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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    20 Painful Signs She's Pretending to Love You

    Key Takeaways:

    • Notice emotional distance early on
    • Watch for inconsistency in affection
    • Trust your gut when in doubt
    • Initiate honest conversations
    • Prepare for difficult truths

    1. Recognizing False Love

    We all want to believe that love is genuine. When you're with someone, especially for a while, it can be hard to face the truth that maybe her feelings aren't as real as yours. But what if she's pretending? It might sound harsh, but false love happens more than we want to admit. You might have seen subtle signs, little red flags that seem too small to confront. Yet, those signals are often just the beginning of deeper emotional cracks in the relationship.

    The key is to recognize the truth before you're left heartbroken. If you're wondering whether she's pretending to love you, it's crucial to look closely at her behavior and your relationship dynamics. A lot of men ignore their instincts, but here's the hard truth: love cannot be faked for long without it showing in how someone acts.

    2. The Emotional Cost of Pretending

    Being on the receiving end of someone pretending to love you isn't just hurtful; it takes a serious toll on your emotional well-being. Pretending requires energy—emotional energy that she doesn't want to give but feels she has to. You can sense when someone isn't fully invested in you or the relationship. It leaves you feeling unwanted, confused, and constantly guessing.

    Psychologically, this can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and even depression. Renowned psychologist Dr. John Gottman once said, "Relationships based on anything but honesty are a constant source of emotional distress." This distress only builds over time. We begin questioning our worth, our decisions, and sometimes even our sanity. That's why it's so important to pay attention to how this impacts us, emotionally and mentally.

    When someone pretends to love you, both partners suffer in silence. It's not sustainable, and the longer it drags on, the more it damages your confidence and ability to trust.

    3. Signs She is Pretending to Love You

    emotional distance

    If you're starting to question her feelings, there are clear signs she may be pretending to love you. Some of these signs might be subtle at first, but over time, they become harder to ignore. Her behavior, her energy, and even her words might not align with someone truly invested in the relationship. If she's pretending, the relationship starts to feel more like a performance.

    We'll walk through the most telling signs that you're stuck in a situation where her love is not genuine. Recognizing these signs can prevent a deeper emotional toll and help you make decisions based on reality, not the illusion of love.

    4. She is Not Excited to See You

    One of the most immediate signs is her lack of excitement when you're around. Remember when her eyes would light up, or she'd smile the moment you walked into the room? That glow fades when someone isn't emotionally invested anymore. Now, when you see her, she's distracted, bored, or even uninterested.

    People naturally show enthusiasm when they care about someone. If her body language is off, or she no longer seems happy to spend time with you, take note. Real love can't fake enthusiasm. Her heart may simply no longer be in the relationship.

    5. She Avoids Talking About the Future

    When someone is truly in love, they naturally want to talk about the future. It's human nature to plan for what's next when you care about someone. But when she starts avoiding those conversations—whether it's about moving in together, future trips, or even discussing where the relationship is heading—this is a serious red flag.

    It's not that future plans need to be set in stone. However, when someone cares, they're at least open to talking about possibilities. If she always changes the subject or becomes uncomfortable when you bring up anything beyond the present, that's a sign she might not be as committed as you are. Future avoidance often means she doesn't see you as part of it.

    6. Physical Contact Becomes Minimal

    Physical touch is a huge part of intimacy and connection. When someone loves you, they naturally want to be close, whether it's holding hands, cuddling on the couch, or simply being near you. If she begins to pull away physically, avoiding hugs, kisses, or any other signs of affection, this could be a clear indicator of emotional distance.

    This is often one of the most painful signs because it's so obvious. The shift from a warm, affectionate relationship to one where physical contact becomes rare or forced can be devastating. According to Dr. Sue Johnson, author of "Hold Me Tight," physical connection is essential for emotional bonding. When that's missing, it signals a deeper issue within the relationship.

    Remember, affection isn't just about sex—it's about the everyday touches that build closeness and trust. When that fades, so does the emotional bond.

    7. You Are Not a Priority in Her Life

    When someone loves you, you're a priority in their life, not an afterthought. If she consistently puts everything else ahead of you—friends, work, or even her hobbies—it's a clear sign that you're not as important to her as you should be. Everyone is busy, but people make time for what matters to them.

    Think back to how things were in the beginning. Did she cancel plans just to see you? Did she go out of her way to make time for the relationship? If now you're the one always adjusting your schedule, while she barely lifts a finger, it's time to acknowledge that you've slipped down her list of priorities.

    A loving relationship is a partnership, where both people invest their time and energy. When she no longer does that, it might be time to rethink where things are headed.

    8. Her Mood Shifts Between Distant and Cold

    Another sign that she may be pretending to love you is her mood swings. If she's warm and affectionate one moment, then cold and distant the next, it can leave you feeling confused and hurt. It's like walking on eggshells, never knowing which version of her you're going to get.

    This emotional rollercoaster can be a sign that she's not fully invested in the relationship. It could be that she's feeling guilty about pretending or that she's emotionally checked out but doesn't want to end things just yet. Either way, this inconsistency is draining and unhealthy for both of you.

    Consistency in behavior is a hallmark of a healthy relationship. When someone's emotions are all over the place, it creates instability and unease, which is a sign of deeper problems.

    9. She Doesn't Make Time for You

    Time is one of the most valuable things we can give to someone. When she stops making time for you, it's a major warning sign. Maybe she's constantly too busy with work, social events, or simply seems unavailable. Sure, life can get hectic, but if someone values you, they make time—even in the busiest schedules.

    It's not about being together 24/7, but relationships thrive on shared experiences. If she's always too tired, too busy, or too distracted to spend meaningful time with you, the relationship is likely not a priority for her anymore. And if she doesn't prioritize you now, it's a strong indication that she's emotionally disengaged.

    True love shows through effort. When that effort fades, it's often a sign that her feelings have too.

    10. Ignoring Your Emotions or Needs

    Love isn't just about physical closeness; it's about emotional support and understanding. If she constantly dismisses your emotions or ignores your needs, you're in a one-sided relationship. A partner who truly cares will take your feelings into consideration, even if they don't always agree.

    When she brushes off your concerns, acts indifferent to your struggles, or never shows interest in your emotional well-being, it's a sign of emotional neglect. Relationships are built on empathy and communication. If she can't—or won't—show up for you emotionally, then she's likely not as invested in the relationship as you are.

    Ignoring your emotions leaves you feeling alone and unsupported, even when you're together. It's a painful reality to face, but one that shouldn't be overlooked.

    11. Disrespect Becomes Common

    When respect starts to fade, it's a clear sign that love might be, too. If she begins talking down to you, making snide comments, or dismissing your opinions, that's a form of disrespect that should never be tolerated. In any healthy relationship, mutual respect is the foundation. Once that crumbles, everything else follows.

    Disrespect can be subtle at first—small digs at your habits, brushing off your thoughts in conversations. But over time, it can escalate to more obvious forms, like belittling you in front of others or making you feel inferior. If she's showing these behaviors, it's a sign that she's emotionally disconnected and perhaps not interested in maintaining a loving, respectful relationship.

    Don't ignore these signs. Respect is non-negotiable in any partnership.

    12. Compliments and Affection Disappear

    In the beginning, you might have been showered with compliments and affection. She told you how much she cared, admired your qualities, and showed love through words and actions. But if those compliments have disappeared and affection feels like a distant memory, it's a sign that her feelings might not be genuine anymore.

    Affection, whether verbal or physical, is an essential way we show love. When it vanishes, it leaves a void that speaks louder than any words. If she stops noticing your efforts, avoids saying anything nice, or no longer touches you affectionately, it's a strong signal that her heart might not be in the relationship anymore.

    Love is expressed through consistent actions, and when those actions fade, it's time to face the possibility that she's no longer invested.

    13. Dishonesty Creeps In

    Trust is the bedrock of any strong relationship. Once dishonesty enters the picture, everything else begins to unravel. If you catch her lying about small things, you can bet there's a larger issue at hand. It might start with little white lies—where she was, who she was with, or why she canceled plans—but dishonesty in one area usually spills into others.

    Dishonesty creates a toxic environment where trust is eroded, leaving you constantly questioning her intentions and sincerity. No one should have to feel like a detective in their own relationship. When lies creep in, it's a sign that the relationship might be based more on convenience than genuine love.

    Honesty is non-negotiable, and when it's missing, the relationship can no longer function in a healthy, loving way.

    14. You Always Initiate Contact

    If you're the one who's always texting first, always making the phone calls, and always planning the dates, it's a one-sided effort. Love should be reciprocal, with both people eager to communicate and stay connected. When it's always you chasing her for attention or time, it's a sign she's no longer invested.

    In a genuine relationship, both partners want to stay in touch and make time for one another. But if she's constantly taking a back seat and you're left doing all the work, the imbalance is telling. Love isn't just about the big gestures; it's also about the everyday effort to maintain connection. If she's stopped initiating, that spark might have already faded.

    You deserve someone who's just as excited to reach out to you as you are to them.

    15. She Hints at Disinterest Indirectly

    Sometimes, rather than being direct, she might drop subtle hints that she's no longer interested in the relationship. These could be comments like, "I don't know if we're really right for each other," or "I need more space." While she's not outright saying she wants to end things, these statements reveal her uncertainty about continuing the relationship.

    Indirect hints of disinterest can also come through her actions. Maybe she starts making excuses not to spend time together, or she talks about how much fun she has when she's not with you. These might seem small at first, but they add up, making it clear that her heart isn't fully in the relationship anymore.

    Pay attention to these subtle cues—often, they say more than direct words.

    16. Cancelling Plans Constantly

    If she's always cancelling plans last minute, it's a major red flag. Sure, life happens—sometimes plans need to change. But if this becomes a pattern, where she's repeatedly bailing on dates, family events, or anything involving you, it's a sign of disinterest.

    Constantly canceled plans signal that spending time with you isn't a priority for her anymore. She might say she's “too busy” or that something came up, but the truth is, when someone really cares, they'll make time, no matter what.

    When it feels like she's looking for reasons not to be with you, it's time to take a hard look at whether she's still emotionally invested.

    17. What to Do if She Pretends to Love You

    Realizing that she might be pretending to love you is painful, but what you do next matters more. Ignoring the signs or pretending everything is fine won't help either of you. The first step is accepting the reality of the situation. Once you recognize the signs, it's crucial to take action rather than letting things drag on in silence.

    This isn't just about confronting her—it's also about protecting your own emotional well-being. Staying in a relationship where love is one-sided will only lead to more heartache down the line. Think carefully about what you want and whether this relationship still holds value for you. Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is let go.

    If the relationship is salvageable, there are steps you can take, but it requires a lot of honesty and effort from both sides.

    18. Communication is Key: Start the Conversation

    The only way to truly know if she's pretending is by having an open and honest conversation. Yes, it's difficult, but avoiding it will only make things worse. Start by sharing your feelings. Let her know what you've noticed, whether it's her lack of affection, canceled plans, or emotional distance. Approach the conversation from a place of curiosity rather than accusation.

    Be clear about your feelings, but also give her the chance to express herself. Sometimes, people drift apart without even realizing it, and talking can either help rebuild the connection or make it clear that it's time to move on. Communication can be the make-or-break moment, but it's essential in any relationship.

    As relationship expert Esther Perel said, "The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives." If love is worth fighting for, it starts with an honest, heartfelt conversation.

    19. Trust Your Intuition and Feelings

    In relationships, we often push our gut feelings aside, especially when we don't want to face uncomfortable truths. But your intuition is there for a reason. If something feels off—if you're constantly questioning her feelings, wondering why she's distant, or feeling emotionally neglected—trust that instinct.

    Often, the signs of a relationship slipping are subtle but persistent. You might have felt uneasy for a while, but brushed it off as your imagination. However, ignoring your intuition only prolongs the inevitable. Your emotions and instincts are powerful indicators of the health of your relationship. Listen to them.

    It's not about being paranoid, but rather acknowledging when things aren't right. Your feelings matter, and they're often the first clue that something deeper is wrong.

    20. Be Ready for Tough Realizations

    Confronting the possibility that she's pretending to love you isn't easy. It requires a level of emotional strength that's hard to summon. But tough realizations are part of personal growth. You need to be prepared for the fact that the relationship might not survive these truths.

    When the signs add up and the conversations don't bring any clarity or improvement, you have to be ready to face the fact that this might not be the relationship you thought it was. Staying in a relationship where love is one-sided can lead to more pain in the long run. It's better to confront the hard truths now than to live in denial.

    Ultimately, the decision is yours. But as hard as it may be, sometimes the most loving thing you can do for yourself is to walk away.


    How do I move on from fake love? Moving on from a relationship where love wasn't genuine can be incredibly painful, but it's essential for your emotional healing. Start by acknowledging that you deserve real love. Cut off contact if necessary, and focus on rebuilding your self-worth. Lean on friends, family, or even a therapist to help process your feelings. Remember, time is your ally, and slowly but surely, you'll regain your strength and perspective.

    What are the emotional effects of being in a fake relationship? Being in a relationship where love is one-sided or dishonest can take a huge emotional toll. You may feel unworthy, insecure, or even doubt your ability to trust others. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and a deep sense of rejection. These effects can linger long after the relationship ends, so it's important to seek emotional support and actively work on healing.

    Can pretending lead to a healthy relationship? No, pretending can never be the foundation for a healthy relationship. Authenticity and honesty are crucial for love to grow and sustain itself. If one partner is pretending, the relationship is built on a false foundation that will eventually crumble. It's better to be in a relationship where both partners are genuinely committed than one where someone is pretending for the sake of convenience or fear of confrontation.

    Recommended Resources

    • "Hold Me Tight" by Dr. Sue Johnson – A guide to building lasting love through emotional connection.
    • "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by Dr. John Gottman – Insightful strategies for improving communication and trust in relationships.
    • "Mating in Captivity" by Esther Perel – A book exploring the balance of intimacy and desire in long-term relationships.


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