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  • Gustavo Richards
    Gustavo Richards

    23 Unsettling Signs You're Dealing with a Truly Evil Person

    Key Takeaways:

    • Recognize the signs of evil people
    • Understand their manipulative behavior
    • Learn how to protect yourself
    • Stay aware of emotional triggers
    • Establish clear boundaries

    Understanding Evil

    Evil is a word that carries a lot of weight. It's more than just a label—it's an essence, a presence that can corrupt everything it touches. When we think of evil, our minds might conjure up images of notorious villains from history or fiction. But what about the people we encounter in our everyday lives? Can they be evil too? The unsettling truth is that evil can lurk much closer than we'd like to admit.

    In this article, we'll explore what it means to be an evil person, how to recognize the signs, and how to protect yourself from their harmful influence. It's not about paranoia; it's about awareness. Understanding the nature of evil and its manifestations in people is the first step in safeguarding your mental and emotional well-being.

    Recognizing the Signs of an Evil Person

    So, how do we recognize an evil person? It's not as straightforward as you might think. Evil doesn't always wear a dark cloak or announce itself with a menacing grin. Often, it's cloaked in charm, intelligence, or even kindness, making it all the more dangerous. But there are patterns—behavioral red flags—that can help us identify someone with truly malicious intent.

    These signs are subtle yet powerful indicators of a person's true nature. They might be hidden behind a smile, buried under layers of manipulation, or disguised as concern. But once you know what to look for, these signs become glaringly obvious, and they can serve as your first line of defense against those who seek to harm you.

    They Enjoy Others' Pain

    One of the most disturbing signs of an evil person is their enjoyment of others' pain. This isn't just about deriving satisfaction from someone's misfortune—this is about actively seeking out and relishing in another person's suffering. It's as if their happiness hinges on the agony of others. This can manifest in subtle ways, like a smirk during someone else's embarrassing moment, or in more blatant acts, such as taking pleasure in causing physical or emotional harm.

    It's this insidious enjoyment that makes them particularly dangerous. While most of us would recoil at the thought of causing pain, an evil person may thrive on it, seeing it as a way to assert their power or superiority. Recognizing this trait is crucial, as it's a clear indication of a deeply malicious character.

    The Need to Control Everything

    Another hallmark of an evil person is their incessant need to control everything and everyone around them. This goes beyond being a control freak or having perfectionist tendencies. It's about dominating others, bending them to their will, and ensuring that they hold the reins in every situation. Whether through manipulation, coercion, or intimidation, they'll stop at nothing to maintain control.

    This need for control is often rooted in insecurity or fear—an evil person might feel that without total control, their carefully constructed facade will crumble. But instead of addressing their vulnerabilities, they project them onto others, creating an environment of fear and submission. Understanding this behavior can help you spot these individuals early on and protect yourself from becoming ensnared in their web.

    Master Manipulators

    Evil people are often master manipulators. They have an uncanny ability to twist situations, emotions, and even facts to suit their needs. This manipulation isn't always obvious—in fact, the more skilled the manipulator, the more subtle their tactics. They might present themselves as charming, helpful, or even vulnerable to draw you in, but it's all a ruse.

    Once they have you in their grip, they begin to pull the strings, often making you question your own reality. They might use gaslighting—where they make you doubt your memories or perceptions—to maintain control. Or they might play on your emotions, using guilt, fear, or affection to get what they want. The key to their manipulation lies in their ability to read people and situations, knowing exactly which buttons to push and when.

    Recognizing this manipulative behavior is critical to breaking free from their influence. The more aware you are of their tactics, the better equipped you'll be to resist them and protect your own mental and emotional well-being.

    They Hide Their True Selves

    Behind the mask of an evil person lies a hidden, darker self. These individuals are experts at concealing their true nature, presenting a carefully curated version of themselves to the world. They may appear friendly, caring, or even altruistic, but this is merely a facade designed to gain your trust and lower your defenses.

    Over time, though, cracks in this facade may begin to show. You might catch glimpses of their true intentions in the way they treat others, especially those they perceive as beneath them or not worth their time. They might slip up in moments of anger or stress, revealing a side of themselves that's cold, calculating, and devoid of empathy.

    Their ability to hide their true selves makes them particularly dangerous, as it can take months or even years before you see them for who they really are. By the time you do, they might have already caused significant harm. It's essential to trust your instincts and pay attention to the little things—those small inconsistencies that hint at a person's true character.

    The Strange Feelings They Leave Behind

    Have you ever walked away from an interaction with someone and felt an inexplicable sense of unease? Maybe it's a lingering discomfort, a feeling that something just isn't right. This is often the aftermath of an encounter with an evil person. They have a way of leaving a strange, almost tangible residue on your emotions—something that doesn't quite sit well with you.

    This feeling isn't just paranoia. It's your intuition picking up on subtle cues that your conscious mind might miss. Perhaps it's the way they looked at you, the tone they used, or the way they dismissed your feelings without a second thought. Whatever it is, these small, unsettling interactions accumulate over time, creating a strong sense of distrust and discomfort whenever you're around them.

    It's crucial to listen to these feelings. They're your mind's way of alerting you to a potential threat, urging you to stay cautious. Don't dismiss them—trust your instincts and take the necessary steps to distance yourself from the source of this unease.

    No Remorse, No Regret

    An evil person doesn't experience remorse or regret in the way most people do. When they hurt someone, they don't feel guilt or sadness for their actions. Instead, they might rationalize their behavior, dismissing it as justified or necessary. This lack of remorse is a defining characteristic of evil—they simply don't care about the impact of their actions on others.

    Without the burden of guilt, they are free to continue their harmful behavior without hesitation. They might even take pride in their ability to get away with things that others would find unconscionable. This makes them particularly dangerous, as there are no internal checks to stop them from crossing ethical or moral boundaries.

    Recognizing this absence of remorse is vital in identifying an evil person. While most people would feel some level of regret after causing harm, an evil person moves on without a second thought, leaving a trail of damage in their wake. Understanding this trait can help you protect yourself and avoid falling victim to their cold, calculating ways.

    Cruelty to Others

    Evil people often display a consistent pattern of cruelty towards others. This cruelty can manifest in various forms—physical, emotional, or psychological—and is often inflicted without any apparent reason or provocation. They might belittle, humiliate, or outright harm others simply because they can. Their cruelty is not a byproduct of anger or frustration; it's a deliberate choice, a way to exert power and control.

    What's particularly chilling is that this cruelty isn't always overt. Sometimes, it's subtle, woven into their everyday interactions. They might make cutting remarks disguised as jokes, give backhanded compliments, or engage in passive-aggressive behavior. These acts of cruelty might seem insignificant on their own, but together, they paint a picture of someone who takes pleasure in hurting others.

    Recognizing this trait is crucial. Cruelty, whether blatant or subtle, is a clear indication of a deeply flawed and dangerous character. The sooner you can identify this behavior, the sooner you can take steps to protect yourself and others from their harmful influence.

    Dodging Responsibility

    When it comes to taking responsibility for their actions, evil people are experts at dodging the blame. They'll go to great lengths to avoid accountability, often shifting the blame onto others or denying their involvement altogether. This isn't just about avoiding consequences—it's about maintaining control over the narrative, ensuring that they remain unscathed while others bear the burden of their actions.

    They might use manipulation tactics like gaslighting, making you question your own memories or perceptions, or they might play the victim, turning the situation around to make it seem like they were the one wronged. This constant evasion of responsibility can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and even guilty, as they twist the truth to suit their needs.

    It's important to recognize these tactics for what they are: a calculated attempt to avoid accountability. By understanding their behavior, you can resist their attempts to manipulate you and hold them to account for their actions. Remember, true character is revealed in how someone responds when things go wrong—those who consistently dodge responsibility are not to be trusted.

    A Reputation that Precedes Them

    Often, an evil person's reputation precedes them. Long before you've had any personal encounters, you might hear whispers, warnings, or stories about their behavior. These accounts might come from those who have suffered at their hands, people who have witnessed their actions, or even those who have been manipulated into silence. Regardless of the source, there's usually a trail of destruction that follows them wherever they go.

    What's striking is that these individuals are often well aware of their reputation. Some might even revel in it, seeing it as a badge of honor that reinforces their power and control over others. They may use their reputation to intimidate or coerce, knowing that the mere mention of their name can instill fear or compliance.

    It's essential to take these warnings seriously. While it's important not to judge someone solely on hearsay, it's equally important to recognize that a consistent pattern of negative behavior, reported by multiple sources, is rarely baseless. Trust your gut and the collective wisdom of those who have already crossed paths with this person. Their reputation is often a reliable indicator of the harm they are capable of inflicting.

    Only Appearing When It Benefits Them

    Evil people are opportunistic by nature. They'll only show up when it serves their interests, whether it's to gain something, manipulate a situation, or exploit someone's vulnerability. If there's nothing in it for them, they're nowhere to be found. This self-serving behavior is a clear indication of their true motives—they're not interested in genuine connections or relationships; they're only interested in what they can take.

    You might notice that these individuals have a pattern of disappearing when times are tough, only to reappear when things are looking up again. They'll latch onto your success, your happiness, or your resources, draining what they can before moving on to their next target. Their presence in your life is conditional and entirely based on what you can offer them.

    Recognizing this pattern can save you from unnecessary heartache and disappointment. Once you understand that their involvement is purely transactional, you can start to set boundaries, protect your energy, and ultimately distance yourself from their toxic influence. It's a difficult realization, but an important one: some people are only there for what they can get, not for who you are.

    Laughing at Others' Misfortune

    There's something particularly unsettling about someone who finds joy in others' misfortune. Whether it's a minor inconvenience or a serious tragedy, an evil person often finds these moments amusing, if not downright hilarious. This isn't just schadenfreude—the pleasure derived from someone else's misfortune—it's a deeper, more disturbing reaction. It's as if their empathy switch is permanently turned off, leaving them with a twisted sense of humor that thrives on others' pain.

    They might laugh at someone's embarrassing mistake, mock someone's hardships, or even make jokes about tragic events. This behavior isn't just cruel—it's a glaring red flag. It reveals a fundamental lack of compassion and a perverse enjoyment of suffering. While most people would feel sympathy or sorrow in these situations, an evil person sees an opportunity for entertainment.

    If you notice someone consistently laughing at others' misfortune, it's time to take a step back. This behavior is not normal, and it's a clear indication of a darker, more malevolent character. Protect yourself by distancing from anyone who shows this callous disregard for others' well-being.

    A Vibe You Can't Ignore

    Sometimes, it's not about what someone says or does—it's about how they make you feel. An evil person often exudes a vibe that you just can't ignore. It's a feeling of unease, discomfort, or even dread that creeps up whenever they're around. You might not be able to put your finger on it, but something about them feels off, as if their presence alone disturbs the peace.

    This vibe can manifest in different ways. Maybe it's the way they look at you, with eyes that seem to see right through you. Or perhaps it's the way they speak, with words that carry an undercurrent of malice or manipulation. Whatever it is, this feeling is your intuition's way of alerting you to a potential threat. It's a survival mechanism, honed over thousands of years, that helps you sense danger before it becomes overt.

    Don't ignore these feelings. While it's easy to brush them off as paranoia or overthinking, your gut instinct is often more reliable than you realize. Trust it. If someone gives you a bad vibe, there's usually a reason for it. Pay attention to these subtle cues and take them seriously—they could be the difference between staying safe and falling into a trap.

    Cruelty to Animals

    Cruelty to animals is one of the most telling signs of an evil person. Animals are innocent and vulnerable, and those who harm them often reveal a deeper, more sinister side of themselves. This cruelty isn't just limited to physical abuse—neglect, psychological torment, and a lack of empathy for an animal's suffering are all part of this disturbing behavior.

    It's important to recognize that cruelty to animals is not just a minor character flaw; it's a significant red flag. Studies have shown that those who harm animals are more likely to engage in violence against humans. The way someone treats an animal can give you profound insights into their capacity for empathy—or lack thereof. If someone is indifferent to the pain they inflict on a creature that depends on them, it's a clear indication of a deeply flawed and potentially dangerous personality.

    Pay attention to how people around you treat animals. If you notice signs of cruelty, don't ignore them. It's often a precursor to other forms of abusive or violent behavior, and it's a warning sign that should not be taken lightly.

    Twisting Insults into Jokes

    Have you ever been on the receiving end of a joke that didn't quite feel like a joke? Maybe it was a comment that cut a little too deep, or an observation that seemed more like an insult than humor. Evil people often twist insults into jokes as a way to hurt others while maintaining a veneer of playfulness. They'll laugh off their cruel words, claiming you're too sensitive or can't take a joke, all the while knowing exactly how much damage they're causing.

    This behavior is particularly insidious because it's wrapped in a layer of humor. It can be difficult to call out someone for being mean when they're smiling or laughing as they do it. But the intention behind these “jokes” is clear: to belittle, demean, and exert control over others. The laughter is just a cover for their true intentions.

    It's essential to recognize when humor is being used as a weapon. If someone's jokes consistently make you feel bad about yourself, it's not because you lack a sense of humor—it's because they're not really joking. Stand up for yourself, call out the behavior, and set clear boundaries. Don't let anyone disguise their cruelty as comedy.

    Habitual Lying

    Lying is second nature to an evil person. They lie with such ease and frequency that it becomes almost impossible to discern the truth from their fabrications. These lies aren't just about getting out of trouble or avoiding consequences—they're often told for the sheer pleasure of deceiving others, manipulating situations, and maintaining control over those around them.

    Habitual lying is one of the most destructive traits an evil person possesses. It erodes trust, creates confusion, and leaves a trail of broken relationships in its wake. What's more, they often lie without any apparent reason, simply because they can. This constant deception keeps everyone around them off-balance, unsure of what to believe or whom to trust.

    Recognizing habitual lying is crucial in protecting yourself from an evil person's influence. Pay attention to inconsistencies in their stories, the way they react when caught in a lie, and how they shift the blame when confronted. Once you see through their lies, you can begin to dismantle the power they hold over you and others.

    Manipulation as a Way of Life

    For an evil person, manipulation isn't just a tactic—it's a way of life. Every interaction, every relationship, is viewed through the lens of how they can use it to their advantage. They are experts at reading people, understanding their vulnerabilities, and exploiting them for their own gain. Whether it's through emotional manipulation, psychological games, or outright coercion, they know exactly how to pull the strings to get what they want.

    What makes this behavior particularly dangerous is how seamlessly they blend manipulation into their everyday actions. They might come across as charming, helpful, or even caring, but underneath it all is a calculated plan to control and dominate those around them. They'll use guilt, fear, and even affection to bend others to their will, leaving their victims feeling confused, powerless, and trapped.

    Understanding that manipulation is a core aspect of an evil person's character is essential to breaking free from their influence. The more you recognize the subtle ways they try to control you, the more you can resist their tactics and regain your own sense of autonomy. Remember, you are not a puppet in someone else's game—you have the power to cut the strings and walk away.

    They Make You Feel Inferior

    One of the most insidious tactics an evil person uses is making you feel inferior. They do this in subtle, often unnoticed ways—through condescending remarks, backhanded compliments, or constant criticism. Over time, these seemingly small actions add up, eroding your self-esteem and making you doubt your own worth.

    They might compare you unfavorably to others, belittle your achievements, or dismiss your opinions as unimportant. The goal is to keep you feeling small, insecure, and dependent on their approval. By keeping you in this state, they maintain control, ensuring that you never feel confident enough to challenge them or break free from their influence.

    Recognizing this behavior is the first step towards reclaiming your self-worth. Understand that their need to make you feel inferior is a reflection of their own insecurities and desire for power, not a true measure of your value. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and remember that no one has the right to make you feel less than you are.

    No Understanding of Guilt

    An evil person often lacks a fundamental understanding of guilt. While most people would feel remorse or shame after doing something wrong, these individuals seem almost immune to such feelings. They can cause harm, lie, or manipulate without ever reflecting on the consequences of their actions or the pain they've inflicted on others.

    This absence of guilt is what allows them to continue their destructive behavior unchecked. Without the emotional brake that guilt provides, they have no internal deterrent to stop them from crossing moral and ethical boundaries. They might even see guilt as a weakness, something that others experience but they themselves have risen above.

    Understanding this lack of guilt is crucial when dealing with an evil person. Don't expect them to apologize or make amends—they simply don't operate under the same moral framework as most people. Protect yourself by setting clear boundaries and holding them accountable for their actions, knowing that any sign of guilt or remorse is likely to be superficial at best.

    Everything Is About Them

    One of the most glaring traits of an evil person is their relentless self-centeredness. To them, everything is about their needs, their desires, and their opinions. They expect the world to revolve around them and have little to no regard for the feelings, needs, or experiences of others. Conversations are often one-sided, dominated by their thoughts and experiences, with little interest in anyone else's perspective.

    They may interrupt you, dismiss your concerns, or steer every discussion back to themselves. When faced with others' problems or achievements, they'll either downplay them or find a way to make it about how it affects them. This egocentrism isn't just annoying—it's a sign of a deeply narcissistic and possibly malevolent personality.

    Recognizing this behavior is essential because it reveals their true priorities. They're not interested in mutual respect or genuine connections; they're only interested in what others can do for them. Understanding this can help you manage your expectations and interactions with them, knowing that they'll always put themselves first.

    How to Deal with an Evil Person

    Dealing with an evil person is a challenge, but it's not impossible. The key is to protect yourself emotionally, mentally, and sometimes even physically from their influence. The first step is recognizing the signs of their behavior—once you see them for what they are, you can start to take action.

    One of the most important strategies is to establish and maintain strong boundaries. Don't allow them to manipulate you or invade your personal space. Be firm in your interactions, and don't be afraid to say no. Remember, they thrive on control, so taking back your power is crucial.

    Another essential tactic is to stay emotionally aware. Evil people are experts at pushing your buttons and exploiting your vulnerabilities. Keep a close watch on your feelings, and don't let them provoke you into reactions that they can use against you. It's also vital to surround yourself with supportive people who can offer perspective and help you maintain your emotional equilibrium.

    Finally, focus on solutions, not problems. Evil people love to create chaos and confusion, but you can counter this by staying clear-headed and goal-oriented. Don't get bogged down in their drama—keep your eyes on the bigger picture and work towards your own well-being.

    While you may not be able to change an evil person, you can certainly control how much influence they have over your life. By staying strong, setting boundaries, and protecting your emotional health, you can minimize their impact and ensure that their toxicity doesn't seep into your world.

    Establishing Boundaries

    When dealing with an evil person, establishing boundaries is not just important—it's essential. Boundaries are your first line of defense against their manipulative and harmful behavior. Without them, you're left vulnerable to their relentless need for control and power. Setting clear, firm boundaries lets them know that you're not someone who can be easily manipulated or dominated.

    These boundaries can be physical, emotional, or psychological. For instance, you might decide that you won't engage in certain topics of conversation with them, or you might limit the amount of time you spend in their presence. It's also crucial to be clear about what behaviors you will not tolerate, such as lying, verbal abuse, or manipulation. Communicate these boundaries explicitly, and don't be afraid to enforce them if they are crossed.

    Remember, boundaries are not just about keeping others out—they're about protecting your own well-being. By setting and maintaining boundaries, you're taking control of your interactions and ensuring that your needs and rights are respected. It's a powerful way to assert yourself and resist the toxic influence of an evil person.

    Staying Emotionally Aware

    One of the most challenging aspects of dealing with an evil person is managing your emotional responses. They are experts at provoking, manipulating, and exploiting emotions, often leaving you feeling drained, confused, or even questioning your own sanity. That's why staying emotionally aware is so critical—it's your shield against their attempts to destabilize you.

    Emotional awareness means being in tune with your feelings, recognizing when they're being manipulated, and understanding the triggers that the evil person might use against you. It's about not letting your emotions run the show, especially in situations where they are being deliberately provoked. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to stay grounded, and don't let them pull you into a reactive state where they have the upper hand.

    It's also important to give yourself space to process your emotions away from the influence of the evil person. This could mean taking breaks from interactions, seeking support from trusted friends or therapists, or engaging in activities that help you relax and clear your mind. The more aware and in control of your emotions you are, the less power they have over you.

    Staying emotionally aware isn't just about surviving interactions with an evil person—it's about thriving despite them. By understanding your emotions and how they're being manipulated, you can maintain your inner peace and protect your mental and emotional health.

    Focusing on Solutions, Not Problems

    When dealing with an evil person, it’s easy to get caught up in the problems they create—the chaos, the drama, the endless manipulation. But dwelling on these issues only serves to give them more power over you. Instead, a far more effective approach is to focus on solutions. By shifting your mindset from problem-centric to solution-oriented, you can regain control and move forward with clarity and purpose.

    Focusing on solutions means identifying what you can control and taking proactive steps to address the situation. This might involve setting boundaries, seeking support, or finding ways to minimize their impact on your life. It’s about not getting bogged down in the negativity they bring and instead looking for constructive ways to protect yourself and improve your circumstances.

    It’s also important to remember that not every problem needs to be solved in the way they might want. Sometimes, the best solution is simply to walk away, disengage, or refuse to play their game. By staying focused on what you can do to protect your well-being, rather than on the problems they create, you maintain your agency and keep the upper hand in the situation.

    Signs Someone Intends to Hurt You

    Recognizing the signs that someone intends to hurt you is crucial for protecting yourself from harm. These signs might be subtle, but they’re often consistent and tell a clear story of someone with malicious intent. Paying attention to these warning signals can give you the time and clarity you need to take action before things escalate.

    One of the most telling signs is the use of all-or-nothing language. People with harmful intentions often see the world in black and white, with no room for nuance or compromise. They might make extreme statements or issue ultimatums, leaving no space for discussion or understanding. This rigid mindset is a red flag that they are more interested in control than in mutual respect or resolution.

    Another sign is emotional intensity. Someone who intends to hurt you might display disproportionate emotional reactions—anger, jealousy, or rage—that seem out of place for the situation at hand. This heightened emotional state is often a precursor to harmful actions, as they are driven by a need to assert dominance or exact revenge.

    Aggression, whether verbal, physical, or emotional, is another clear indicator. This might come in the form of threats, insults, or even subtle forms of intimidation. If you notice someone consistently pushing your boundaries or trying to provoke fear or submission, take it seriously—it’s often a sign of deeper, more dangerous intentions.

    Lastly, blaming others is a common tactic used by those who intend to cause harm. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions, instead shifting the blame onto you or others. This deflection is not just a way to avoid accountability; it’s a method of manipulating the situation to their advantage, often leaving you confused and questioning your own role in the conflict.

    Recognizing these signs early can help you protect yourself from being hurt. Trust your instincts, take these red flags seriously, and don’t hesitate to remove yourself from a situation where you feel threatened or unsafe. Your well-being should always be your top priority.

    What to Do When Someone Is Trying to Hurt You

    When you realize that someone is actively trying to hurt you, it’s crucial to take immediate action to protect yourself. The first and most important step is not to react defensively or with hostility. While it’s natural to want to defend yourself, reacting with anger or aggression often plays right into their hands. They may be looking for a fight, or trying to provoke you into saying or doing something that they can use against you later. Instead, remain calm, composed, and deliberate in your responses.

    Another key strategy is to focus on de-escalation rather than confrontation. If you’ve done something wrong, apologize sincerely and move forward. But if the person is being unreasonable or malicious, it’s important to remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes, the best course of action is to walk away, literally or figuratively, to prevent the situation from escalating further.

    It’s also essential to document any interactions where you feel threatened or harmed. Keep records of communications, take notes on what was said and done, and gather evidence that could be useful if the situation worsens or if you need to seek legal or professional help. Having a clear record can be invaluable in proving your side of the story and protecting yourself from false accusations or further harm.

    Lastly, don’t hesitate to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals. Whether it’s talking to a therapist, seeking advice from a legal expert, or simply leaning on someone you trust, having a support system in place can make a significant difference. You don’t have to face the situation alone, and getting help can provide you with the strength and clarity needed to navigate the challenges ahead.

    Remember, your safety and well-being are paramount. Taking proactive steps to protect yourself, maintaining your composure, and seeking the support you need are all crucial in dealing with someone who is trying to hurt you. You deserve to live free from fear and harm, and it’s okay to do whatever is necessary to ensure that.

    Recommended Resources

    • "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker - A powerful book about trusting your instincts to stay safe from harm.
    • "Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend - A guide to setting healthy boundaries in all areas of life.
    • "In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People" by Dr. George K. Simon - An insightful resource on recognizing and handling manipulative behaviors.

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