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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    When You're Not Sexually Attracted to Your Boyfriend: 5 Insights

    Have you ever looked at your boyfriend and felt a chilling wave of guilt because, despite his many wonderful qualities, you don't find yourself sexually attracted to him? If so, you're not alone. This challenging situation has been experienced by many people, and it's a testament to the complexity of human emotions and sexual attraction. Over the course of this article, we'll dive into five unconventional insights about this issue, exploring potential causes, implications, and actions you can take.

    Insight 1: Sexual Attraction Isn't a Switch

    Despite what romantic comedies might lead us to believe, sexual attraction isn't a light switch that can be flicked on and off at will. It's an intricate interplay of emotional, psychological, and physical factors. You could have a great emotional connection with your boyfriend, enjoy his company, and even love him dearly, yet still lack a strong sexual desire towards him.

    To illustrate this, let's consider my own experience. I remember when I found myself in a similar situation a few years ago. Despite being madly in love with my partner, something felt off. I couldn't help but feel an unspoken gap between us, a disconnect that no amount of effort or time seemed to fill. It was then that I realized the missing piece of the puzzle: I lacked sexual attraction towards my partner.

    It was a daunting realization that led me to question everything I knew about love and attraction. I came to understand that sexual attraction isn't binary, but rather exists on a spectrum. Just because it's missing in the present moment doesn't mean it's gone forever. Nor does it immediately invalidate the love you have for your partner.

    Insight 2: Lack of Sexual Attraction Doesn't Equate to a Lack of Love

    One of the most perplexing aspects of not being sexually attracted to your boyfriend is the misconception that it equates to a lack of love. This couldn't be further from the truth. Love and sexual attraction, while often interconnected, are distinct elements of a relationship. One can exist without the other, as confusing as that might be.

    In my case, my love for my partner was deep and genuine, yet the sexual attraction was absent. This led to a myriad of emotions: guilt, confusion, and even shame. I felt like I was somehow betraying my partner by not being able to reciprocate his sexual desire. However, through self-reflection and emotional maturity, I realized that my lack of sexual attraction didn't diminish my love for him.

    Understanding this distinction can be liberating. It alleviates the guilt and the pressure that often accompanies the absence of sexual attraction in a relationship. Acknowledging this difference can also help you navigate your feelings more effectively and take the necessary steps to address the issue.

    Insight 3: Unearthing the Root Cause

    If you're not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, there could be several underlying reasons behind it. It might stem from emotional issues, hormonal imbalance, stress, or even past trauma. It's crucial to unearth these root causes to navigate your way forward.

    In my journey, I spent months trying to pinpoint why I felt the way I did. It involved numerous self-reflective sessions, therapy, and open conversations with my partner. It was during one of these introspective moments that I discovered my feelings—or rather, lack thereof—were rooted in past emotional trauma. My past experiences were affecting my ability to feel sexual desire towards my partner. Understanding this was a game-changer; it gave me clarity and a sense of direction.

    Exploring the root cause isn't about assigning blame, but about gaining clarity. This clarity can empower you to make informed decisions about your relationship and how to move forward. Remember, it's okay to seek professional help in this journey of self-discovery. Therapists and counselors can provide invaluable insight and tools to help you navigate this complex issue.

    Insight 4: Communication is Key

    If you're not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, communication becomes more critical than ever. This isn't an easy conversation to have—it requires vulnerability and honesty. However, it's also a conversation that could potentially strengthen your relationship.

    I remember the day I decided to share my feelings with my partner. The fear was overwhelming, but so was the need for honesty. To my surprise, he responded with understanding and patience. The conversation was not easy, but it was a turning point in our relationship. It opened up a path to potential solutions, deepened our emotional connection, and ultimately brought us closer.

    Each relationship is unique, so the reactions can vary. However, communication remains a crucial element. It provides your partner with an understanding of your feelings and offers an opportunity to work together towards a solution.

    Insight 3: Unearthing the Root Cause

    If you're not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, there could be several underlying reasons behind it. It might stem from emotional issues, hormonal imbalance, stress, or even past trauma. It's crucial to unearth these root causes to navigate your way forward.

    In my journey, I spent months trying to pinpoint why I felt the way I did. It involved numerous self-reflective sessions, therapy, and open conversations with my partner. It was during one of these introspective moments that I discovered my feelings—or rather, lack thereof—were rooted in past emotional trauma. My past experiences were affecting my ability to feel sexual desire towards my partner. Understanding this was a game-changer; it gave me clarity and a sense of direction.

    Exploring the root cause isn't about assigning blame, but about gaining clarity. This clarity can empower you to make informed decisions about your relationship and how to move forward. Remember, it's okay to seek professional help in this journey of self-discovery. Therapists and counselors can provide invaluable insight and tools to help you navigate this complex issue.

    Insight 4: Communication is Key

    If you're not sexually attracted to your boyfriend, communication becomes more critical than ever. This isn't an easy conversation to have—it requires vulnerability and honesty. However, it's also a conversation that could potentially strengthen your relationship.

    I remember the day I decided to share my feelings with my partner. The fear was overwhelming, but so was the need for honesty. To my surprise, he responded with understanding and patience. The conversation was not easy, but it was a turning point in our relationship. It opened up a path to potential solutions, deepened our emotional connection, and ultimately brought us closer.

    Each relationship is unique, so the reactions can vary. However, communication remains a crucial element. It provides your partner with an understanding of your feelings and offers an opportunity to work together towards a solution.

    Insight 5: Finding a Path Forward

    So, what do you do if you're not sexually attracted to your boyfriend? There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Your path will depend on your unique situation, feelings, and the underlying causes of your lack of sexual attraction.

    In my situation, understanding the root cause—my past emotional trauma—was the first step. From there, I sought therapy, not just as an individual, but as a couple. Together, my partner and I worked on bridging the gap in our relationship. It was a long and challenging journey filled with ups and downs, but it was worthwhile. Our relationship emerged stronger, and while it wasn't perfect, it was real and honest.

    For you, the path forward might involve individual or couples therapy, self-reflection, open communication, or even taking a break. The key is to make these decisions from a place of understanding and love, both for yourself and for your partner.


    Not being sexually attracted to your boyfriend can feel like an insurmountable challenge. It's a complex issue laden with guilt, confusion, and fear. However, with understanding, patience, and courage, you can navigate this challenge. Remember, it's okay to seek help and lean on others. You're not alone in this journey.


    • Perel, E. (2007). Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence. Harper.
    • WebMD: Understanding Sexual Attraction
    • Psychology Today: How to Grow

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