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  • Gustavo Richards
    Gustavo Richards

    15 Unforgettable Tips to Choose Between Two Guys

    Key Takeaways:

    • You can love two people.
    • Personal values guide your choice.
    • Shared interests aren't everything.
    • Consider their life goals carefully.
    • Emotions shouldn't be the only factor.

    Is it possible to be in love with two different guys simultaneously?

    It might feel impossible, but yes, you can be in love with two different people at the same time. It's not uncommon for feelings to be complex, and love doesn't always fit into a neat box. As human beings, we crave connection, and when two people bring different but valuable qualities into your life, it's natural to feel deeply for both. One may ignite passion, while the other offers stability and peace.

    Psychologist Dr. Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love breaks down love into three main components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Sometimes, one person fulfills certain aspects more than the other, leaving you torn. This is why the situation can feel so confusing. You're trying to weigh the qualities of both individuals against your needs.

    Ask yourself: What do I truly want in a partner? Are my feelings towards one guy rooted in something deeper, or are they just a temporary thrill? Answering these questions may begin to provide clarity on which relationship speaks more to your long-term desires.

    What are the key factors when choosing between two great potential partners?

    The choice between two amazing guys can feel like an impossible task, especially when both seem to have qualities that make you swoon. But the real key to deciding lies in diving deeper into your personal values and future aspirations.

    One crucial factor to consider is compatibility. Do they share your long-term goals? Maybe one of them talks about settling down, building a family, or supporting your dreams, while the other is more about living in the moment. Compatibility in vision is a significant aspect of long-term happiness in a relationship.

    Also, ask yourself which partner brings out your best self. Love isn't just about what you feel, but also about who you are when you're around the person. Does one of them push you to grow, inspire you, or encourage you to be better? If one partner leaves you feeling constantly supported and empowered, that can be a big factor in your decision-making process.

    Remember, it's about who aligns with your future and brings harmony to your life. Focus on the core of what you want, not just the surface-level chemistry.

    How vital are shared interests in deciding between two amazing guys?

    different interests

    We've all heard the saying, “opposites attract,” but when it comes to long-term relationships, shared interests can help create a strong foundation. However, they're not everything. While common hobbies like enjoying the same movies, books, or activities can strengthen a bond, they won't make up for deeper incompatibilities. Think of shared interests as the icing on the cake—not the cake itself.

    Studies show that long-term compatibility goes beyond enjoying the same pastimes. Dr. John Gottman, renowned for his work on relationship stability, notes that the real key to a lasting partnership is how couples deal with differences, not necessarily what they have in common. So, if one of the guys loves hiking while the other is more of a homebody, focus on whether you respect and embrace each other's differences.

    Ask yourself: Do shared activities bring you closer, or do they feel forced? You don't have to like all the same things, but you should both be open to exploring each other's worlds. True connection often grows when two people appreciate and support each other's passions.

    How to choose between two guys: 15 tips to help you decide

    1. Learn more about their personalities: Dive into their quirks, sense of humor, and how they respond to different situations. Are they someone you can laugh with and talk to for hours?
    2. Observe how you spend time together: Does your time with each man feel effortless and enjoyable? Notice how you feel in their presence—energized or drained?
    3. Examine their flaws: Nobody's perfect. It's essential to look at the negative qualities of each person and consider whether you can live with them long-term.
    4. Discuss future plans: What are their goals in life? Do they align with yours? Knowing what each guy wants from life—and from you—will clarify whether your paths align.
    5. Avoid choosing based on looks: Physical attraction is important, but it fades. Don't base your decision solely on appearances; it's the emotional connection that truly matters.
    6. Consider how they feel about you: How does each man express his love and care? Pay attention to how they treat you, and what they are willing to give emotionally.
    7. Check for moral or value conflicts: Do either of them hold beliefs or engage in behavior that clashes with your core values? Shared values are critical for long-term compatibility.
    8. Think about settling down: Is one of them more serious about commitment? If you're looking for stability, it's important to gauge who is ready to build a future with you.
    9. Consider who supports you at your lowest: Tough times reveal character. Which man is there for you when you're struggling? That support speaks volumes about long-term compatibility.
    10. Who is more family-oriented?: If family is important to you, observe who is more connected to their family or interested in building one with you.
    11. Assess their interaction with children: This is crucial if you want kids. Does one seem more natural and comfortable around children than the other?
    12. Who behaves like a real man?: This doesn't mean macho behavior, but rather someone who takes responsibility, respects you, and shows maturity in his decisions.
    13. Who puts in more effort?: Pay attention to who is trying harder to impress you and win your heart. It could show how invested they are in building something meaningful.
    14. Look into their past: Past behavior often reveals patterns. Does one have a history of broken relationships or a commitment problem? These things matter for your future.
    15. Choose the one with a positive outlook: Optimism and resilience are attractive qualities. Being with someone who has a positive attitude towards life can greatly impact your happiness.

    How can I be sure I chose the right guy?

    Once you've made your decision, it's natural to second-guess yourself. The “what ifs” can creep in, leaving you wondering if you've truly made the right choice. The truth is, no decision is perfect, and every relationship will have its challenges. But there are ways to know if you're on the right path.

    One clear sign is peace of mind. Does your choice leave you feeling calm and secure, or are you constantly anxious? If you feel more at ease with your decision, it's a good indication you've chosen the right guy. Also, listen to your intuition. It often knows more than your logical mind. You can also consider if this person aligns with your life goals and values. Is he genuinely invested in building a future together, or does it feel like he's holding back?

    Another thing to watch for is your emotional well-being. A healthy relationship should bring out the best in you. If you find yourself feeling more confident, supported, and uplifted around him, that's a good sign you've made the right choice. Ultimately, there will always be doubts, but a good relationship provides more comfort than worry.

    How do I know if I'm ready to make a decision?

    The feeling of readiness often comes from within. Deciding between two guys is no easy task, but there are a few indicators that signal you're ready to choose. First, you've taken the time to reflect. Have you thought through both relationships, weighed their pros and cons, and asked yourself what you truly want in a partner? If so, you're already moving closer to clarity.

    Another sign you're ready is a sense of emotional stability. If you feel at peace with the potential outcomes and understand that no matter who you choose, you'll be okay, that's a strong signal you're prepared to move forward. Many people wait for absolute certainty, but relationships are never that simple. Don't expect perfection—look for the decision that brings you peace, even if it's a difficult one.

    Lastly, readiness often appears when you stop seeking external validation. If you find yourself no longer needing reassurance from friends or family about your choice, it means you're beginning to trust your own judgment. At the end of the day, the relationship is yours to navigate, and only you can truly know which guy is right for you.

    What if I'm still undecided after trying all the tips?

    If you've gone through all the tips, analyzed the situation from every angle, and you're still unsure, it's important to give yourself grace. Deciding between two people, especially when both seem like great partners, isn't something that can be rushed. Sometimes, the uncertainty is your mind's way of telling you that you need more time to figure things out, and that's okay.

    One helpful approach is to take a step back. Give yourself some space from both relationships, even if only for a short while. Distance can provide a new perspective. Often, we gain clarity when we're no longer immersed in the emotional whirlwind of trying to make a choice.

    Also, keep in mind that sometimes, the right decision becomes clearer through small, everyday interactions. Pay attention to the little moments—how they treat you when no one is watching, how they support you in tough situations, and how they make you feel about yourself. These things will often guide you towards the right path when you're uncertain.

    How do I deal with the guilt of hurting someone's feelings?

    One of the hardest parts of choosing between two people is knowing that someone may get hurt. It's natural to feel guilty about this, especially if both men have genuine feelings for you. However, it's important to remember that staying in a situation where you're torn can hurt everyone involved in the long run.

    Guilt is a natural emotion, but it shouldn't paralyze you. As Brene Brown says in her book, Daring Greatly, “Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame is destructive.” It's okay to feel guilty for hurting someone's feelings, but don't let that guilt morph into shame. Making a decision and being honest is ultimately more respectful than dragging things out.

    Be kind but firm when you explain your decision. You can acknowledge their feelings without apologizing for your choice. Relationships thrive on honesty, and even though someone may be disappointed, they deserve the truth. Over time, they will heal, and so will you.

    What if I end up regretting my decision?

    Regret is one of those feelings that can haunt you, especially after making a big choice like picking between two people. It's natural to wonder, "What if I made the wrong decision?" However, it's important to remember that no decision is final in the sense that life is ever-changing, and so are we. Relationships, like anything else, evolve over time.

    If you start feeling regret, take a moment to assess where it's coming from. Is it genuine regret about the person you chose, or is it a fear of missing out on the one you didn't pick? Sometimes, it's not about the actual relationship but about an idealized version of the person left behind. Our minds can play tricks on us, making us wonder about the road not taken.

    Even if you find yourself regretting your choice, remember that relationships aren't set in stone. Every relationship takes work, and sometimes the regret fades as the bond grows deeper. If the feelings of doubt persist, it might be worth reflecting on whether it's the relationship or just a phase of uncertainty.

    How can I move on if I choose the wrong guy?

    Choosing the “wrong” guy can feel devastating, but it's not the end of the world. While the experience might hurt, it can also teach you valuable lessons about yourself and what you truly need in a partner. Healing begins with acceptance—accepting that no one is perfect and that mistakes, even in love, are part of life.

    Start by forgiving yourself. We all make choices based on the information we have at the time, and if it turns out not to be the best decision, that's okay. Recognize that it's not a reflection of your worth. Sometimes, things don't work out, and that's a part of growing emotionally and relationally.

    Moving on requires time and reflection. Give yourself space to process what went wrong and what you need in future relationships. It's also essential to focus on self-care during this period. Surround yourself with supportive friends, engage in activities that bring you joy, and remember that every experience, even the painful ones, helps shape you into a stronger person.

    Wrapping up

    Choosing between two guys is never easy, and it can feel overwhelming at times. But at the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that you're not choosing between two options that are worlds apart—you're choosing what's right for you, right now. Give yourself the grace to make this decision based on what truly aligns with your heart and values. And yes, that might mean letting someone down, but being honest with yourself and them is the kindest thing you can do in the long run.

    We often get caught up in the fear of making a wrong decision, but life is a series of choices, and every experience offers growth. Trust that whichever path you take will help you learn more about yourself and what you need in a relationship. Even if things don't go as planned, you'll gain insights into your desires, your boundaries, and your capacity to love.

    Take your time, reflect on your options, and trust yourself. Your instincts are more powerful than you think. Whether you choose based on shared values, emotional support, or how each man makes you feel, remember that the right decision is one that brings you peace and clarity in your journey of love.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
    • Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
    • Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment by Amir Levine & Rachel Heller


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