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  • kamurj

    The Psycho-Social Conundrum of Ghosting Someone Unknown

    Ignoring someone's boundaries can feel like walking on broken glass. However, it is perfectly acceptable to ghost someone you have never been friends with who continues to ignore your boundaries. It may be one of the most complicated situations that can arise in personal relationships and understanding why and how to do it effectively requires insight into the finer details of psychological dynamics.

    At some point, it is necessary to make a conscious effort to protect yourself from getting hurt. But to many, ghosting someone they never had an established relationship with can seem callous and dangerous. That said, a certain level of detachment must be applied in order for someone to continue to valuing their own feelings. To say a definitive 'yes' or 'no' about ghosting may ultimately result in an opinionated response that does not take into account the depth of the situation, or the individual’s ability to control themselves emotionally.

    In the age of social media, boundaries have become even more blurred than before. Anyone wanting to establish a relationship or form any kind of connection must work to set expectations with whoever they are connecting with– both without being too demanding or clingy. Knowing when to respect someone else's boundaries and fiercely maintain your own is a skill that must be developed. There is no secret formula or one-size-fits-all approach that guarantees success when it comes to disconnected relationships, which is when ghosting often is necessary.

    When ghosting someone who keeps ignoring one’s boundaries, it is essential to stay committed to the process, grounded in respect and clear expectations. Most importantly, it is important to trust yourself and your judgement. When deciding to ghost, it is imperative to remember that it is not about cutting off contact with anyone- it is about deciding when it is appropriate to go silent and deny access.

    Though it may seem daunting, it is quite simple to maintain boundaries and provide security through ghosting. By emotionally detaching from people, it becomes easier to set rigid standards and be honest and direct about the desired level of commitment throughout any given relationship. Striking this balance may seem a bit counterintuitive, but understanding how much power one holds to choose when to extend kindness and when to remain silent, is highly empowering.

    Attending to self-awareness is of the utmost importance when deciding whether or not to ghost someone who continues to ignore boundaries. Like most things in life, the only choice that matters is your own. Establishing an awareness of your current emotions, boundaries, and intentions will help guide the decision, leaving the initiator in a position to stand behind that decision without any reservations.

    You are the one who is responsible for your emotional well-being. If someone is consistently ignoring your boundaries and disregarding the attention they may be receiving, the best option left is to ghost them to preserve your integrity and create a safe distance between you and them.

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