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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    5 Outcomes (You'll Love!) of Not Texting Her for a Few Days

    The world of dating and relationships can often seem perplexing and filled with seemingly paradoxical advice. One such piece of advice that you might come across is the notion of not texting a woman for a few days. On the surface, this might sound counterintuitive, or even rude. Isn't regular communication key to showing interest and building a connection? However, when navigated appropriately, this strategy can offer some unexpected benefits. In this article, we'll explore five surprising outcomes you'll love when you hold back from texting her for a few days.

    1. Anticipation Grows

    One of the best parts about the beginning stages of a relationship is the excitement and anticipation that comes with each interaction. When you're constantly texting, this sense of anticipation can dwindle, replaced instead by a sort of predictability. It's like eating your favorite dessert every day. Sure, it's delicious, but without variation and some element of surprise, even your most cherished treat can lose its appeal.

    But what happens when you create a bit of space and keep her guessing? Anticipation grows, and with it, the excitement for your next interaction. Each message becomes more meaningful, each conversation becomes a source of joy, and the attraction deepens.

    As a personal anecdote, I once dated a woman who was always available, responding to my messages in nanoseconds. At first, I was flattered by her attention. But soon, the excitement faded. Our conversations became monotonous, and there was no suspense, no thrill of waiting for her response. But when I unintentionally took a few days off from texting due to a hectic work schedule, something shifted. The space created room for anticipation to grow, and our next interaction was infused with fresh energy and attraction.

    2. Room for Personal Growth

    Another unexpected benefit of not texting her for a few days is that it creates room for personal growth. You see, in a relationship, it's crucial to maintain your individuality and personal pursuits. But when you're constantly tethered to your phone, waiting for her message or responding to her texts, you may unknowingly be sidelining your hobbies and personal development.

    By intentionally creating some space, you're not only allowing her the freedom to miss you, but you're also giving yourself the opportunity to focus on your interests and personal growth. When you re-engage with her, you'll bring more to the table - new experiences, stories, and a confident sense of self that is inherently attractive.

    I recall a time when I was obsessed with texting a woman I was dating. I was so engrossed in our continuous conversation that I overlooked my hobbies and personal interests. However, when I consciously decided not to text her for a few days, I found time to delve back into my neglected hobbies. It was a win-win situation: I felt more fulfilled, and she was attracted to the enthusiastic, passionate man who had interesting stories to share.

    3. Breaks the Pattern of Instant Gratification

    In our modern age, instant gratification is becoming the norm. From fast food to streaming services, everything is at our fingertips. However, constantly satisfying our wants and needs without delay can lead to a lack of patience and resilience. By refraining from texting her for a few days, you're subconsciously sending a message that good things are worth the wait.

    This not only helps you develop patience but also teaches her that your attention isn't something that can be accessed instantly, thereby increasing your value in her eyes. You become someone who is willing to delay gratification, an attractive trait that signifies maturity and self-control.

    I remember once, a friend gave me advice to stop being instantly available, challenging me to refrain from texting a woman I was deeply interested in for a couple of days. I was skeptical but decided to try it. To my surprise, not only did I feel more in control, but she seemed more intrigued and valued our interactions more.

    4. Encourages Her to Initiate

    This might be a startling revelation to some, but women like to chase too! By holding off on the constant texting, you give her the chance to wonder about you, miss you, and yes, initiate the conversation.

    When she sees that you are not always available, it can prompt her to step up and start the conversation. This not only takes the pressure off you to keep the conversation going but also allows you to gauge her interest level. If she initiates contact, it's a clear indication that she's invested in the relationship.

    In one of my experiences, by not texting for a few days, I noticed the woman I was interested in started initiating our conversations. The dynamics of our interaction changed, our conversations became more engaging, and it was clear she was equally invested in our relationship.

    5. Reduces the Risk of Over-Texting

    Over-texting is a common pitfall in many budding relationships. When you're in the phase of discovering each other, it's easy to get carried away and share every thought or occurrence throughout the day. However, this could lead to exhausting the conversation topics, leaving your in-person interactions feeling dull and forced.

    By not texting her for a few days, you ensure that you're not overdoing it. It provides a breather, allowing conversations to flow naturally when you reconnect. the aim is not to create all your memories over text but to have meaningful experiences together in person. In my dating life, I've found that the most memorable and enriching experiences are the ones shared face-to-face, not via text.

    To wrap it up, the advice "don't text her for a few days" isn't about playing games or being inauthentic. It's about understanding the psychology of attraction, maintaining your individuality, and promoting healthy relationship dynamics. So, the next time you feel the urge to inundate her with texts, remember these five unexpected outcomes. You might just be surprised at the positive results.


    1. "Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find - and Keep - Love" by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller Resource
    2. Psychology Today: "The Role of Anticipation in Romantic Relationships" Resource
    3. Harvard Business Review: "Having a Hobby Is More Important Than You Might Think"

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