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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    3 Tips: (Re)Discovering 'Never Say Never' Meaning in Relationships

    Encountering the 'Never Say Never'

    Every one of us, at some point in our life, has been schooled in the nuances of the phrase 'never say never.' This adage, as old as time itself, has been imprinted in our consciousness by well-meaning mentors, guiding us through the unpredictable waters of life, and more intimately, relationships. Delving deeper into the philosophy behind 'never say never,' I have discovered not one, but three essential ways to interpret this phrase that have changed my understanding of relationships completely. Strap in, dear reader, for a journey into the world of emotional intelligence and behavioral patterns.

    Never Say Never: A Tale of Persistence

    Let me take you back to my college years, a time where everything felt absolute and finite. I met a young man named Alex, and our connection was almost instantaneous. Despite the chemistry, we found ourselves constantly clashing over trivial matters. Exhausted and heartbroken, I decided to end the relationship. "I will never get back together with Alex," I declared with a conviction that could move mountains. The universe, it seemed, had other plans.

    Time has a funny way of healing wounds, and months later, our paths crossed again. The past arguments felt insignificant, replaced by a newfound understanding of each other's perspectives. It dawned on me then, the wisdom embedded in the phrase 'never say never.' We sometimes close doors to possibilities, shut ourselves off to change, and assume the permanence of our feelings and circumstances. But life, like water, finds its way, seeping into the hardened crevices of our 'nevers.' With time, Alex and I reconciled and began anew, strengthening our bond with the lessons learned from our past. This taught me the first meaning of 'never say never': perseverance. In relationships, we must remember that people grow, and circumstances evolve, opening doors to possibilities we might have once dismissed.

    Never Say Never: The Power of Self-Realization

    The second interpretation of 'never say never' evolved from another phase of my life, one that involved self-realization and personal growth. Many years after my reconciliation with Alex, I found myself in a relationship with someone who, at face value, seemed perfect. He was kind, intelligent, successful—the epitome of an ideal partner. And yet, something was amiss. Every time he held me, every time we laughed together, I felt a churning disconnect.

    I held on, feeding myself the lie, "I can never leave him. He's perfect." I was tying myself to the perceived notion of perfection and ignoring the reality of our emotional disconnect. It took months of introspection and courage to acknowledge that I was not happy. The day I walked away from that relationship, I realized the second meaning of 'never say never': self-realization. We often anchor ourselves to our preconceived notions and perceptions, creating our own cage of 'nevers.' Breaking free from these self-imposed constraints is a daunting task, but it leads us to self-discovery and personal growth.

    Never Say Never: A Journey of Forgiveness

    The final interpretation of 'never say never' came from an unexpected encounter from my past. A childhood friend, who had once betrayed my trust, reached out to me after years of silence. "I can never forgive her," I had proclaimed after the incident, allowing the bitterness to seep into my heart. But as I read her message, full of remorse and a plea for forgiveness, I felt my resolve wavering.

    After several weeks of contemplation, I decided to meet her. It was a difficult conversation, filled with tears and raw emotions. But by the end of it, I found myself letting go of the past bitterness, opening myself up to the possibility of rebuilding our friendship. I had finally understood the third meaning of 'never say never': forgiveness. Holding onto past grudges creates a mental block, stopping us from experiencing the joy of reconciliation. Embracing the 'never say never' philosophy helps us heal and gives us the courage to forgive, an essential aspect of any relationship.

    The 'Never Say Never' Philosophy in Relationships

    The 'never say never' phrase has been a guiding light throughout my relationship journey, leading me to realize the power of persistence, the journey of self-realization, and the healing touch of forgiveness. As we navigate the complexities of relationships, let us remember to keep our hearts and minds open to the myriad of possibilities that life throws at us. As humans, we are constantly evolving, and so are our emotions and perceptions. So, let us make room for growth, change, and second chances. Let's truly understand and embrace the meaning of 'never say never.'

    Further Reading

    For those interested in delving deeper into the philosophy of 'never say never' and its application in relationships, I recommend the following books:

    • "The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" by Eckhart Tolle
    • "Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha" by Tara Brach
    • "Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown

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