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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Choosing Love (10 Proven Ways to Make It Last)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Love is an active choice
    • Feelings alone don't sustain love
    • Mindful decisions strengthen relationships
    • Commitment grows love over time
    • Uncertainty is part of love

    What is Choosing Love?

    Choosing love means consciously deciding to invest in your partner and the relationship every day. It's more than just the initial thrill of falling in love. It's about staying present through the highs and lows and making decisions that nurture the relationship rather than harm it.

    We often think love is something that happens to us. But the truth is, love requires active participation. It's not just about chemistry or compatibility; it's about waking up each day and making the choice to stay committed to your partner. As relationship expert Dr. John Gottman puts it, "Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small gestures, and small acts."

    Choosing love isn't easy, but it's rewarding. When we decide to prioritize love, we create space for trust, respect, and deeper emotional intimacy. The choice empowers us to weather life's storms together, building a stronger, more resilient bond.

    Why Love is More Than a Feeling

    Love as a feeling can be intoxicating and overwhelming, but feelings are fleeting. Passion and excitement ebb and flow, which is why love must be something deeper. We can't rely solely on emotion to sustain a relationship over the years. Feelings can change, but the decision to love someone can remain steady.

    When we base love on feelings alone, we risk losing it when things get tough or when life pulls us in different directions. This is where the psychological concept of emotional permanence comes in. Emotional permanence is the understanding that love can persist even when we aren't actively feeling it in the moment.

    Couples who last have found ways to keep choosing love, even during times of frustration, boredom, or doubt. Love becomes more about shared values, mutual respect, and the promise to keep choosing each other, no matter what.

    Why is Love a Choice?

    love choice

    Love doesn't simply happen by accident. Sure, we fall in love unexpectedly sometimes, but staying in love and nurturing that relationship? That's a conscious decision. Love is not a passive state of bliss; it's a choice to put in effort, even when it's hard.

    Psychologists often describe this as the transition from passionate love to companionate love. While passion might ignite a relationship, it's the everyday decisions that sustain it. Choosing love means deciding to communicate openly, showing up even when you're tired, and sometimes compromising your own desires for the sake of the relationship. As Esther Perel, a renowned relationship expert, states, “The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.”

    This is why love requires more than feeling "in love"—it's about continuing to choose each other every day, through every challenge and joy.

    The Psychology Behind Choosing Love

    Love and relationships are often painted as something magical, but they are deeply rooted in psychological principles. One such principle is attachment theory, which helps explain how we form emotional bonds with others. Our early experiences shape how we relate to love as adults. Those with secure attachments are more likely to choose love because they trust in its stability and are less fearful of vulnerability.

    Another psychological concept at play is cognitive dissonance. This theory suggests that when we make a choice—especially a significant one, like choosing to love someone—we work to justify it to ourselves. By consistently choosing love, we reinforce our commitment, making it easier to sustain the relationship in the long run.

    It's also worth noting that love is often a combination of emotional and rational choices. While we feel deeply connected to our partner, it's our logical decisions that strengthen that connection over time. Choosing love is the mindful practice of making those choices.

    What Comes After Falling in Love?

    Falling in love is exhilarating. It's the phase where everything feels light, the world seems brighter, and we can't get enough of our partner. But what comes after that initial rush? This is where the real work begins—building a relationship that goes beyond infatuation.

    Once the excitement levels out, couples often enter a stage of deep connection and understanding. This is when love matures, transitioning from the passionate, head-over-heels phase to a more stable, companionate form of love. It's in this stage that we learn to navigate each other's flaws, preferences, and complexities. Real love is about staying through the tough moments, the quiet days, and even the disagreements.

    Dr. Sue Johnson, a leading expert on relationships, explains this transition well: “Love is a continual process of tuning in, connecting, missing, and misreading cues, disconnecting, repairing, and finding deeper connection.” It's an ongoing cycle of growing together and rediscovering each other, long after that initial fall.

    Can You Choose Not to Fall in Love?

    Falling in love can feel involuntary—something that just happens to us, whether we want it or not. But can you really choose not to fall in love? The answer isn't simple. While we can't always control attraction or those early sparks of interest, we absolutely have a say in whether or not we allow those feelings to deepen into love.

    One psychological phenomenon that comes into play here is emotional regulation. This refers to our ability to manage and control our emotional responses. We might feel an initial attraction or emotional pull toward someone, but we can choose how to act on those feelings. We can set boundaries, distance ourselves, or focus our energy elsewhere.

    Ultimately, while we may not be able to stop ourselves from feeling drawn to someone, we can decide whether to nurture that connection or to let it fade. By choosing our actions and responses, we have more control over whether we fall in love—or stay out of it.

    10 Proven Ways to Make Love Last

    Lasting love doesn't happen by chance—it's something couples build together over time. By practicing certain behaviors and making intentional decisions, you can strengthen your relationship and create a deeper, long-lasting bond. Let's dive into some of the most effective ways to nurture and maintain love.

    1. Communicate openly and honestly. Clear, honest communication is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. Whether it's discussing feelings, goals, or concerns, being transparent helps avoid misunderstandings and builds trust.
    2. Prioritize quality time together. In our busy lives, it's easy to let work or personal commitments get in the way of spending meaningful time with your partner. Make an effort to set aside time where you both can connect without distractions.
    3. Embrace conflict as growth. Disagreements are inevitable, but how you handle them matters. Instead of avoiding conflict, approach it as an opportunity to grow together. Learn how to argue constructively, focusing on solutions rather than winning.
    4. Show appreciation regularly. It's easy to take your partner for granted over time. Small gestures of appreciation—like a simple thank you or an affectionate note—go a long way in reinforcing feelings of love and gratitude.
    5. Maintain intimacy and physical touch. Intimacy doesn't just mean sex; it's about maintaining a physical connection, whether through hand-holding, hugging, or just sitting close. Physical affection helps reinforce emotional closeness.
    6. Support each other's individual growth. Healthy relationships allow room for both partners to grow individually. Encourage each other's passions and goals, and celebrate personal achievements, even if they don't directly involve the relationship.
    7. Keep the romance alive. Just because you've been together for a long time doesn't mean romance should fade. Surprise your partner with date nights, spontaneous gestures, or just a thoughtful message to remind them they're loved.
    8. Practice forgiveness. Mistakes will happen, but holding onto grudges can erode your bond. Learning to forgive and move forward is essential for any relationship to thrive.
    9. Be vulnerable with each other. Vulnerability is key to building emotional intimacy. By sharing your fears, insecurities, and dreams, you create a space where both of you can feel truly seen and supported.
    10. Work as a team. Relationships are partnerships, not competitions. Support each other, make joint decisions, and always remember that you're on the same side.

    By incorporating these habits into your relationship, you'll set the foundation for love that not only lasts but thrives over the years. Remember, it's not about perfection—it's about progress and dedication.

    Why Do We Sometimes Choose to Leave?

    Leaving someone you love is one of the hardest decisions a person can make, but it happens more often than we think. Why do we sometimes choose to walk away from love? It's rarely because the love has completely faded; it's often because something deeper is broken. The reasons for leaving are complex and emotional, and they can stem from unmet needs, unhealed wounds, or irreconcilable differences.

    Sometimes, we leave because the relationship no longer aligns with who we are or who we want to become. Growth is essential, but if partners are growing in different directions, it can create distance that's hard to bridge. On the other hand, unresolved issues like constant conflict or lack of trust can make staying feel unbearable, even if love remains. As Brené Brown puts it, “Choosing to leave is choosing discomfort over resentment.”

    Ultimately, leaving is not about giving up on love, but about choosing your own well-being when the relationship can no longer serve both partners in a healthy way.

    Dealing With Uncertainty in Love

    Uncertainty is an unavoidable part of any relationship. No matter how much you love your partner, there will always be moments of doubt—about the future, about compatibility, about whether you're making the right choice. This can feel overwhelming, but the truth is that uncertainty is part of the human experience, especially in love.

    Psychologists call this the fear of the unknown, and it's something we all grapple with in relationships. Will this love last? Will things change? These questions often arise, particularly during times of stress or life transitions. The key is not to let these fears dictate your decisions. Embrace the fact that you can't predict the future, and instead, focus on building trust and communication in the present.

    In fact, learning to navigate uncertainty can strengthen your bond. Couples who face doubts together and talk openly about their concerns tend to develop deeper emotional connections. The ability to sit with discomfort and stay committed despite it is what often separates lasting love from fleeting infatuation.

    Uncertainty is not a sign of failure—it's a natural part of being in a relationship. When we learn to accept it, we can move forward with confidence, knowing that love is a choice we make every day, even when the future is unclear.

    How Do You Know if You Chose Right?

    It's a question that haunts many of us: Did I make the right choice in love? While there's no foolproof answer, there are signs that can help you feel more confident in your decision. One of the most telling indicators is how you feel about the relationship when things aren't perfect. If, during moments of conflict or doubt, you still feel a deep sense of respect and care for your partner, it's a good sign you're on the right path.

    Another clue lies in how you support and challenge each other. A healthy relationship allows both partners to grow individually while staying connected as a couple. You should feel safe being vulnerable with your partner, knowing they'll support your dreams and fears. As Esther Perel notes, “The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships,” and when you're with the right person, you feel that quality in every aspect of your life.

    Trust your intuition, but also recognize that no relationship is free of doubt. Even the best partnerships have their difficult moments, and the key is how you navigate them together. If you both choose love daily, you've likely chosen well.

    Final Thoughts on Choosing Love

    Love is one of the most powerful forces in our lives, but it's also one of the most misunderstood. We often believe love is something that happens to us, like a stroke of luck or fate. But the truth is, love is something we actively create and sustain. Choosing love means showing up every day, not just for the good times, but for the challenging ones as well. It's about being deliberate in how we nurture our connection, communicate, and grow together.

    The beauty of love is that it's not just a feeling—it's a choice we make again and again. Whether you're just starting out or have been together for years, it's the decisions you make daily that determine the strength and longevity of your relationship. As you move forward, remember that love isn't perfect, but when you choose it intentionally, it can be incredibly fulfilling and lasting.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
    • Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
    • Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson


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