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  • Willard Marsh
    Willard Marsh

    17 Shocking Signs You're Dating a Serial Cheater

    Key Takeaways:

    • Serial cheaters repeat patterns of infidelity.
    • Trust issues often arise early on.
    • Charisma hides manipulative tendencies.
    • Commitment phobia is a common trait.
    • Gut feelings should never be ignored.

    What Is a Serial Cheater?

    A serial cheater is someone who repeatedly engages in infidelity, hopping from one relationship to another while maintaining patterns of dishonesty and betrayal. This isn't about one mistake or a lapse in judgment—it's about an established behavioral pattern where the individual is driven by a need for constant validation, thrill, or control. Serial cheaters often enter relationships with no intention of being faithful and rely on their charm to mask their behavior.

    These individuals thrive on secrecy, manipulation, and often come across as charismatic or caring at first. But beneath that exterior lies a person who isn't emotionally committed to their partner. It's a cycle they've been in before, and unfortunately, unless confronted or held accountable, they are likely to repeat it. So, how can you spot one before the damage is done? We'll walk through the telltale signs.

    The Psychology Behind Serial Cheating

    Serial cheating isn't just about the physical act of cheating—it's rooted in deeper psychological needs. Some cheaters seek validation and feel a sense of accomplishment when they win someone's affection, only to lose interest once they've secured it. This behavior often stems from deep-seated insecurities or even a narcissistic personality disorder.

    Psychologist Dr. Shirley Glass, author of Not "Just Friends", argues that "serial cheating is less about love or lust and more about ego-boosting and validation." For many, the thrill lies not in the cheating itself, but in the attention they receive from multiple partners.

    In other cases, serial cheaters may have commitment phobia, struggling with the emotional intimacy and responsibility that comes with long-term relationships. They often feel suffocated by the expectations of loyalty and will engage in infidelity as an escape mechanism.

    The cognitive dissonance—their ability to lie to both themselves and their partners—allows them to maintain a facade of normalcy in their relationships. But over time, their destructive patterns begin to surface, leaving their partners confused, hurt, and emotionally drained.

    17 Signs You're Dealing with a Serial Cheater

    When you're involved with someone who has a history of infidelity, the warning signs often reveal themselves early on. You might not see them at first, especially if your partner's charm blinds you. But over time, the pieces start to come together. If you're noticing multiple red flags, it's worth taking a deeper look at your partner's behavior. Here are 17 signs you're dealing with a serial cheater:

    1. They Talk Openly About Past Infidelities: If your partner brags about their cheating history or brushes it off as no big deal, that's a major red flag. Serial cheaters often show little remorse for their actions.
    2. Their Exes Are Always to Blame: Pay attention when someone repeatedly badmouths their exes. If all their relationships ended because of “crazy” or “clingy” partners, it's possible they're deflecting responsibility for their own actions.
    3. Phone Secrets Become a Habit: Serial cheaters are notorious for being secretive about their phones. If they never leave their phone unattended or always take it into the bathroom, it's a sign they could be hiding something.
    4. Blame-Shifting Is Common: They make you feel like you're overreacting or that it's your fault for being suspicious. They twist situations around, making themselves the victim.
    5. They're Masters of Manipulation: Serial cheaters are skilled manipulators. They know how to keep you in the relationship while justifying their actions, making you feel guilty for questioning them.
    6. Fear of Commitment Runs Deep: They're often reluctant to define the relationship or make long-term plans. When you push for commitment, they may become distant or even disappear.
    7. Obsession with Their Appearance: They are hyper-focused on how they look and often make a show of dressing to impress, even when it doesn't seem necessary. This fixation can be a sign they're always trying to attract someone new.
    8. Flirting Is Their Second Nature: While a little flirting is harmless, serial cheaters go overboard. They can't help but flirt with others, even in your presence, which is often a sign they're testing boundaries.
    9. Selfishness and Self-Absorption: It's all about them. Their needs, their desires, and their satisfaction come first, leaving you feeling neglected and unimportant.
    10. Friends and Others Drop Hints: Sometimes their friends or your friends might drop subtle hints about your partner's history. Don't ignore these warnings, especially if they come from people who care about you.
    11. Public Glances from Others Raise Questions: Do you catch people looking sideways at your partner when you're together? If people seem uncomfortable around them, it may be because they know more than you do.
    12. Gut Feelings Can't Be Ignored: That sinking feeling in your stomach isn't random. If something feels off, it probably is. Don't brush off your instincts.
    13. Habitual Lying: You catch them in little lies constantly, whether it's about where they were or who they were with. Over time, these small deceptions can add up to big betrayals.
    14. Charisma Hides the Truth: Serial cheaters are often highly charismatic, which makes them excellent at deceiving others. Their charm can hide their true intentions for a long time.
    15. They've Been in Many Relationships, None Last: A history of brief relationships is another red flag. Serial cheaters often bounce from one relationship to the next without any lasting commitment.
    16. They're Always ‘Busy' but Unavailable: They always seem to have something going on, but when you need them, they're nowhere to be found. Being consistently unavailable could mean they're dividing their time between you and someone else.
    17. Hot and Cold Behavior Keeps You Confused: One day they're all over you, the next they're distant. This hot and cold behavior is classic manipulation to keep you on edge and unsure of where you stand.

    They Talk Openly About Past Infidelities

    One of the most telling signs of a serial cheater is how casually they discuss their history of cheating. When someone seems nonchalant about betraying previous partners, this lack of remorse should immediately raise alarms. It's not uncommon for them to downplay their actions, saying things like “It just happened” or “We weren't happy anyway.”

    Serial cheaters often use these conversations as a way to normalize their behavior and test the waters to see how you'll react. By casually mentioning their past infidelities, they may be attempting to gauge your tolerance for such behavior. It's a manipulative tactic that helps them justify cheating in future relationships, or worse, hint at it happening again.

    When someone genuinely regrets cheating, they usually express guilt or shame. But serial cheaters may even brag about their past transgressions, painting themselves as the victim of circumstance rather than the perpetrator. Keep in mind, this could be a sign that they see cheating as a part of their identity, not just a mistake.

    Their Exes Are Always to Blame

    In any conversation about past relationships, pay close attention to how your partner talks about their exes. If their ex-partners are constantly portrayed as the villain, with accusations of being “crazy,” “needy,” or “clingy,” this may be a way for the cheater to avoid accountability. It's a classic deflection technique.

    Serial cheaters often avoid taking responsibility for their failed relationships. Instead, they project the blame onto others, which helps them escape the uncomfortable truth of their actions. By making their exes out to be the problem, they keep the focus off themselves and their own toxic behavior. This type of blame-shifting is not only unfair to their former partners, but it also serves as a way to manipulate you into believing their narrative without questioning it.

    Dr. Lundy Bancroft, in his book Why Does He Do That?, explains that chronic blame-shifting is a hallmark of manipulative individuals. “They rewrite history, making themselves look like the victim to garner sympathy,” Bancroft notes. If your partner can never acknowledge their role in the downfall of past relationships, it's likely they will continue to dodge responsibility in the future.

    While every relationship has two sides, serial cheaters tend to act as if their former partners were always the problem, a red flag that their pattern of behavior will repeat.

    Phone Secrets Become a Habit

    When secrecy around their phone starts to become a regular occurrence, it's a major red flag. Serial cheaters often guard their phones like their lives depend on it. This can look like them always turning their phone face down when you're around, quickly exiting apps or conversations when you walk in, or even taking their phone everywhere—even into the bathroom.

    At first, you might dismiss this as them valuing their privacy. But as it becomes a recurring behavior, it's harder to ignore. You're left wondering, “What are they hiding?” Their defensiveness when you ask about their phone usage can be just as telling. If your partner becomes agitated or accusatory when you express concerns, it could be a sign they're concealing something.

    Psychologist and relationship expert Esther Perel points out that “the phone has become a central figure in modern infidelity.” It's a gateway for maintaining secret relationships and hiding dishonest behaviors. While privacy is important in every relationship, secrecy is different. When someone goes out of their way to keep you from seeing their phone, especially in a pattern, that's a sign that something isn't right.

    Blame-Shifting Is Common

    Serial cheaters are master manipulators, and one of their most effective tools is blame-shifting. Whenever they're confronted about their actions, instead of taking responsibility, they flip the script and make you feel like you're the problem. Suddenly, your reasonable questions about their behavior become accusations of you being “too jealous” or “overly controlling.”

    This tactic is not only manipulative but emotionally draining. They'll say things like, “If you didn't act this way, I wouldn't have to keep secrets,” or “I can't talk to you without you getting upset.” In reality, they're deflecting from their own wrongdoings and making you question your own judgment.

    Dr. Harriet Lerner, author of The Dance of Anger, explains that this form of gaslighting is common in toxic relationships. “Blame-shifting is a way to avoid guilt and keep control in the relationship,” she writes. It's a behavior designed to keep you in a constant state of self-doubt, questioning your reactions instead of focusing on their actions.

    Over time, this pattern of blame-shifting can erode your confidence and make you feel like you're walking on eggshells. Recognizing it for what it is—a tool of manipulation—is the first step in reclaiming your emotional clarity.

    They're Masters of Manipulation

    Serial cheaters don't just lie—they expertly manipulate. They know how to twist situations to make you doubt yourself, using tactics that leave you questioning your own reality. It's not just about hiding their cheating; they craft a narrative where they are always the misunderstood victim, and you're the one overreacting or being unreasonable.

    They'll often give just enough truth to their lies to make you second-guess your suspicions. For instance, if you catch them texting someone suspiciously late at night, they may brush it off as “just a friend” and make you feel guilty for being paranoid. They might even say things like, “You know how much I love you. Why would I do that?” manipulating your emotions to keep you from digging deeper.

    This behavior is emotionally draining because it forces you into a cycle of doubt and apology. Every time you try to confront them about their actions, they skillfully shift the focus to your insecurities. Dr. George Simon, author of In Sheep's Clothing, explains that "manipulators gain control by playing on your emotions, leaving you constantly doubting yourself." And for serial cheaters, this isn't a one-time thing—it's part of their pattern.

    Fear of Commitment Runs Deep

    For many serial cheaters, the idea of committing to one person is terrifying. It's not that they can't love or care about someone, but they have an intense fear of being tied down. This fear often leads them to cheat, as infidelity offers an escape from the perceived “trap” of commitment.

    While they may enter relationships, they tend to avoid long-term plans or serious conversations about the future. When the topic of commitment comes up, they often deflect or give vague answers. You might hear them say things like, “Let's just enjoy the moment,” or, “Why put labels on it?” These statements may seem innocent at first, but they're indicative of a deeper fear.

    Psychologists often link this fear to attachment issues that stem from childhood. For some, being emotionally close to someone feels suffocating, and cheating becomes their way of maintaining independence. While their actions hurt others, the cheater may see it as necessary to avoid the vulnerability that comes with commitment.

    In Attached, Amir Levine and Rachel Heller explain that “those with avoidant attachment styles may seem like they want a relationship, but once it becomes emotionally intimate, they pull away to protect themselves.” If your partner shows this behavior, it's crucial to recognize that their fear of commitment may not just affect your relationship, but their future ones too.

    Obsession with Their Appearance

    One of the most noticeable traits of a serial cheater is their obsession with how they look. Now, there's nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, but serial cheaters take it to an extreme. They're constantly concerned with their image, not just for you but for everyone they come in contact with. It's as if they're always on the lookout for their next conquest.

    You'll often notice that they spend an unusual amount of time grooming themselves, ensuring they look perfect for any and every occasion, no matter how casual. Their social media is filled with selfies or photos designed to show them in the best light. This constant focus on their appearance can be a red flag that they're seeking external validation beyond the relationship.

    Serial cheaters tend to see themselves as highly desirable, and this fuels their need to attract others, even when they're supposedly committed to you. Their physical appearance becomes a tool to charm and seduce, and they use it to draw attention to themselves wherever they go. The obsession isn't just about looking good; it's about maintaining an image that keeps them open to new opportunities.

    Flirting Is Their Second Nature

    If your partner flirts openly with others while you're together, it's more than just a personality quirk—it could be a sign of serial cheating. For a serial cheater, flirting isn't just harmless fun; it's a way of testing boundaries and keeping their options open. They often see flirting as a sport, something that feeds their ego and satisfies their need for constant attention.

    This behavior can be subtle at first—lighthearted banter, playful teasing—but over time, it becomes more blatant. They may flirt in front of you, downplaying your concerns by saying it's just how they are or that it means nothing. But for someone who repeatedly cheats, flirting is often the first step toward something more serious.

    In fact, many serial cheaters use flirting as a way to gauge other people's interest. It's a way of setting the stage for potential infidelity while keeping their current partner in the dark. Flirting serves as their “gateway” behavior—it feels harmless enough to justify, but it can quickly escalate into something much more damaging.

    Remember, a partner who respects you won't make a habit of flirting with others, especially not in front of you. If your partner can't seem to control their flirty nature, it might be time to examine whether they're truly committed to you—or if they're playing a dangerous game of keeping their options open.

    Selfishness and Self-Absorption

    At the core of serial cheating lies an overwhelming sense of selfishness and self-absorption. It's always about them—their needs, their desires, their feelings. Serial cheaters are so focused on satisfying their own cravings for attention or validation that they rarely stop to consider the emotional damage they're inflicting on others.

    You may notice that conversations always seem to revolve around them. Whether it's talking about their job, their hobbies, or their appearance, they make sure that the spotlight is always on them. When you need something—whether it's emotional support or simply a listening ear—they may seem distant, uninterested, or outright dismissive.

    This selfishness extends to their actions as well. They often make decisions without considering how it will affect you or your relationship. Serial cheaters are driven by a need for instant gratification, and they don't care who gets hurt in the process. Their behavior reflects a lack of empathy, and you may find yourself constantly giving while receiving little in return.

    Friends and Others Drop Hints

    Pay close attention to what your partner's friends—or even your own—are saying. People who know your partner well may drop subtle hints about their history or behavior. Friends might say things like, “Oh, that's just how they are,” or even joke about their infidelity. While these comments might seem lighthearted on the surface, they often hide deeper truths.

    Sometimes, people who know the cheater's past feel uncomfortable confronting the situation directly, especially if they're close to both of you. Instead, they may offer vague warnings or casual remarks that you can easily overlook. It's easy to dismiss these hints, especially if you're invested in the relationship, but ignoring them could leave you blindsided later on.

    Even if no one directly tells you that your partner has a history of cheating, small comments or awkward reactions from others can give you insight. If friends seem uncomfortable when the topic of loyalty comes up, or if they hesitate to speak about your partner's past relationships, that could be a signal that they know something you don't.

    Remember, friends often see things from a different perspective. While they may not always come out and tell you the full story, their hints can be a valuable clue that something is off. Don't brush these moments aside—pay attention to what people are trying to tell you.

    Public Glances from Others Raise Questions

    Have you ever noticed people giving strange looks when you're out with your partner? Maybe it's a sideways glance from someone in a restaurant, or perhaps a brief, awkward smile from a stranger at a party. While it might seem innocent at first, repeated incidents of this can suggest that there's something about your partner's reputation that others are aware of—and that you're not.

    People who know about your partner's past may give subtle signals without even realizing it. They might not come out and tell you directly, but their body language can be revealing. Serial cheaters often leave a trail of broken relationships behind them, and those who have witnessed their behavior in the past may react when they see them with someone new. They know the pattern, and their uncomfortable glances could be their way of warning you.

    Don't ignore these subtle social cues. If people around you seem uneasy when you're with your partner, or if they exchange knowing looks, it could be because they've seen this story play out before. Public reactions, however brief, might just be the tip of the iceberg in uncovering your partner's hidden past.

    Gut Feelings Can't Be Ignored

    Your intuition is one of your greatest allies when it comes to relationships, and it's especially crucial when dealing with a serial cheater. If something feels off, even if you can't quite put your finger on it, trust your gut. That nagging sense of doubt or unease often comes from subtle cues that your subconscious picks up on before your conscious mind can process them.

    Serial cheaters are skilled at hiding their tracks, but your instincts can alert you to the red flags that your partner's behavior isn't adding up. Maybe it's the way they react when you ask simple questions, or the excuses they offer that don't quite make sense. Your gut will often pick up on these inconsistencies before you have all the evidence in front of you.

    Relationship expert Gavin de Becker, in his book The Gift of Fear, emphasizes the importance of trusting your instincts, especially in situations where something feels wrong. He writes, “Intuition is always right in at least two important ways: It is always in response to something, and it always has your best interest at heart.” If your gut is telling you something is wrong, it's time to listen—even if you don't yet have all the proof.

    Remember, your intuition exists to protect you. Don't let your heart's desire to trust your partner override the inner voice that's warning you something isn't right.

    Habitual Lying

    Serial cheaters don't just lie when they get caught—they lie all the time. It becomes a natural part of their behavior, to the point where deception feels like second nature to them. Whether it's small white lies or major deceptions, they have a habit of bending the truth to suit their needs and keep their stories straight. They're often so skilled at lying that you might not even realize it's happening.

    They lie about where they've been, who they've been with, and what they're doing. Even when you catch them in these lies, they find ways to twist the truth, turning the situation around on you or making you feel like you're overreacting. These lies stack up over time, and before you know it, you're second-guessing everything they've told you.

    According to Dr. Paul Ekman, an expert in the field of deception, “Liars have a different relationship with the truth. For them, it's flexible, adaptable to whatever narrative they need at the moment.” For serial cheaters, lying becomes the foundation that supports their entire double life. It's a behavior that's hard to break and almost always continues in future relationships.

    Charisma Hides the Truth

    One of the reasons serial cheaters get away with their behavior for so long is their undeniable charm. These individuals are often incredibly charismatic, drawing people in with their magnetic personalities. They're the life of the party, the one who knows exactly what to say to make you feel special, and they use this charm to cover up their darker tendencies.

    Their charisma isn't just for show—it's a carefully honed skill that allows them to manipulate those around them. When they're caught in a lie or when their behavior raises suspicion, they use their charm to smooth things over. They may shower you with compliments, affection, or gifts, making it hard for you to stay angry or question their actions.

    It's easy to fall for a charismatic person because they make you feel seen and appreciated. But beneath that exterior lies someone who is often hiding the truth. Their ability to win people over keeps them in a position of control, allowing them to maintain multiple relationships without anyone suspecting a thing.

    Dr. Robert Greene, in his book The Art of Seduction, notes that “charismatic individuals have an almost hypnotic effect on others. Their presence makes you feel captivated, and before you realize it, they're bending the situation in their favor.” For serial cheaters, this charm becomes their greatest weapon, masking their true intentions and keeping you hooked, even when you know something isn't right.

    They've Been in Many Relationships, None Last

    If your partner has a long list of past relationships, none of which lasted very long, this could be a sign of a serial cheater. It's not unusual for someone to have had multiple relationships, but when there's a pattern of short-lived connections that always seem to end in a messy breakup, it raises questions. Serial cheaters tend to move from one partner to the next, never settling down, because they're constantly looking for something new and exciting.

    These individuals often leave a trail of broken relationships in their wake, and when you ask them about their past, they'll likely shift the blame onto their exes. You may hear stories of how none of their past partners “understood” them or how they were “too demanding.” While everyone has relationship baggage, a history of short, volatile romances is a strong indicator that they struggle with loyalty and commitment.

    Serial cheaters rarely stay with one person for long because they thrive on the thrill of the chase. Once the novelty wears off, they get bored and move on to the next person, leaving behind a string of heartbroken partners. This pattern is hard to break, and unless they take serious steps to change, it will continue.

    They're Always ‘Busy' but Unavailable

    Have you noticed that your partner is always busy, but somehow never available when you need them? This is another classic sign of a serial cheater. They seem to have endless work commitments, social obligations, or hobbies that keep them constantly on the go, but when it comes to spending quality time with you, they're suddenly nowhere to be found.

    This “busyness” is often a cover for the fact that they're juggling multiple relationships or engaging in secret affairs. When they disappear for hours or days at a time with vague explanations like “I've just been swamped” or “I need some time to myself,” it's easy to brush it off as a normal part of life. But when this becomes a pattern, it's worth questioning what they're really up to during all that time.

    Being consistently unavailable, especially during key moments in your relationship, can be a sign that they're dividing their attention between you and someone else. They might show up just enough to keep the relationship alive, but their emotional and physical presence is often lacking. Over time, this behavior leaves you feeling neglected, confused, and suspicious of what's really going on.

    Author M. Scott Peck, in The Road Less Traveled, suggests that emotional availability is crucial for healthy relationships. “True love requires commitment and presence,” Peck writes. When your partner is always too busy for you, it's time to ask whether they're truly invested in your relationship—or if they're keeping their options open elsewhere.

    Hot and Cold Behavior Keeps You Confused

    One of the most frustrating signs of a serial cheater is their hot-and-cold behavior. One day, they're completely into you—showering you with affection, making grand gestures, and telling you how much you mean to them. The next day, they seem distant, detached, and uninterested. This rollercoaster of emotions is enough to leave anyone feeling confused and emotionally drained.

    This back-and-forth behavior isn't accidental. Serial cheaters use this tactic to keep you hooked. When they sense you're pulling away or becoming suspicious, they turn on the charm, making you feel like everything is back to normal. But once they feel secure in the relationship again, they pull away, leaving you questioning where you stand.

    Psychologists refer to this as "intermittent reinforcement"—a pattern where positive reinforcement (affection, attention) is given inconsistently, keeping you emotionally invested while never truly satisfied. In the long run, this leaves you craving their affection even more, making it difficult to break free from the toxic cycle.

    If your partner's attention seems to come in waves, with periods of intense connection followed by emotional withdrawal, it's a red flag. This kind of manipulation can keep you tied to someone who isn't fully committed to you, allowing them to maintain control over the relationship while continuing their unfaithful behavior on the side.

    How to Recognize a Serial Cheater Early On

    The best way to protect yourself from a serial cheater is to recognize the signs early on. While it can be difficult to spot at first—especially when they're pouring on the charm—there are key behaviors and patterns that can help you identify them before you get too invested.

    First, pay attention to their relationship history. Serial cheaters often have a string of short, intense relationships that seem to end abruptly. If they're vague about why their past relationships failed or always place the blame on their exes, it's a red flag. Likewise, if they're secretive about their phone or seem to be hiding something, that's a sign that they're not being completely transparent with you.

    Another major indicator is how they talk about commitment. Serial cheaters tend to avoid serious discussions about the future or dodge questions about defining the relationship. If they seem hesitant to commit or frequently change the subject when you bring it up, this could be a sign that they're not looking for a long-term connection.

    Most importantly, trust your instincts. If something feels off, don't ignore it. Serial cheaters are skilled at hiding their true intentions, but your gut often picks up on subtle cues before your mind can process them. If you find yourself constantly questioning their behavior, it's time to take a closer look.

    By recognizing these signs early on, you can avoid the heartbreak and emotional turmoil that comes with being involved with a serial cheater. It's always better to walk away before you're too deeply entangled in their web of deception.

    Can Serial Cheaters Change?

    This is one of the most debated questions in relationships: can a serial cheater truly change their ways? The short answer is yes, but it's not simple, and it's certainly not guaranteed. Change requires a deep, internal commitment to transformation, and for serial cheaters, this means addressing the underlying issues that drive their behavior—whether it's a fear of intimacy, a need for validation, or narcissistic tendencies.

    For real change to occur, the cheater needs to acknowledge their actions and take full responsibility. This often involves therapy or counseling to uncover the root causes of their infidelity. It's not enough to apologize or promise to be faithful; they need to dive deep into understanding why they cheat and make active steps to change those patterns. Without this level of self-awareness and effort, the behavior is likely to repeat.

    Another factor is time. Cheaters who promise instant change are often saying what they think you want to hear. Real change takes time, consistency, and patience. It's about breaking old habits and building new, healthier ones. If a cheater is willing to do the work, then change is possible, but it won't happen overnight.

    Dr. Janis Abrahms Spring, author of After the Affair, writes, “The decision to stop cheating is just the first step; maintaining that change requires ongoing commitment, honesty, and rebuilding trust.” For a serial cheater, this process can be even more difficult, as they must overcome not just one betrayal, but a pattern of betrayal over time.

    It's also important to remember that change doesn't only depend on the cheater. As the partner, you need to decide if you're willing to give them the space and time to change, and whether you're willing to rebuild the trust that was broken. Even if a serial cheater can change, it doesn't necessarily mean you should wait around to see if they will. Your emotional well-being and boundaries matter just as much as their ability to change.

    Recommended Resources

    • After the Affair by Dr. Janis Abrahms Spring
    • The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
    • Not "Just Friends" by Dr. Shirley Glass


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