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    9 Things That Will Never Happen If You Truly Love The Person You're With

    Love is a powerful emotion that can bring us immense joy and happiness. When we love someone deeply, we want the best for them and we strive to make them happy. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, our actions may not always align with our feelings. It's not uncommon for relationships to face challenges, but if you truly love the person you're with, there are certain things that will never happen. In this article, we'll explore nine things that will never happen if you truly love your partner.

    You will never intentionally hurt them

    When you love someone, you care about their feelings and well-being. You would never intentionally do something to hurt them, whether it's through your words or actions. Even if you have disagreements or arguments, you would never resort to intentionally hurting them to get your way.

    You will never take them for granted

    When you truly love someone, you appreciate them for who they are and what they bring to your life. You don't take them for granted or assume that they'll always be there for you. Instead, you show them gratitude and make an effort to let them know how much you value them.

    You will never lie to them

    Honesty is an important foundation for any healthy relationship. When you love someone, you don't keep secrets from them or lie to them about important matters. You understand that honesty is essential for building trust and maintaining a strong connection.

    You will never disrespect them

    Respect is another crucial aspect of a healthy relationship. When you love someone, you respect their boundaries, opinions, and choices. You don't belittle or invalidate them, and you make an effort to listen to their perspectives.

    You will never prioritize your ego over your relationship

    In any relationship, it's important to prioritize the needs of the partnership over individual egos. When you truly love someone, you recognize that your relationship is a team effort and you prioritize the needs of the team over your own personal desires.

    You will never stop trying to make them happy

    Love is an ongoing effort to make your partner happy and fulfilled. When you truly love someone, you don't stop trying to make them happy, even after the honeymoon phase is over. You continue to show them love and affection, and you make an effort to keep the romance alive.

    You will never stop communicating with them

    Communication is key in any healthy relationship. When you love someone, you don't stop communicating with them, even when things get tough. You make an effort to express your feelings and listen to theirs, and you work together to find solutions to any problems that arise.

    You will never let jealousy get in the way

    Jealousy can be a destructive force in relationships. When you truly love someone, you don't let jealousy get in the way of your connection. You trust your partner and you don't let irrational feelings of jealousy drive a wedge between you.

    You will never give up on them

    Finally, when you love someone, you never give up on them. No matter what challenges you may face, you remain committed to the relationship and to making things work. You understand that love is a choice, and you choose to love your partner every day, even when things get tough.

    There are certain things that will never happen if you truly love the person you're with. You will never intentionally hurt them, take them for granted, lie to them, disrespect them, prioritize your ego over your relationship, stop trying to make them happy, stop communicating with them, let jealousy get in the way, or give up on them. When you truly love someone, you make a commitment to honor and cherish them, and you work hard to build a strong and healthy relationship that can stand the test of time.

    Of course, no relationship is perfect, and even the strongest partnerships can face challenges from time to time. But when you truly love your partner, you approach these challenges with a sense of commitment, patience, and understanding. You don't let disagreements or conflicts erode the foundation of your relationship, and you remain steadfast in your love and devotion to one another.

    When you truly love the person you're with, you recognize that your relationship is a gift that must be cherished and nurtured. You don't take your partner for granted or assume that your love will always be there without any effort on your part. Instead, you make a conscious choice every day to show your love and appreciation, to communicate openly and honestly, and to work together to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

    If you truly love the person you're with, there are certain things that will never happen. You will never intentionally hurt them, take them for granted, lie to them, disrespect them, prioritize your ego over your relationship, stop trying to make them happy, stop communicating with them, let jealousy get in the way, or give up on them. Instead, you will prioritize your love and commitment to them, and you will work tirelessly to build a strong and healthy relationship that can stand the test of time.

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