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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    7 Steps to Understand and Embrace Demisexuality

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understanding demisexuality
    • Recognizing and accepting feelings
    • Effective communication strategies
    • Building supportive relationships
    • Managing societal misconceptions

    Feeling a deep connection to someone before experiencing sexual attraction can be both confusing and isolating in a world that often prioritizes physical attraction. If you've ever wondered why you don't experience attraction the same way as others, you might find comfort in understanding demisexuality. This specific sexual orientation means that a person only feels sexual attraction to someone with whom they have an emotional bond.

    In this article, we'll explore the meaning of demisexuality, discuss the common struggles and challenges associated with it, and offer practical advice to help you navigate your journey. Whether you're questioning your own identity or supporting a loved one, understanding and embracing demisexuality can foster deeper relationships and self-awareness.

    Understanding Demisexuality

    Demisexuality is a term that falls under the asexual spectrum. Unlike asexual individuals who may not experience sexual attraction at all, demisexual people do feel sexual attraction but only after forming a strong emotional connection. This can be puzzling for those who are more accustomed to experiencing immediate physical attraction.

    According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN), demisexuality is not about having low libido or being uninterested in sex; it's about the conditions under which sexual attraction occurs. The emotional bond is a prerequisite for demisexual individuals to feel any form of sexual attraction.

    Dr. Carol Queen, a noted sexologist, explains, "Demisexuality challenges the conventional wisdom that physical attraction is a given in romantic relationships. It brings to light the importance of emotional intimacy as a foundation for sexual desire."

    The Challenges of Demisexuality

    thoughtful contemplation

    Living as a demisexual person comes with its unique set of challenges. One of the most significant hurdles is the feeling of being misunderstood. In a society where sexual attraction is often seen as immediate and essential in romantic relationships, demisexuality can be hard for others to grasp. This misunderstanding can lead to feeling isolated or pressured to conform to more conventional norms of attraction.

    Another challenge is the difficulty in finding compatible partners. Demisexual individuals may struggle with dating since many dating environments prioritize physical attraction and chemistry from the get-go. This can result in feelings of frustration or discouragement, as it might take longer to find someone who values emotional connection as deeply.

    Moreover, demisexual people may experience internal conflict. Understanding and accepting one's sexual identity can be a complex journey, especially when it diverges from societal expectations. This internal struggle can sometimes lead to questioning self-worth and feeling out of place.

    Recognizing Your Feelings

    Recognizing and accepting your feelings as a demisexual individual is the first step towards embracing your identity. It's essential to acknowledge that your experiences and attractions are valid, even if they don't align with societal norms. Understanding that your sexual orientation is a legitimate and recognized part of the sexual spectrum can provide a sense of relief and self-acceptance.

    Take time to reflect on your past relationships and attractions. You might notice a pattern where emotional bonds precede any form of sexual attraction. This self-reflection can be eye-opening and affirming, helping you to understand your unique experiences better.

    As Dr. Emily Nagoski, a renowned sex educator, states in her book "Come As You Are," "Knowing and understanding our own sexual desires and boundaries is fundamental to our overall well-being and happiness."

    Engaging in self-discovery and educating yourself about demisexuality can also be empowering. Reading articles, joining support groups, or talking to others who share similar experiences can provide validation and support. Remember, you're not alone in your journey.

    Communicating Your Identity

    confident conversation

    Communicating your identity as a demisexual can be daunting, especially when it involves revealing a deeply personal aspect of yourself. However, open and honest communication is crucial in helping others understand your experiences and needs. Start by choosing a comfortable and safe environment to have these conversations, such as a quiet café or a private setting where you feel at ease.

    Begin the conversation by explaining what demisexuality means to you. Use clear and simple language to describe how emotional connection plays a vital role in your sexual attraction. Sharing personal experiences can also help illustrate your points and make them more relatable to the person you're talking to.

    It's essential to be patient and prepared for a range of reactions. Some people might be unfamiliar with the concept of demisexuality and may need time to process the information. Encourage them to ask questions and provide them with resources for further reading if they show interest.

    Dr. Brene Brown, a research professor and expert on vulnerability, emphasizes the power of open communication: "Vulnerability is not about winning or losing; it's about having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome."

    Building Supportive Relationships

    Building supportive relationships is vital for anyone, but especially for those navigating a unique sexual identity like demisexuality. Start by seeking out friends and communities that understand and respect your experiences. Surrounding yourself with people who offer empathy and support can significantly enhance your well-being and self-acceptance.

    Consider joining online forums or local support groups dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community. These spaces can provide a sense of belonging and connection with others who share similar journeys. Engaging with these communities can also offer practical advice and emotional support.

    When it comes to romantic relationships, look for partners who value emotional intimacy and are willing to build a deep connection before progressing to physical attraction. Honest and ongoing communication about your needs and boundaries is crucial in fostering a healthy relationship. Make sure your partner understands and respects your identity, and be willing to educate them if necessary.

    Additionally, nurturing your existing relationships with friends and family members is essential. Share your experiences and feelings with them to foster understanding and support. Remember, building supportive relationships is a continuous process that requires effort and mutual respect.

    Navigating Dating and Intimacy

    Dating can be a complex terrain for demisexual individuals, given the emphasis on physical attraction in many dating scenarios. Navigating this landscape requires patience, self-awareness, and clear communication about your needs and boundaries.

    When entering the dating world, it can be helpful to seek out platforms and communities that are inclusive and understanding of diverse sexual orientations. Look for dating apps that allow you to specify your preferences and orientations, and don't hesitate to be upfront about your demisexuality in your profile. This honesty can help filter potential matches who respect and understand your identity from the beginning.

    On dates, focus on building emotional connections through meaningful conversations and shared experiences. Express your need for an emotional bond before physical intimacy and ensure that your date respects this aspect of your identity. It's essential to communicate openly about your feelings and listen to your partner's as well.

    Creating intimacy without pressure is crucial. Enjoy activities that foster closeness, like talking, spending time together, and engaging in mutual interests. Remember that building a relationship at a pace that feels comfortable for you is perfectly valid.

    As Esther Perel, a renowned psychotherapist, suggests, "Intimacy is not something you can always pursue directly. Sometimes it comes from a shared experience, a mutual interest, or a conversation that goes deeper than the surface."

    Managing Misconceptions

    One of the significant challenges demisexual individuals face is managing misconceptions about their sexual orientation. Many people might not understand demisexuality and could make incorrect assumptions or statements that can be hurtful or frustrating.

    A common misconception is that demisexuality is just a phase or that demisexual individuals are simply being 'picky' about their partners. It's important to educate others about what demisexuality truly means. Explain that it is a legitimate sexual orientation where emotional connection is necessary for sexual attraction, rather than a temporary or selective preference.

    Another misconception is that demisexual people are uninterested in sex or have a low libido. Clarifying that demisexuality is about the conditions under which sexual attraction occurs, not the frequency or intensity of sexual desire, can help dispel this myth.

    It can be beneficial to have resources and references on hand to share with others. Directing them to articles, books, or websites that explain demisexuality can provide them with a broader understanding and reduce the burden on you to constantly explain your identity.

    Patience is key when dealing with misconceptions. Understand that it may take time for people to grasp the concept fully. Be prepared to reiterate and clarify as needed, and don't hesitate to set boundaries if someone is being dismissive or disrespectful.

    Seeking Professional Support

    Sometimes, navigating the complexities of demisexuality and its impact on your relationships and self-esteem may require professional support. Seeking the help of a therapist or counselor who is knowledgeable about LGBTQ+ issues can provide you with valuable guidance and coping strategies.

    Professional support can be particularly beneficial if you're experiencing significant distress or confusion about your sexual identity. A therapist can help you explore your feelings in a safe, non-judgmental space, and offer tools to manage any anxiety or depression that might arise.

    When choosing a therapist, look for someone who has experience working with sexual identity and orientation issues. It's important to feel comfortable and understood by your therapist, so don't hesitate to ask about their background and approach during an initial consultation.

    Joining support groups, either in-person or online, can also be a helpful complement to individual therapy. These groups provide a sense of community and shared understanding, which can be incredibly validating. Hearing from others who have similar experiences can offer new perspectives and coping mechanisms.

    Remember, seeking professional help is a sign of strength and self-awareness. It's a proactive step towards better understanding yourself and improving your mental health and well-being.


    Understanding and embracing your demisexuality is a journey that involves self-reflection, communication, and building supportive relationships. While there may be challenges along the way, acknowledging your feelings and finding ways to navigate them can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    By educating yourself and others, seeking out like-minded communities, and being open about your needs and boundaries, you can foster deeper connections and reduce the sense of isolation. Remember, your experiences and attractions are valid, and finding people who respect and understand you is key to your happiness.

    As we continue to learn and grow, let's work towards a world where all sexual orientations are understood and respected. Your journey is unique, and your identity is an important part of who you are. Embrace it with confidence and compassion.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about demisexuality to provide further clarity and understanding:

    What is the difference between demisexuality and asexuality?

    Demisexuality and asexuality are both part of the asexual spectrum, but they differ in terms of sexual attraction. Asexual individuals typically do not experience sexual attraction at all, while demisexual individuals do experience sexual attraction, but only after forming a strong emotional bond with someone.

    Can demisexual people still enjoy physical intimacy?

    Yes, demisexual people can enjoy physical intimacy. The key distinction is that they require an emotional connection before feeling sexual attraction. Once that bond is established, they can experience and enjoy physical intimacy like anyone else.

    How can I explain demisexuality to someone who doesn't understand it?

    When explaining demisexuality, it can be helpful to use simple and clear language. Describe it as a sexual orientation where emotional connection is necessary for sexual attraction. Sharing personal experiences or providing resources can also help others understand and empathize with your perspective.

    Is demisexuality a phase?

    No, demisexuality is not a phase. It is a recognized and valid sexual orientation. Like any other sexual orientation, it is an intrinsic part of a person's identity and can remain consistent throughout their life.

    Recommended Resources

    • Come As You Are by Dr. Emily Nagoski
    • The Invisible Orientation by Julie Sondra Decker
    • Demystifying Demisexuality by Sarah Eastwood

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