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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    8 Ways Chivalry Can Enhance Your Relationship

    Key Takeaways:

    • Chivalry enriches relationship dynamics
    • Respect and courtesy are foundational
    • Integrity and fidelity foster trust
    • Justice and charity enhance connection

    Embracing Chivalry in Modern Relationships

    In an era where the art of romance often feels lost to the digital age, the ancient virtues of the chivalric code emerge as a beacon of hope for those seeking deeper, more meaningful connections. Chivalry, with its roots in the medieval concept of knightly behavior, offers a timeless framework for cultivating honor, respect, and compassion in relationships today. It's about more than just opening doors or pulling out chairs; it's a holistic approach to loving and living that can profoundly impact our interpersonal dynamics.

    At its core, chivalry is about recognizing the dignity of another person and acting with integrity and kindness. In the context of a relationship, this means creating a space where both partners feel valued, heard, and supported. The modern interpretation of chivalry goes beyond the superficial acts of politeness to encompass a genuine respect for one another's needs, desires, and boundaries. It's a commitment to being your best self for the sake of your partner and the health of your relationship.

    However, misconceptions about chivalry abound, with some viewing it as outdated or irrelevant in today's society. This could not be further from the truth. When applied thoughtfully, the principles of chivalry can enhance the quality of your relationship, fostering a partnership based on mutual respect, understanding, and love. It invites us to reconsider our actions and attitudes towards our partners, encouraging behaviors that uplift rather than undermine.

    This exploration into chivalry's role in modern relationships is not just about reviving old customs; it's about rediscovering the value of treating each other with kindness, respect, and dignity. As we delve into the nuances of the chivalric code and its application today, we uncover a path to more fulfilling and enduring relationships. Let's embark on this journey together, learning how the noble ideals of the past can inform and improve our present and future connections.

    Understanding the Chivalric Code in Today's Context

    The chivalric code, a complex set of ideals that governed the behavior of knights in the Middle Ages, is surprisingly relevant to our current understanding of healthy relationships. Its principles, such as honor, loyalty, and protection, offer a framework for how individuals in a relationship can interact with integrity and respect. Today, we interpret these values not as rigid rules but as guiding principles that encourage us to be considerate, empathetic, and just in our dealings with our partners.

    Honor, in the context of a modern relationship, translates to acting with honesty and integrity. It's about being true to your word and consistent in your actions, creating a foundation of trust that is essential for any strong relationship. Loyalty, another pillar of the chivalric code, involves dedication and commitment to your partner, demonstrating that you are there for them in both good times and bad.

    Protection, while historically referring to physical defense, now encompasses emotional support and security. It's about being a safe haven for your partner, offering them a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. The chivalric virtue of courtesy extends beyond mere manners, encouraging us to be mindful of our partner's feelings and to treat them with kindness and respect at all times.

    Justice and fairness are also key components of the chivalric code, advocating for equality and balance in a relationship. This means acknowledging your partner's needs and desires as equal to your own and striving for a partnership where both individuals feel heard and valued. Lastly, the principle of charity in the chivalric code inspires us to act with generosity and compassion, giving of ourselves without expecting anything in return.

    By integrating these chivalric values into our relationships, we create a stronger, more resilient bond. It's about fostering a partnership where both parties feel respected, valued, and supported. In today's fast-paced world, where relationships can sometimes feel transactional, returning to these time-honored principles can help us build deeper, more meaningful connections.

    The chivalric code, therefore, is not just a relic of the past but a living, breathing ethos that can enrich our relationships in profound ways. As we navigate the complexities of modern love, these ancient virtues provide a compass, guiding us toward a more fulfilling and respectful partnership. In embracing these ideals, we find that the true essence of chivalry is not about how it defines us as individuals but how it transforms us as partners in a loving, committed relationship.

    1. Respect: The Foundation of Modern Chivalry


    In the tapestry of modern relationships, respect stands as the cornerstone upon which the ideals of chivalry are built. It is the soul of the chivalric code, reimagined for contemporary love, where every interaction is imbued with mutual regard and esteem. Respect in this context transcends traditional notions of politeness, delving deeper into the realm of acknowledging and valuing one's partner as an equal, an individual with their own thoughts, feelings, and boundaries.

    This modern interpretation of respect involves actively listening to one's partner, showing genuine interest in their words and experiences. It's about creating a safe space where both individuals feel comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment or dismissal. Such an environment fosters open communication, a vital component for the growth and sustainability of any relationship.

    Respect also manifests in the way partners treat each other's time, space, and personal choices. It acknowledges the importance of independence within the partnership, championing the idea that love should enhance one's freedom, not constrain it. By respecting these boundaries, couples build a foundation of trust and security, essential elements for any thriving relationship.

    Furthermore, respect involves recognizing and celebrating differences. It's about embracing the unique qualities that each partner brings to the relationship, understanding that diversity in thoughts and opinions can strengthen rather than divide. This appreciation of individuality is a hallmark of modern chivalry, where love is seen as a journey of mutual discovery and growth.

    The challenges of daily life can sometimes strain this ideal, but maintaining respect through conflicts and disagreements is crucial. It means approaching sensitive issues with empathy and consideration, striving to understand rather than to be understood. This approach not only resolves conflicts more effectively but also deepens the connection between partners, reinforcing the bond of mutual respect.

    Embodying respect in a relationship is an ongoing commitment, a conscious choice to honor and uphold the dignity of one's partner in every interaction. It is a principle that, when practiced diligently, can transform the very nature of a relationship, making it not just a partnership but a testament to the enduring relevance of chivalric values in the modern age.

    2. Courtesy: Beyond Mere Manners

    Courtesy, the second pillar of modern chivalry, extends far beyond the conventional gestures of politeness to encompass a deeper understanding and appreciation of one's partner. It is the grace of actions motivated by genuine care and the desire to make one's partner feel valued and respected. In today's fast-paced world, where personal interactions can often become perfunctory, courtesy in relationships offers a refreshing contrast, a return to thoughtful, considerate behavior that recognizes the worth of the person you love.

    This renewed vision of courtesy involves attentiveness to the small details that make up the fabric of daily life. It's about recognizing and responding to your partner's needs, sometimes even before they voice them. This could manifest in simple acts like making a cup of coffee in the morning, offering a comforting hug after a long day, or just being present and attentive when they speak. These actions, though seemingly small, carry immense significance, serving as tangible expressions of love and care.

    Moreover, courtesy is about navigating the space within a relationship with kindness and respect. It entails using words that uplift rather than wound, choosing actions that comfort rather than distress. It's a commitment to conducting oneself with grace, even in moments of disagreement, ensuring that the bond of love remains unbroken by harsh words or thoughtless deeds.

    At its heart, courtesy is also about gratitude — acknowledging the effort and contributions of one's partner and expressing appreciation regularly. This practice nurtures a positive atmosphere within the relationship, where both partners feel seen, acknowledged, and valued. It reinforces the idea that love is not just a feeling but a series of actions and choices that reflect the depth of that emotion.

    In embracing the ethos of courtesy, couples can cultivate a relationship characterized by warmth, kindness, and mutual respect. It's a journey towards building a partnership where love is expressed not just in grand gestures but in the quiet, everyday moments of consideration and care. Courtesy, then, becomes not just an aspect of chivalry but a fundamental expression of love in its purest form.

    3. Valor: Courage in Protecting Emotional Boundaries


    Valor, in the context of modern chivalry, transcends its traditional association with physical bravery to encompass the courage required in setting and respecting emotional boundaries within relationships. It's about having the strength to communicate your needs and limits clearly and respectfully, as well as the fortitude to honor those of your partner. This aspect of valor is essential for nurturing a healthy, balanced relationship where both individuals feel safe and valued.

    Establishing emotional boundaries is a proactive step towards protecting one's mental and emotional well-being. It involves defining what is acceptable and what isn't, what you are comfortable with, and what you are not. This process requires honest self-reflection and open communication, both of which demand courage and vulnerability. It's about saying 'no' when something doesn't feel right, and 'yes' to what truly aligns with your values and needs.

    Valor also manifests in the willingness to listen and accept your partner's boundaries without judgment or resentment. It is a demonstration of respect and support, acknowledging that while you may not always understand their perspective, you recognize their right to establish limits that make them feel secure. This mutual respect for boundaries is the cornerstone of trust and intimacy in a relationship.

    However, asserting and negotiating boundaries can be challenging, especially in close relationships where the fear of causing upset or creating distance may loom large. It takes courage to voice your needs and equally, to hear and accept your partner's. This is where the valorous heart of chivalry shines brightest— in the willingness to face these challenges head-on, prioritizing the health of the relationship over the discomfort of difficult conversations.

    Moreover, valor involves the ongoing commitment to uphold these boundaries over time, even when it's inconvenient or challenging. It's about consistently choosing to act with integrity and respect, reinforcing the trust and safety that form the bedrock of love. This commitment often requires renegotiating limits as the relationship evolves, a process that demands both partners to be adaptable, understanding, and courageous.

    In the dance of love and relationships, valor is the strength to hold one's ground gracefully, respecting oneself and one's partner enough to maintain healthy boundaries. It's a declaration that emotional safety and mutual respect are non-negotiable, serving as the pillars upon which lasting love is built.

    Thus, the modern knight or dame is one who wields the sword of communication with precision and grace, protecting the sanctity of personal and shared emotional spaces. Valor, in this light, is not just about bravery in the face of external challenges, but the inner strength required to cultivate a relationship of depth, respect, and enduring love.

    4. Honor: Upholding Integrity in Relationships

    Honor, a central tenet of the chivalric code, holds profound significance in the realm of modern relationships. It calls upon individuals to act with integrity, holding themselves and their relationships to a standard of ethical behavior that transcends mere social expectation. Honor in love demands honesty, reliability, and the unwavering commitment to do right by one's partner, even when no one is watching.

    This virtue is manifested through the consistency of one's actions with their words, ensuring that promises made are promises kept. It's about being accountable for one's behavior, acknowledging mistakes, and striving for improvement. Honor demands a level of self-reflection and humility that not only strengthens the individual but also fortifies the relationship against the erosive effects of deceit and betrayal.

    Moreover, honor involves respecting the privacy and autonomy of your partner. It rejects the temptation of jealousy and possessiveness, advocating instead for trust and freedom within the confines of commitment. This respect for individuality is a testament to the strength of the bond between partners, a bond built on mutual respect and understanding rather than control or suspicion.

    In times of conflict, honor guides individuals to engage with empathy and respect, seeking resolutions that honor both partners' needs and feelings. It's about fighting fair, without resorting to manipulation or cruelty, recognizing that the goal of any disagreement should be mutual understanding and growth, not victory at the other's expense.

    Ultimately, honor in relationships is about living up to the best version of oneself, acting with kindness, respect, and integrity. It's a commitment to building a partnership that reflects the highest ideals of love and chivalry, where both individuals feel valued, respected, and cherished. By upholding honor, couples create a legacy of love that is not only fulfilling but also inspiring to others.

    5. Sacrifice: The Essence of Selflessness

    Sacrifice, often viewed through the lens of grand gestures and monumental acts, finds its true essence in the everyday selflessness that characterizes strong, enduring relationships. It is the willingness to put the needs and happiness of your partner at par with, or sometimes above, your own. This dimension of modern chivalry doesn't imply losing oneself in the relationship; rather, it signifies the beauty of compromise and the strength found in mutual support and understanding.

    In practical terms, sacrifice might manifest in small adjustments to one's routine or preferences to accommodate the other's needs. It could be as simple as choosing a restaurant you know your partner loves or as complex as relocating to support their career. These acts of sacrifice, when made willingly and thoughtfully, underscore the depth of one's commitment and love.

    However, the essence of sacrifice in a relationship also involves recognizing when compromise serves the greater good of the partnership and when it might lead to resentment or loss of self. True sacrifice benefits the relationship without diminishing either partner's sense of self-worth or happiness. It requires a delicate balance, a dance of give-and-take that is both art and science, demanding attentiveness, empathy, and, above all, communication.

    Moreover, the willingness to sacrifice reflects a deep understanding of and connection to one's partner. It shows that you are attuned to their needs, desires, and aspirations. This level of empathy and understanding is foundational to any strong relationship, reinforcing the bonds of intimacy and trust.

    Ultimately, the act of sacrifice in the chivalric sense is about fostering a partnership where both individuals feel supported, valued, and understood. It's about building a relationship that transcends the individual, creating a shared narrative of love, support, and mutual respect. In this light, sacrifice is not just an act of giving up but a profound expression of love's transformative power.

    6. Fidelity: Commitment to Loyalty

    Fidelity, the unwavering commitment to loyalty and faithfulness, stands as a pillar of modern chivalry in relationships. It's the bedrock upon which trust is built and nurtured, a testament to the depth of one's commitment to their partner and the relationship. Fidelity extends beyond the avoidance of physical infidelity to encompass emotional loyalty, the dedication to maintaining an intimate connection that respects the sanctity of the partnership.

    This commitment manifests in various forms, from maintaining transparency in interactions with others to prioritizing the relationship's well-being in decision-making processes. It involves actively choosing your partner every day, reaffirming your commitment through words and actions that reflect the exclusivity and importance of the bond you share.

    However, fidelity is not just about adhering to agreements or avoiding temptations; it's also about nurturing the connection that underpins the relationship. This involves regular communication, sharing experiences, and maintaining an emotional intimacy that keeps the relationship vibrant and fulfilling. It's the ongoing effort to connect, understand, and grow together that truly characterizes fidelity.

    Challenges to fidelity are not uncommon, and they often stem from unmet needs or unresolved issues within the relationship. Addressing these challenges requires open, honest communication and a willingness to work together towards strengthening the bond. It's about confronting difficulties not as adversaries but as partners committed to overcoming obstacles together.

    In the context of modern chivalry, fidelity also embraces the concept of loyalty to oneself—remaining true to one's values, desires, and needs within the framework of the relationship. This self-loyalty is not about selfishness but about maintaining a healthy self-identity that enriches the partnership. It's the harmonious balance between self and shared identity that fosters a deep, lasting connection.

    Fidelity, therefore, is a multifaceted commitment that encompasses physical, emotional, and ethical loyalty. It's the promise to stand by your partner, to support and cherish them, and to work tirelessly towards the continued health and happiness of the relationship. In embracing fidelity, couples forge a bond that is resilient, fulfilling, and deeply chivalrous.

    By embodying fidelity, partners not only honor each other but also the legacy of chivalry, proving that loyalty, in its truest form, is both a choice and a declaration of love. It is a vow to remain steadfast, not just in the face of temptation but in the everyday commitment to nurture, protect, and treasure the sacred bond of love.

    7. Justice: Fairness and Equality in Partnership

    Justice, in the realm of modern chivalry, translates to the pursuit of fairness and equality within a relationship. It's about creating a partnership where both individuals feel equally valued, heard, and respected, regardless of their roles or contributions. This principle of the chivalric code challenges traditional dynamics, advocating instead for a balanced distribution of power, responsibilities, and benefits that reflect the unique needs and capabilities of each partner.

    In practical terms, justice involves shared decision-making, where both partners have an equal say in the choices that affect their relationship and their lives. It's about recognizing and valuing each other's opinions, ensuring that no one voice dominates the conversation. This approach not only fosters mutual respect but also strengthens the bond between partners, as they navigate life's challenges together, as equals.

    Justice also extends to the division of labor within the relationship, challenging outdated notions of gender roles. It's about finding a balance that works for both partners, whether in managing household chores, parenting, or supporting each other's careers. By striving for equity, couples can create a more harmonious and supportive environment, one that honors the contributions of both individuals.

    Ultimately, justice in a relationship is about recognizing and acting upon the inherent worth of your partner as an equal. It's a commitment to fairness that transcends societal expectations, focusing instead on what is right and equitable for the partnership. By upholding the value of justice, couples can build a stronger, more equitable relationship that serves as a foundation for mutual growth and fulfillment.

    8. Charity: The Act of Giving Without Expecting in Return

    Charity, within the context of modern chivalry, embodies the spirit of generosity and benevolence in a relationship. It's about giving freely of oneself—time, energy, love—without the expectation of reciprocation. This principle of the chivalric code elevates the act of giving to an expression of pure love, a testament to the selfless nature of true partnership. Charity in love is not just about material gifts or grand gestures; it's about the everyday acts of kindness that signify a deep, abiding care for one's partner.

    The essence of charity can be found in the willingness to support your partner's dreams and ambitions, to stand by them during challenging times, and to celebrate their successes as if they were your own. It's the comforting presence, the listening ear, and the encouraging word offered freely and with love. Such acts of kindness and support are the lifeblood of a strong, healthy relationship, fostering a deep sense of connection and mutual respect.

    Moreover, charity involves the forgiveness of flaws and the acceptance of imperfections. It's recognizing that your partner, like yourself, is human and fallible, and choosing to love them all the more for their vulnerabilities. This generous spirit of acceptance and forgiveness is crucial for navigating the inevitable ups and downs of any relationship.

    Charity also extends to the broader context of the relationship, encouraging partners to give back to their community or to causes they care about. This shared commitment to generosity can strengthen the bond between partners, creating shared experiences and values that enrich the partnership.

    However, the practice of charity must also be balanced with self-care and boundaries. True charity does not deplete one's own resources or well-being; rather, it is a joyful expression of love that enriches both the giver and the receiver. It's about finding the delicate balance between giving and receiving, ensuring that the act of charity contributes to the health and happiness of the relationship.

    In embodying the virtue of charity, partners not only enhance their own relationship but also set a powerful example of love and generosity. It's a reminder that at the heart of chivalry lies the noblest of ideals: to love selflessly, generously, and unconditionally. By practicing charity, couples can cultivate a relationship that is not only fulfilling but also transformative, both for themselves and for the world around them.

    Navigating Challenges with Chivalric Principles

    In any relationship, challenges and conflicts are inevitable. However, navigating these obstacles with chivalric principles offers a path to resolution that honors the dignity of both partners. The virtues of respect, honesty, and courage, central to the chivalric code, provide a framework for addressing difficulties in a way that strengthens the bond between partners, rather than weakening it.

    When faced with conflict, the principle of respect ensures that both partners approach the situation with an attitude of understanding and empathy. It's about listening actively to each other's concerns without judgment, acknowledging the validity of their feelings. This respectful communication fosters a safe environment where issues can be openly discussed and resolved.

    Honesty, another cornerstone of chivalry, is crucial when navigating challenges. It involves being truthful about one's feelings, desires, and needs, even when it's difficult. Honesty builds trust, a vital component of any strong relationship, and ensures that both partners are fully informed and able to address the root causes of conflicts.

    Courage, in the context of relationship challenges, is about facing difficult conversations head-on, rather than avoiding them. It requires the bravery to address issues directly and constructively, with a commitment to finding solutions that benefit the relationship. This valorous approach demonstrates a commitment to the health and longevity of the partnership.

    Utilizing chivalric principles also means acting with fairness and justice, ensuring that both partners' perspectives are considered and valued. This equitable approach to conflict resolution ensures that solutions are mutually beneficial, reinforcing the sense of partnership and teamwork.

    Finally, navigating challenges with chivalry involves the willingness to forgive and move forward. Forgiveness is a powerful act of charity and grace, allowing couples to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger. It's a testament to the strength of the relationship and the enduring love between partners.

    Implementing Chivalric Values in Daily Interactions

    Integrating chivalric values into daily interactions can transform the quality of a relationship, infusing everyday moments with respect, kindness, and love. The principles of the chivalric code—such as courtesy, honor, and charity—are not just ideals for times of conflict but are guiding lights for daily life.

    Courtesy in daily interactions might look like expressing gratitude for the small things your partner does, acknowledging their efforts to make your life happier and more comfortable. It's about showing appreciation regularly, making sure your partner feels valued and loved.

    Honor in the everyday context is about being reliable and keeping promises, no matter how small. It's the commitment to being someone your partner can depend on, someone who acts with integrity in all things, from the mundane to the significant.

    Charity is seen in the willingness to do things for your partner without expecting anything in return. It could be as simple as making their favorite meal after a long day or offering support during stressful times. These acts of kindness enrich the relationship, creating a culture of generosity and love.

    Implementing chivalric values also means practicing patience and understanding, especially when your partner is facing challenges. It's about offering support and encouragement, being a source of strength and comfort during difficult times.

    Furthermore, integrating these values into daily life involves fostering an environment of open communication and honesty. It means having the courage to share your thoughts and feelings and being open to hearing your partner's perspective. This ongoing dialogue strengthens the connection between partners, ensuring that the relationship continues to grow and evolve.

    By embracing chivalric values in daily interactions, couples can build a relationship that not only withstands the test of time but also brings joy, fulfillment, and a deep sense of companionship. It's a commitment to living out the ideals of chivalry every day, creating a love that is both noble and enduring.

    The Impact of Chivalry on Relationship Dynamics

    The infusion of chivalric principles into modern relationships can profoundly influence the dynamics between partners, fostering an environment of mutual respect, understanding, and support. By reviving these age-old virtues, couples can navigate the complexities of contemporary love with grace and dignity, strengthening their bond in the process.

    Chivalry, with its emphasis on respect and courtesy, encourages partners to treat each other with kindness and consideration. This conscious effort to uphold the dignity of one's partner transforms interactions, making them more meaningful and positive. Such an atmosphere not only enhances the emotional connection but also builds a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect.

    The principles of valor and honor within chivalry inspire individuals to act with integrity and bravery, even in the face of challenges. This commitment to honesty and courage in addressing issues fosters a transparent and secure relationship, where both partners feel supported and valued.

    Furthermore, chivalry's focus on justice and equality ensures that both partners have an equal voice and stake in the relationship. This balance of power and responsibility cultivates a partnership where decisions and benefits are shared, leading to greater harmony and satisfaction.

    Charity, as a chivalric virtue, emphasizes the importance of selflessness and generosity in love. By prioritizing the well-being and happiness of one's partner, couples can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and joy in their relationship. This act of giving without expecting in return reinforces the bond of love, making it more resilient and enduring.

    Overall, the impact of chivalry on relationship dynamics is transformative. It not only enhances the quality of interactions between partners but also enriches the emotional and spiritual depth of the relationship. By embracing chivalric principles, couples can cultivate a love that is both noble and lasting, a testament to the timeless value of these ancient virtues in the modern world.

    FAQ: Addressing Common Questions About Modern Chivalry

    Is chivalry still relevant in modern relationships?
    Yes, chivalry is highly relevant in today's relationships. Its core principles of respect, honesty, and kindness are timeless virtues that can enhance the quality of any partnership, fostering a deeper connection and mutual understanding.

    How can I practice chivalry in my relationship?
    Practicing chivalry involves treating your partner with respect, acting with integrity, and prioritizing their well-being. Small acts of kindness, listening actively, and supporting your partner's dreams are all ways to embody chivalric values in your relationship.

    Does chivalry imply that one partner is subordinate to the other?
    No, modern chivalry is about equality and mutual respect. It encourages both partners to treat each other with dignity and consideration, without implying subordination or dependency.

    Can chivalry help resolve conflicts in a relationship?
    Yes, the principles of chivalry, such as honest communication, fairness, and respect, can be invaluable tools in resolving conflicts. They encourage a constructive approach to disagreements, focusing on understanding and compromise.

    Is it possible to be too chivalrous in a relationship?
    While chivalry emphasizes generosity and selflessness, it's important to balance these virtues with self-care and boundaries. True chivalry respects the needs and well-being of both partners, without leading to self-sacrifice or loss of individuality.

    Conclusion: Cultivating a Chivalric Spirit in Love and Life

    In the quest for fulfilling and enduring relationships, the ancient principles of chivalry offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern love with grace, respect, and dignity. By embodying the virtues of respect, honesty, valor, honor, justice, and charity, couples can create a foundation of trust and mutual understanding that transcends the superficialities of contemporary dating culture.

    Cultivating a chivalric spirit in love and life is not about adhering to outdated norms or performing grand gestures. It's about embracing the essence of these timeless virtues in everyday interactions, treating your partner with kindness, acting with integrity, and prioritizing their happiness and well-being.

    The impact of chivalry on a relationship is profound. It not only enhances the dynamic between partners but also enriches the individual lives of those involved. In a world where relationships often flounder on the shoals of miscommunication and selfishness, chivalry shines as a beacon of hope, guiding couples towards a more loving, equitable, and fulfilling partnership.

    Recommended Resources

    • The All-or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work by Eli J. Finkel, Dutton, 2017
    • Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Sue Johnson, Little, Brown Spark, 2013
    • The New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love Work by Terrence Real, Ballantine Books, 2007
    • Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex by John Gray, HarperCollins, 1992

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