this additional perspective can help to inform conversations.

    The Pros & Cons of Polling

    Many people turn to polls in order to help make decisions when their own feelings are in a state of flux. While learning the opinions of others can add a new layer of understanding to an already complex situation, it pays to be wary of how this knowledge is interpreted.

    The biggest pro of polling is that it provides objective data to help people zero in on the facts instead of their emotions. It also allows participants to connect with a larger community who are not necessarily real-life acquaintances, providing them with a more diverse opinion set.

    On the other hand, those who opt to consult a poll must remember that the information gleaned is only as valuable as the questions that are asked and the responses used to generate the results. The answers are also often framed in black-and-white terms; however, relationships exist in a stunning array of grays. Because of this, polls may not necessarily provide the path forward that is most suited to the couple in question.

    How to Make the Most Out of Polls

    As an important element of decision-making, polls must be viewed holistically and cannot stand alone in making this kind of life-altering movement. In navigating the process of using polls to decide on a relationship, consider the following:

    1. Formulate questions for the most accurate results. When creating a survey or poll, think carefully about the language you use and the questions you ask so that the answers accurately reflect the reality of your situation. Generally, if possible, use an open-ended response format – such as asking people to explain why they chose the answer, for example – that will allow the participant to supply all the information she wants.

    2. Assess the sample size and qualifications. Gathering detailed data from a big enough population to paint a fair picture of a given situation is essential. Get a mix of men and women as well as input from young and old. Furthermore, be sure to look at how qualified respondents are to answer the questions being asked − do they have any expertise or knowledge in your situation that can influence the way they answer?

    3. Look beyond the vote tally. A yes or no vote isn't typically the end of the information. Take the time to check any written responses. This will give you a much clearer vision of the broader community’s sentiment, which can help you gain insight into how certain sentimentality led to poll outcomes, where someone might be coming from, and why they voted a certain way.

    4. Avoid relying too heavily on polls when making significant decisions. the results of a poll should never substitute for the actual decision-making process that a couple needs to go through to determine the fate of their relationship. Instead, a poll should be seen as an additional source of information that may be useful in framing a discussion.

    In the end, use polls as tools that are meant to be taken with a grain of salt, no matter how compelling the outcome comes across. If you and your partner choose to use a survey to decide whether to stay together or separate, remember the nuances involved before making a final call.

    The decision-making process may still be difficult, but with the right approach, you and your partner can better utilize poll results to help you both find the answers that are best for your relationship.

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