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  • Gustavo Richards
    Gustavo Richards

    15 Alarming Signs He's Obsessed (And What to Do)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Obsession often disguises as love.
    • He's overly clingy and possessive.
    • Constant communication signals obsession.
    • Respect boundaries to maintain independence.
    • Recognize the signs; take action.

    The Thin Line Between Love and Obsession

    Love is powerful, intoxicating, and beautiful, but what happens when that love turns into something more sinister? The difference between a healthy, loving relationship and an unhealthy obsession can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. It can be easy to dismiss certain behaviors as simply "romantic" or as a sign that your partner cares deeply for you. However, these behaviors can quickly become suffocating, controlling, and even dangerous.

    We've all heard of the idea of someone being “crazy in love,” but when does it cross the line into actual obsession? If you've ever found yourself wondering, "Is my boyfriend obsessed with me?" or "Are these behaviors normal?" then it's time to take a closer look. Let's explore the fine line between love and obsession and learn to recognize when something isn't quite right.

    Understanding Obsession vs. Love: Where Do You Stand?

    Love and obsession might seem similar at first glance, but they are fundamentally different. Love is about mutual respect, trust, and freedom, while obsession is rooted in control, insecurity, and fear. Love allows for growth, both as individuals and as a couple, whereas obsession stifles it.

    When someone is obsessed with you, they don't just want to be close to you—they need to be, at all times. This need often stems from a deep-seated fear of losing you, leading to behaviors that are more about control than affection. It's crucial to recognize these differences early on in a relationship because what starts as intense affection can quickly spiral into unhealthy obsession.

    Understanding where your relationship falls on this spectrum is the first step in addressing the issue. Do you feel free to be yourself, or do you constantly worry about your partner's reactions? Are you in love, or are you caught in the grip of someone's obsession?

    Sign 1: He's Clingy Beyond Normal

    Clingy behavior

    Everyone wants to feel needed in a relationship, but when does "needing" someone turn into an unhealthy dependency? If your boyfriend can't seem to go a moment without being by your side, constantly texting, calling, or needing to know your every move, this could be a major red flag. Clinginess often comes from a place of deep insecurity—an obsession with you, rather than a healthy desire to be close.

    It's natural to want to be around someone you love, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can start to feel like you're being suffocated. You might notice that he doesn't give you space to breathe, always wants to know who you're with, what you're doing, and even why you need time to yourself. This isn't love—it's control. It's about him needing constant reassurance that you're not going anywhere, which can be exhausting and emotionally draining for you.

    Ask yourself: Do you feel like you're losing your independence because of his clinginess? If so, this is a sign that his feelings for you might be more about obsession than love.

    Sign 2: From Criticism to Love-Bombing and Back Again

    One of the more confusing signs of an obsessive partner is their tendency to swing from one extreme to another. One minute, he might be showering you with compliments, gifts, and affection—this is often referred to as love-bombing. But before you can fully enjoy the attention, he suddenly flips the script, criticizing you over the smallest things, making you feel like you can't do anything right.

    This push-pull dynamic is a classic tactic in obsessive relationships. It keeps you on edge, always trying to earn back the affection you were once freely given. This behavior can make you feel trapped, constantly seeking his approval and validation, but never quite sure when the next wave of criticism will hit.

    Psychologically, this behavior stems from a need to maintain control. By keeping you off-balance, he ensures that your focus remains entirely on him. It's a way to dominate your emotions, making you dependent on his approval to feel good about yourself. This isn't love; it's emotional manipulation.

    Recognizing this pattern is crucial. A healthy relationship should make you feel secure and valued, not confused and anxious.

    Sign 3: Constant Stream of Texts and Calls

    In today's digital age, communication is easier than ever. But when does staying in touch cross the line into something more obsessive? If your boyfriend is constantly texting or calling you throughout the day—especially if it feels excessive or intrusive—this could be a sign that he's struggling with an unhealthy attachment.

    Of course, it's normal to want to share your day with someone you care about. However, when the communication becomes relentless—where you can't go an hour without him reaching out, and it feels like you're under a microscope—it's a different story. This behavior often stems from a deep-seated fear of losing you, manifesting in an overwhelming need to always be in contact.

    This constant barrage of communication can quickly become overwhelming, making you feel as if you're never truly alone or able to focus on anything else. It can also be a tactic to keep tabs on you, ensuring that you're always within his reach. This isn't about staying connected; it's about control. And that level of control is a strong indicator of obsession, not love.

    If you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed every time your phone buzzes, it's worth considering why that is. Healthy communication should enhance your relationship, not make you feel like you're under constant surveillance.

    Sign 4: Fixation on You Leaving Him

    One of the most telling signs of an obsessive partner is a deep, almost irrational fear that you're going to leave him. This fixation can manifest in countless ways, from constantly asking if you still love him to getting visibly upset or angry at the mere mention of you spending time apart.

    This kind of behavior often comes from deep insecurity and a fear of abandonment. He might latch onto every small action, reading into things that aren't there, convinced that you're planning to leave him. This can lead to a cycle of anxiety and mistrust, where he constantly needs reassurance, even if there's no reason for concern.

    Over time, this fixation can be incredibly draining for you. It places the burden of his emotional stability squarely on your shoulders, making you responsible for his feelings of security. This isn't love—this is obsession masquerading as devotion.

    In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel secure and confident in their connection. If your boyfriend is constantly worrying about losing you, it might be time to reassess whether his feelings for you are rooted in love or something much more unhealthy.

    Sign 5: He Invades Your Privacy

    Privacy is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship. It's the space where you can be yourself, separate from your partner. But when your boyfriend starts to invade that privacy—constantly wanting to know where you are, who you're with, or even going through your personal belongings—it's a glaring sign of obsession.

    In a trusting relationship, boundaries are respected. Your partner should understand that you have a life outside of the relationship, with your own thoughts, feelings, and private moments. However, if he's always prying, demanding access to every detail of your life, it's not about love; it's about control. This kind of behavior is rooted in insecurity and a desperate need to possess every part of you, leaving no room for your independence.

    Whether it's reading your messages, checking your browser history, or showing up unannounced, these actions are violations of your personal space. They indicate a lack of respect for your autonomy and are clear signs that his feelings for you are more about ownership than partnership.

    It's essential to recognize this invasion for what it is—a red flag. You deserve a relationship where your privacy is valued and your boundaries are honored.

    Sign 6: Hounding Your Social Media Platforms

    Social media has become a significant part of our lives, a place where we connect with others and share our experiences. But when your boyfriend is obsessively monitoring your online presence, it's another sign that his feelings for you may be unhealthy.

    Does he constantly comment on your posts, ask about your friends, or seem upset when you interact with others online? Maybe he insists on knowing why you liked a certain photo or who that new follower is. While a little curiosity is normal, when it becomes constant scrutiny, it's a problem.

    This kind of behavior often stems from jealousy and a desire to control who you interact with, both online and offline. He may view your social media activity as a threat, especially if it involves people he doesn't know or approve of. His need to monitor your digital life is a way to assert dominance, ensuring that you remain within his sphere of influence at all times.

    Healthy relationships are built on trust, not on constantly checking up on each other. If your social media interactions are causing conflict or making you feel anxious, it's a clear sign that his obsession is infringing on your personal freedom.

    Remember, your online presence is just that—yours. It's a part of your life that you have every right to control without feeling like you're under surveillance.

    Sign 7: He Believes You're His Soulmate

    Being called someone's soulmate might sound romantic, but when it becomes an obsessive belief, it can be a sign of something far more troubling. If your boyfriend insists that you're the only one for him, that no one else could ever understand him or make him happy, it might not be as flattering as it seems. This belief can create an unhealthy dependency where he sees you not just as a partner, but as the solution to all his problems.

    This kind of fixation often leads to intense pressure on you to meet all of his emotional needs. He may expect you to be everything for him—his lover, his best friend, his confidant, and his therapist. While it's normal to have a deep connection with someone, expecting them to fulfill every role in your life is unrealistic and unfair. It's also a classic sign of obsessive love, where the boundaries between two people become blurred, and one partner's identity becomes consumed by the other.

    In a healthy relationship, both partners should be able to maintain their individuality and have other sources of support. If your boyfriend's belief that you're his one and only is making you feel trapped or overwhelmed, it's time to consider whether this is love or obsession.

    Sign 8: Checking Your Phone and Demanding Passwords

    Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. When your boyfriend starts demanding access to your phone, asking for your passwords, or checking your messages, it's a sign that trust has been replaced by control. While he might argue that it's about honesty and openness, in reality, it's about crossing boundaries and invading your privacy.

    If you find yourself feeling guilty for wanting to keep your phone private, or if you feel pressured to hand over your passwords just to avoid conflict, this is a major red flag. A relationship built on love and respect doesn't require you to give up your personal space or autonomy.

    This kind of behavior is often rooted in insecurity and a deep-seated fear of betrayal. By monitoring your communications, he's attempting to keep tabs on you and eliminate any perceived threats to the relationship. However, this isn't a sign of love; it's a sign of obsession. It's about control, not connection.

    Your phone and your passwords are personal. In a healthy relationship, your partner should trust you enough to respect your privacy, not demand access to every aspect of your life.

    Sign 9: Manipulative Behavior

    Manipulation in a relationship is a subtle, yet powerful sign of obsession. If your boyfriend frequently twists situations to make you feel guilty, ashamed, or responsible for his emotions, he's not acting out of love. Instead, he's using manipulation to maintain control over you.

    This can come in many forms. He might play the victim, making you feel like you're always in the wrong, or he could use emotional blackmail, suggesting that you don't care about him if you don't do what he wants. He might even gaslight you, making you question your own memories or feelings, so you start to doubt yourself and rely on his version of reality.

    These tactics are designed to keep you under his influence, ensuring that you're always trying to appease him or make up for some perceived fault. It's a way of controlling the relationship dynamics, making you feel like you're always on thin ice.

    Love doesn't involve mind games or emotional manipulation. A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect, honesty, and trust, where both partners feel secure and valued. If you find yourself constantly second-guessing your actions or apologizing for things you didn't do, it's a sign that manipulation, not love, is at play.

    Sign 10: Possessive of Your Time

    Time is one of the most valuable things we have, and in a healthy relationship, both partners respect each other's time and commitments. But when your boyfriend becomes possessive of your time, demanding that you spend every moment with him or prioritizing his needs over your own, it's a sign of obsession.

    This possessiveness can manifest in different ways. He might get upset if you make plans without him, discourage you from spending time with friends or family, or insist that you cancel your own activities to be with him. Over time, this can lead to isolation, where you feel like your world is shrinking, with him at the center of it.

    This behavior is not about love; it's about control. By monopolizing your time, he ensures that your focus remains entirely on him, leaving little room for anything or anyone else. This kind of possessiveness can be suffocating, making you feel like you're losing your independence and identity.

    A healthy relationship allows for balance—time together, time apart, and time for other important relationships and activities. If your boyfriend's possessiveness is making you feel trapped or overwhelmed, it's a clear sign that his obsession is driving the relationship, not love.

    Sign 11: You're Always to Blame

    In a healthy relationship, accountability is shared, and both partners are willing to acknowledge their mistakes. However, if you find that no matter what happens, you're always the one who ends up apologizing, this is a sign of something far more insidious. When your boyfriend consistently blames you for every disagreement, every emotional upset, or every perceived slight, it's not just unfair—it's manipulative.

    Being made to feel like you're always in the wrong is a tactic used to control you. It keeps you in a constant state of guilt and anxiety, always second-guessing your actions and walking on eggshells. This behavior is often coupled with gaslighting, where he denies his role in any issue and convinces you that your perspective is flawed or unreasonable.

    This kind of dynamic is not just emotionally draining; it's toxic. A relationship should be a partnership, where both people are willing to admit their faults and work together to resolve issues. If you're always the scapegoat, constantly bearing the burden of blame, it's a clear sign that obsession, not love, is dictating the terms of your relationship.

    Sign 12: Overreaction to Other Men

    Jealousy is a natural emotion, but when it spirals into paranoia and overreaction, it's a sign of deeper issues. If your boyfriend reacts aggressively or irrationally whenever you interact with other men—whether they're friends, colleagues, or even just acquaintances—it's a red flag that his feelings for you have crossed the line into obsession.

    This overreaction can take many forms. He might accuse you of flirting when you're just being friendly, demand to know who every male contact in your phone is, or become visibly upset if you even mention another man in conversation. This kind of jealousy is not rooted in love; it's rooted in insecurity and a desire to control you.

    Such behavior can be isolating and stressful, making you feel like you have to constantly justify innocent interactions or avoid them altogether. Over time, his overreactions can cause you to withdraw from social situations or distance yourself from male friends, all in an effort to keep the peace.

    A healthy relationship is built on trust and mutual respect. If your boyfriend's jealousy is making you feel like you're always under scrutiny, it's a sign that his need to possess and control you is overpowering any genuine feelings of love.

    Sign 13: He's Threatening When Insecure

    Insecurity can bring out the worst in people, but when it turns into threats or intimidation, it's a sign that something is deeply wrong. If your boyfriend becomes threatening when he feels insecure—whether it's about your relationship, his place in your life, or his own self-worth—it's a clear indication that his behavior is driven by obsession, not love.

    These threats can be explicit, like telling you that he'll leave or harm himself if you don't do what he wants, or they can be more subtle, such as making you feel unsafe or uncomfortable when you assert your independence. This kind of behavior is not just unhealthy; it's abusive. It's designed to keep you in a state of fear, ensuring that you conform to his demands and don't challenge his control over you.

    No one should ever have to live under the shadow of threats in a relationship. Love should make you feel secure, supported, and valued—not scared or manipulated. If your boyfriend resorts to threats when he feels insecure, it's a sign that his obsession with you is toxic and potentially dangerous.

    Sign 14: You Always Owe Him Something

    In a balanced relationship, acts of kindness, love, and support are freely given, without expectation of something in return. But when your boyfriend makes you feel like you always owe him something—whether it's your time, attention, affection, or even material things—it's a sign of manipulation and control.

    This might manifest as him reminding you of all the things he's done for you, making you feel guilty for not reciprocating in exactly the way he wants, or acting like you're indebted to him for being in the relationship. He might say things like, “After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?” or “You owe me for putting up with this.” These statements aren't about love; they're about keeping you in a state of obligation and control.

    When someone makes you feel like love is transactional, that you must constantly give to keep the relationship afloat, it's not a healthy dynamic. You should never feel like your worth in a relationship is tied to how much you give or how well you meet someone else's demands.

    If you're constantly being made to feel like you owe your boyfriend something, it's time to evaluate whether this relationship is based on mutual respect and love, or if it's being driven by his obsession to control you.

    Sign 15: Evidence of Real Stalking

    One of the most alarming signs that your boyfriend's obsession has crossed a serious line is evidence of real stalking. If he's showing up unannounced at places you frequent, monitoring your movements, or somehow always knowing where you are without you telling him, this is not just a red flag—it's a glaring warning sign.

    Stalking behaviors can include following you, showing up at your work or home unexpectedly, tracking your location through apps, or even enlisting others to keep tabs on you. This level of intrusion goes beyond unhealthy attachment and enters the realm of criminal behavior. Stalking is about control and dominance, and it's a dangerous manifestation of obsession.

    If you notice any of these behaviors, it's crucial to take them seriously. Stalking is not just a breach of trust; it's a serious threat to your safety and well-being. It's important to seek help, whether from friends, family, or legal authorities, to protect yourself from a situation that could escalate quickly.

    Remember, love is never about fear or intimidation. If your boyfriend's actions are making you feel unsafe, it's a sign that his obsession has turned into something dangerous, and it's time to take action to protect yourself.

    Dealing with Obsessive Behavior

    Recognizing the signs of obsessive behavior in your relationship is the first step, but dealing with it is an entirely different challenge. It can be difficult to confront someone you care about, especially if you fear their reaction or worry about their well-being. However, addressing this issue is crucial for your own mental and emotional health.

    The most important thing to remember is that you are not responsible for managing someone else's obsession. It's vital to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and safety. If you feel that your boyfriend's behavior is becoming too much to handle, don't be afraid to distance yourself, even if that means ending the relationship.

    Communication can be a powerful tool, but it's important to approach the conversation with a clear understanding of your boundaries and what you're willing to tolerate. Let him know that his behavior is unacceptable and that it's affecting your relationship. However, be prepared for the possibility that he may not take it well, especially if his obsession is deeply rooted.

    In some cases, seeking professional help might be necessary. Therapy can provide a safe space for both of you to explore the underlying issues driving the obsessive behavior and work toward healthier ways of relating. However, therapy is only effective if both parties are willing to participate and change.

    Ultimately, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety and well-being. If his behavior is escalating or making you feel unsafe, it's essential to reach out to trusted friends, family, or professionals for support. Remember, you deserve a relationship built on mutual respect, love, and trust—not fear, control, or obsession.

    Seriously Consider Leaving Him

    When you're in a relationship with someone who displays obsessive behavior, it can be incredibly difficult to know what to do. You might still care for him, remember the good times, and hope that things will get better. But sometimes, the healthiest and safest choice is to seriously consider leaving him.

    Leaving an obsessive partner isn't easy. There might be emotional, financial, or even physical reasons why you feel trapped. But staying in a relationship that's marked by control, manipulation, and fear can take a serious toll on your mental health and overall well-being. No one deserves to live in constant anxiety or under the threat of harm.

    It's important to weigh the risks and benefits of staying in the relationship versus leaving. If his behavior is making you feel unsafe or isolated, it's crucial to prioritize your own safety. Reach out to trusted friends or family members who can provide support, and consider seeking professional help to navigate the process.

    Remember, leaving doesn't mean you've failed. It means you're choosing to protect yourself and your future. It's a brave and necessary step when love turns into obsession.

    Talk About Codependency and Independence

    If you're not ready to leave the relationship or if you believe there's a chance for improvement, it's essential to have an open and honest conversation about codependency and independence. Codependency is a common issue in relationships marked by obsession, where one partner's sense of identity and worth becomes enmeshed with the other's.

    Start by discussing the importance of maintaining individuality within the relationship. Emphasize that both of you need time apart, separate interests, and other relationships to thrive as individuals. Explain that healthy love allows space for growth, and that independence doesn't mean a lack of love or commitment—it means fostering a balanced, respectful partnership.

    This conversation can be challenging, especially if your boyfriend has been relying on you to fulfill all his emotional needs. However, setting these boundaries is crucial for both of you. It's a way to redefine the relationship on healthier terms, where both partners can be whole, independent individuals who choose to be together rather than feel obligated to stay out of fear or dependence.

    If he's open to it, consider seeking couples therapy to explore these issues further. A professional can help mediate the conversation and offer tools to build a more balanced and healthy relationship.

    Value the Importance of Outside Friendships

    One of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy balance in your relationship is to value and nurture your outside friendships. When you're dealing with an obsessive partner, it can be easy to let other relationships fall by the wayside, especially if your boyfriend pressures you to focus solely on him. However, maintaining a strong network of friends is crucial for your mental health and independence.

    Your friends provide perspective, support, and a sense of identity outside of your romantic relationship. They remind you of who you are as an individual, not just as someone's partner. If your boyfriend discourages these friendships or tries to monopolize your time, it's a sign that his obsession is creeping into unhealthy territory.

    Make time for your friends, and don't feel guilty about it. A healthy relationship allows for both partners to have their own social lives and interests. Your friends should never be seen as a threat to your relationship but as a vital part of your life. Encourage your boyfriend to do the same—having friendships outside of your relationship can help reduce codependency and create a healthier dynamic for both of you.

    Remember, your friendships are a key part of your support system. They're essential for your well-being, and no relationship should require you to give them up.

    Push Back His Boundaries

    When you're dealing with an obsessive partner, it's important to push back against the boundaries he's set in an attempt to control you. These boundaries might be subtle—like making you feel guilty for spending time alone—or more overt, like dictating who you can see or where you can go. Either way, it's crucial to reclaim your autonomy by asserting your own boundaries.

    Start by identifying the areas where you feel most restricted. Is it in your social life, your personal time, or even your career? Once you've pinpointed these areas, make a conscious effort to push back. This doesn't have to be confrontational, but it does need to be firm. For example, if he gets upset when you spend time with friends, calmly but clearly explain that you value those relationships and that you will continue to nurture them.

    It's also important to communicate your boundaries clearly. Let him know what behaviors are unacceptable and why. For instance, if he's constantly texting or calling you when you're at work or with friends, tell him that you need space during those times and that you'll check in when you're free. It's about setting limits that protect your independence and well-being.

    Pushing back on his boundaries is about more than just asserting your independence; it's about showing that you will not be controlled. A healthy relationship requires mutual respect, and that includes respecting each other's need for personal space and autonomy.

    Don't Let Him Control Your Happiness

    Your happiness is your own, and no one should have the power to take that away from you—not even someone you love. When you're in a relationship with an obsessive partner, it can be easy to let his moods, needs, and demands dictate your emotions. But true happiness comes from within, and it's something you need to protect fiercely.

    If you find that your mood fluctuates based on his reactions, or that you're constantly walking on eggshells to keep him happy, it's a sign that his influence over your life has become too strong. This kind of emotional control is not love—it's a way of ensuring that your focus remains entirely on him, to the detriment of your own well-being.

    Take back control of your happiness by setting boundaries that prioritize your mental and emotional health. Engage in activities that bring you joy, spend time with people who uplift you, and don't feel guilty for putting your needs first. Your partner should enhance your happiness, not be the sole source of it.

    Remember, a healthy relationship is one where both partners support each other's growth and happiness. If your boyfriend's behavior is making you feel like your joy is dependent on him, it's time to reassess the balance of power in your relationship. You deserve to be happy—on your own terms.

    Recommended Resources

    • “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker - A powerful book on trusting your instincts and recognizing the signs of dangerous behavior.
    • “Codependent No More” by Melody Beattie - A guide to understanding and overcoming codependency in relationships.
    • “Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love” by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller - A book that explores attachment styles and how they affect our relationships.


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