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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    13 Powerful Signs Someone Is Attracted to You

    Key Takeaways:

    • Attraction shows in body language.
    • Subtle cues reveal hidden feelings.
    • Mirroring is a powerful signal.
    • Blushing often indicates deeper interest.
    • People remove barriers to get closer.

    What is attraction?

    Attraction isn't just about physical looks or charm—it's a magnetic pull that draws us toward another person. It can be fueled by anything from a smile to shared values or emotional connection. When we talk about attraction, it's not just about romance either. Whether we realize it or not, we feel attracted to others on many levels, including intellectual, emotional, and physical.

    Psychologically, attraction can be linked to evolutionary survival, where we seek out qualities in others that mirror our desires or needs. Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist, says, “Attraction is driven by the brain pathways that control ‘reward' behavior, which explains why the more we experience it, the more we want it.” That desire grows stronger, especially when it's mutual.

    Can you feel if someone is attracted to you?

    Ever been in a room and just felt the air change? It's that invisible but undeniable sense that someone's attention is focused on you. It's a fascinating phenomenon because you can almost “feel” the energy, even without them saying a word. Sometimes, it's the subtle shifts in their body language, or the way they glance your way a little too often.

    Psychologists have explored this as part of non-verbal communication. A person's physical presence or slight changes in behavior can trigger our natural instinct to notice. From the way someone stands to how they interact with their surroundings, there are often telltale signs they are drawn to you. You can feel it when they lean in just a little too close, or when the conversation feels effortless. Our brains are wired to pick up on these cues, even when we're not consciously aware of it.

    Subtle signs that someone is attracted to you

    Sometimes, attraction doesn't scream—it whispers. It can be the soft glance from across the room, the way they adjust their appearance when you walk by, or how their body naturally turns towards you in conversation. These small, nearly imperceptible changes speak volumes. It's easy to overlook them if you're not paying close attention.

    One of the most common subtle signs is mirroring. When someone is attracted to you, they unconsciously mimic your movements. If you lean in, they'll do the same. If you brush your hair aside, they might start fussing with their own. This is rooted in the psychological principle of rapport building, where mimicking someone creates a sense of familiarity and connection.

    Another subtle sign is nervous fidgeting. Ever notice someone touching their hair or adjusting their clothes repeatedly? These are signs that they're more aware of themselves in your presence. They want to look their best, and they're suddenly hyper-aware of how they come across.

    How to tell when someone is attracted to you

    Figuring out whether someone is attracted to you can feel like trying to solve a puzzle. It's not always obvious, but there are ways to put the pieces together. One of the strongest indicators is how much effort they put into being near you or staying in contact. Do they find excuses to touch your arm lightly? Are they suddenly showing up at places where they know you'll be?

    People who are attracted to you will also tend to give you their full attention. In a crowded room, they focus more on you than on others. This is part of the psychological phenomenon known as selective attention, where our brains focus on things (or people) we find most appealing or interesting. They might even block out distractions just to stay engaged in your conversation.

    It's not just about what they say; it's also about how they react. A smile that lingers just a little too long or eyes that seem to light up when you enter the room can tell you everything. These subtle, yet powerful signals often speak louder than words.

    Body language signs of attraction

    Body language is one of the clearest indicators of attraction, often speaking louder than words. When someone is attracted to you, their body will naturally gravitate towards you. They might face you fully when speaking, stand closer than usual, or lean in during conversation, even in a crowded space. These physical shifts are subtle, but they reveal their desire to connect more deeply.

    Another common body language sign is open posture. When someone is interested, they'll avoid crossing their arms or putting objects between you and them. They're creating physical openness, a way to invite connection without even realizing it. It's a subconscious signal that they want to be approachable and engaged with you.

    On the other hand, watch how they move. Do they playfully bump into you, or perhaps find small excuses to touch you? These micro-interactions can be driven by a need for closeness. The psychological basis behind this behavior is rooted in the human need for physical intimacy when attraction is present.

    Eye contact and its role in attraction

    Eye contact is one of the most powerful, and sometimes intense, signs of attraction. Have you ever locked eyes with someone and felt a jolt of energy between you? That's not just your imagination. Eye contact releases oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” which deepens emotional connection and bonds people together.

    When someone is attracted to you, they'll often maintain eye contact a little longer than usual. It's a subtle, but impactful, way to show interest. The way their eyes soften or light up when they look at you is a giveaway. Prolonged eye contact can even create feelings of excitement, and according to relationship expert Dr. Laura Berman, "Sustained eye contact is a primal way to engage with someone, making you feel connected in a very real and intimate way."

    However, not everyone is comfortable with long eye contact. Some may look away quickly, especially if they're feeling shy or nervous around you. But if they repeatedly glance your way or look for you when you're not looking, it's often a strong sign they can't get you off their mind.

    13 signs of attraction

    Attraction shows up in so many ways, both subtle and obvious. While you might already be familiar with some of the more common signs, others are less apparent but equally telling. Below, we'll break down 18 signs that someone is genuinely attracted to you.

    1. Removing barriers

    When someone is attracted to you, they instinctively try to minimize the physical distance between the two of you. One of the clearest signs of this is the removal of barriers. Barriers can be anything—objects like a coffee cup, a bag, or even crossed arms. Have you noticed someone moving something between you, subtly removing any obstacle that might be in the way of your interaction? This is their subconscious way of creating an open space for connection.

    Imagine this scenario: You're sitting at a table with someone, and they deliberately move a book or phone aside, opening up the space. It's not just a random action. It's their way of saying, “I'm here, and I want to be closer to you.” Barriers don't have to be large; even the smallest gesture of clearing a path between you two speaks volumes. It's a subconscious signal that they want you to feel more connected.

    2. Mirroring behavior

    Have you ever noticed someone copying your movements or gestures without even realizing it? This is called mirroring, and it's one of the most natural and instinctive signs of attraction. When someone is drawn to you, they often reflect your body language, your posture, and even your tone of voice. It's their way of building rapport and creating a bond with you.

    Psychologically, this stems from our desire to fit in with those we're interested in. It's almost as if our brains are saying, “I'm like you. We have something in common.” So, when you lean in during a conversation, they'll do the same. If you cross your legs, they may unconsciously follow suit. Mirroring goes beyond just physical movements too. It can include adopting similar phrases, speech patterns, or energy levels. It's one of the most subtle, yet powerful, signs of attraction.

    According to social psychology, this behavior is a way to foster connection and increase feelings of trust. When you mirror someone, you're telling them—without words—that you're on the same wavelength. If you ever notice this happening, it's a pretty good indication that they're feeling more than just casual interest.

    3. Looking for reasons to touch you

    Touch is one of the most powerful non-verbal signs of attraction. When someone is drawn to you, they often find subtle ways to make physical contact. It could be as simple as a light brush of your arm, a playful tap, or even an innocent touch on the shoulder during conversation. These small moments of contact are usually intentional, even if they appear casual.

    People who are attracted to you might look for excuses to initiate this touch. Maybe they'll adjust something on your clothing, help you with a task, or playfully bump into you. These seemingly minor touches are a way to feel closer without crossing boundaries. Physical touch releases oxytocin, the “bonding hormone,” which deepens feelings of connection and can even enhance attraction.

    Touch also has a psychological impact. It can make someone feel special, comforted, and emotionally connected. So, if they're making an effort to close the gap between you with small touches, chances are they're feeling more than just friendly vibes.

    4. Hair twirling

    Hair twirling is one of those playful and subconscious signs that someone is feeling a bit nervous—or excited—around you. It's often associated with flirting, especially when done in your presence. When someone plays with their hair while talking to you, it's usually a sign they're feeling attracted but perhaps a little unsure of how to express it directly.

    Psychologically, this gesture falls under the category of self-soothing behaviors. It helps them manage their emotions, particularly when they're feeling a bit anxious or overwhelmed by the attraction. It's a non-verbal way of releasing that tension.

    In some cases, hair twirling can also be a way to draw attention to themselves, especially if it's done more deliberately. It's almost as if they're unconsciously trying to say, “Look at me. I want your attention.” If you notice them twirling their hair frequently, especially in moments of deeper conversation or flirtation, it's a pretty strong sign that they're feeling the chemistry.

    5. Dressing up more when you're around

    One of the more obvious signs of attraction is when someone starts to put in extra effort to look their best around you. They might wear a new outfit, do their hair differently, or pay extra attention to their grooming. It's not always a dramatic change, but the small upgrades in their appearance are often meant to impress you, whether they realize it or not.

    When someone likes you, they naturally want to be seen in their best light. It's part of human nature to try to appear more attractive to those we're drawn to. So if you notice that someone is dressing up a little more or even subtly improving their style when they know you'll be around, that's a big clue. They're putting thought into how you perceive them, and that's a clear indicator of attraction.

    Psychologically, this can be linked to the desire to make a positive impression. Attraction often drives us to seek validation and admiration from the person we're interested in. So, if they've stepped up their fashion game, it's probably for you.

    6. Blushing cheeks

    Blushing is one of the most uncontrollable signs of attraction, and that's what makes it so telling. When someone's cheeks turn pink or red in your presence, it's a physical reaction to the heightened emotions they're feeling. Blushing occurs because of a rush of adrenaline that dilates the blood vessels, bringing more blood to the surface of the skin. It's a direct, involuntary response to excitement or nervousness.

    When you compliment someone or catch them off guard with a flirty comment, and their cheeks flush, you've likely triggered an emotional response linked to attraction. It's not something they can hide or control, which is why blushing is one of the most genuine signs that someone's interested in you.

    Blushing can also be tied to feelings of vulnerability. When we're attracted to someone, we often feel exposed, like they can see right through us. That sense of exposure can cause a blush, making it an undeniable sign of attraction. So, if someone's cheeks are constantly turning pink around you, it's a strong indicator that their feelings run deeper than casual interest.

    7. Fussing with their appearance

    When someone is attracted to you, they often become more self-conscious about their appearance. This might show up as constant adjustments to their clothes, hair, or even jewelry. They're not necessarily aware they're doing it, but it's a subconscious way of trying to present themselves in the best possible light. Attraction can make us hyper-aware of how we look, especially in the presence of the person we're drawn to.

    Imagine sitting across from someone, and they're repeatedly fixing their collar, adjusting their watch, or smoothing out their shirt. It's not random behavior—it's driven by the need to look polished and attractive. This is a clear sign that they care about how you see them and want to make a good impression.

    Fussing with appearance often reflects a blend of excitement and nervousness. It's like they're preparing for your approval or attention, wanting to ensure everything looks just right in your eyes.

    8. Body language speaks volumes

    Even without words, body language is a huge indicator of how someone feels. When it comes to attraction, the body has a way of giving everything away. People who are attracted to you will often display open body language, facing you directly and angling their bodies towards you. They'll avoid crossing their arms, as this can signal defensiveness or disinterest.

    One of the biggest body language cues is proximity. If someone is always standing or sitting close to you, even when there's plenty of room elsewhere, they're likely attracted to you. They might also tilt their head slightly when listening, showing genuine interest and focus. This physical openness is a clear invitation for connection.

    Leaning in, uncrossing arms, and maintaining an open stance are all powerful non-verbal messages. Psychologist Albert Mehrabian's research highlights that much of communication is non-verbal, with body language making up 55% of it. This means the way someone positions themselves around you is a big clue to how they feel. If their body language is relaxed and focused on you, the attraction is hard to miss.

    9. Leaning in when talking

    Leaning in during a conversation is one of the clearest signs that someone is interested in you. It's not just about hearing you better—it's a physical indication that they're fully engaged and want to be closer. When someone leans in, they're bridging the gap, creating intimacy without needing to say a word. It's as though their body can't help but be drawn toward you.

    Leaning in often happens naturally, especially in quieter settings. Whether you're seated at a table or standing side by side, the person will unconsciously move closer to you, signaling their desire to connect on a deeper level. The closer they lean, the more invested they are in what you're saying. It's a way of showing that they're focused solely on you, blocking out the rest of the world.

    Psychologically, this behavior can be linked to the human need for connection. When we're attracted to someone, we want to reduce the physical distance between us, and leaning in is a subtle way of achieving that. If you notice someone consistently leaning in during your conversations, it's a strong sign that they're drawn to you.

    10. Hand-holding

    Hand-holding is one of the most intimate and emotionally charged gestures. It's a way of physically expressing comfort, affection, and closeness. When someone reaches out to hold your hand, even in a casual setting, it's often a sign that they feel a deep connection with you. Holding hands goes beyond just a friendly gesture—it's a way of signaling trust and warmth.

    Hand-holding can happen in different contexts. Maybe you're walking together and their hand naturally finds yours, or perhaps they reach out during an emotional conversation. This small but powerful action says, “I'm here with you,” and it can deepen the bond between two people.

    From a psychological standpoint, hand-holding can also reduce stress and increase feelings of safety. Studies have shown that physical touch, especially hand-holding, releases oxytocin, a hormone linked to bonding and emotional closeness. So, if someone holds your hand, they're likely feeling more than just a passing attraction—it's a sign of genuine affection and desire for connection.

    11. They make an effort to see you

    When someone is attracted to you, they'll go out of their way to be around you. It's not just about chance meetings—they'll actively seek out opportunities to spend time with you. Maybe they suddenly appear at events they know you'll attend, or they find reasons to be in your neighborhood. These efforts aren't random; they're intentional steps to get closer to you.

    People who are drawn to you will also prioritize spending time with you, even if it means rearranging their schedule. If they're consistently making plans, initiating hangouts, or checking in to see if you're available, it's a clear sign they enjoy your company and want to deepen the connection. The effort they put into seeing you speaks volumes about their level of interest.

    Attraction creates a strong desire for proximity, and when someone makes time for you despite being busy, it's an unmistakable signal that they're invested in the relationship. Whether it's a quick coffee break or a long dinner, their willingness to be present shows how much they value your time together.

    12. Being flirtatious and teasing

    Flirting is a universal way of showing attraction. When someone flirts with you, they're testing the waters, trying to gauge your response while playfully expressing their interest. Teasing is a big part of this—it creates a light, fun atmosphere that fosters closeness. If someone is always teasing you in a way that feels playful, not hurtful, it's a good sign they're attracted to you.

    Teasing often works because it breaks down barriers and allows both people to feel more comfortable with one another. It shows confidence and a willingness to be vulnerable, even if it's wrapped in humor. The key to flirtation is that it feels good for both people involved. There's a back-and-forth dynamic that builds excitement and connection.

    Psychologically, flirting taps into the brain's reward system. Each playful interaction releases dopamine, which makes both parties feel more connected and excited about each other. So if someone is constantly dropping flirty comments, giving you sly smiles, or finding clever ways to make you laugh, it's a clear sign they're trying to get closer.

    13. Finding ways to be close to you

    When someone is attracted to you, proximity becomes a priority. They'll look for subtle ways to stay physically close, whether it's standing beside you at social events or sitting near you in group settings. It's not always obvious, but if you notice someone consistently positioning themselves near you, it's a strong sign of attraction. It's as if they can't resist the pull to be near you.

    They may also find small, innocent reasons to get closer—like brushing past you in a crowded room or sitting just a little closer than necessary during a conversation. These aren't accidental; they're intentional ways of closing the physical distance. The closer they are to you, the more connected they feel.

    This desire for proximity is rooted in our psychological need for connection. When we're drawn to someone, physical closeness often helps us feel emotionally closer as well. So, if they're always finding ways to be near you, even when there's plenty of space elsewhere, it's a strong indicator that they're deeply attracted.

    Behavioral signs of deep attraction

    Attraction goes beyond just physical signs—it often shows up in a person's behavior. When someone feels a deep attraction, their actions will reflect it. They may prioritize your needs, go out of their way to help you, or show interest in your life in a more meaningful way. These behavioral changes are often subtle but significant.

    For example, someone who is deeply attracted to you might remember little details you've mentioned, like your favorite coffee or a story you shared weeks ago. They'll make an effort to ask about your day or check in on things that matter to you. This attentiveness shows that you're on their mind and that they care about your well-being.

    Another strong behavioral sign is consistency. They'll show up, not just once or twice, but regularly. They'll make time for you and won't cancel plans at the last minute. These actions speak to a deeper level of attraction, where it's not just about being close—it's about being present, invested, and committed to building a connection.

    Deep attraction is also reflected in vulnerability. Someone who feels strongly for you may open up more, sharing personal stories, fears, and dreams. This emotional openness indicates trust and a desire for deeper intimacy, both key signs of genuine attraction.


    Attraction is often a blend of subtle cues and more obvious signs. While each person expresses their feelings differently, the patterns of behavior we've explored—like leaning in during conversations, mirroring your movements, or seeking out opportunities to be near you—are strong indicators that someone is drawn to you.

    It's important to remember that attraction isn't just about physical appearance. Emotional connection, body language, and behavioral cues all play a significant role in how we perceive and experience attraction. As we've discussed, the ways someone behaves when they're attracted to you are often rooted in deep psychological processes, from rapport-building through mirroring to the release of oxytocin when they make physical contact.

    The signs of attraction, whether subtle or bold, are your roadmap to understanding someone's feelings. It's all about tuning in and recognizing the cues that speak louder than words. When someone goes out of their way to be present, makes an effort to connect, and consistently seeks your company, those signs are often too strong to ignore.

    Whether you're trying to understand someone's feelings for you or deepening your connection with a person you're interested in, knowing how to read these signs can give you clarity and confidence in navigating the early stages of a relationship. Pay attention to the little things—because, more often than not, they're the biggest indicators of attraction.

    Recommended Resources

    • Body Language: How to Read Others' Thoughts by Their Gestures by Allan Pease
    • The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
    • Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love by Helen Fisher


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