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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    12 Surprising Ways to Make Him Feel Great (Right Now)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Listen closely and show empathy.
    • Give him space when needed.
    • Compliments work when they're genuine.
    • Small surprises keep things fresh.
    • Support his hobbies and passions.

    Why Making Him Feel Good Matters

    In any relationship, the way we make our partners feel directly impacts the strength of the bond we share. It's easy to assume that men don't need as much emotional support as women, but that's far from the truth. In fact, understanding how to make a guy feel good can unlock a deeper connection, one that allows him to feel valued, understood, and respected. When we make our partners feel seen and heard, we nurture trust, loyalty, and emotional closeness.

    Research suggests that emotional validation plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy relationships. John Gottman, a well-known relationship expert, emphasizes the importance of small daily acts that show appreciation and attention. We don't always need grand gestures; even small, thoughtful actions can make a significant difference. It's about creating an environment where both partners feel uplifted and supported.

    As we explore ways to make your guy feel good, think of these strategies as ongoing habits. Each one helps build a foundation of trust and intimacy. Let's start with something simple but incredibly powerful—listening.

    Listen to Him: Understanding Beyond Words

    Listening goes beyond just hearing what someone says. True listening requires focus, empathy, and sometimes, the ability to read between the lines. When you genuinely listen to your guy, you show him that his thoughts, feelings, and experiences matter. And that's empowering.

    Active listening means putting aside distractions, like your phone or TV, and giving him your full attention. Nodding, making eye contact, and asking questions when appropriate are signs that you're engaged. It's not about solving his problems, but showing him you care about what's on his mind. Psychologist Carl Rogers said, “When someone really hears you without passing judgment, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good.” This is especially true in romantic relationships, where feeling heard fosters a sense of closeness and emotional security.

    So, next time he opens up, don't just listen to respond—listen to understand. The more he feels understood, the more valued he'll feel.

    Show Him You Care: Small Acts, Big Impact


    It's easy to think that showing love means planning grand dates or giving extravagant gifts, but in reality, small everyday acts often have a bigger impact. A kind gesture like bringing him his favorite coffee, leaving a thoughtful note, or simply being there for him after a tough day can mean the world. These actions show him you're paying attention to his needs and that you genuinely care.

    Psychologists often refer to these small gestures as “bids for connection,” a term coined by John Gottman. Every time you do something considerate, you're essentially saying, “I see you, and I care about your well-being.” When these bids are met with positive responses, the emotional bank account in your relationship grows, helping to build resilience for the tougher times.

    So, whether it's a hug when he's feeling low or a text wishing him luck before a big meeting, these small but meaningful actions let him know you're always in his corner.

    Pay Him Thoughtful Compliments: Keep It Chill

    Compliments are tricky, but they can be powerful when done right. Men, just like women, appreciate being recognized and appreciated. But here's the thing—you don't have to go overboard or make it sound forced. In fact, subtle, thoughtful compliments often carry more weight than extravagant praise. Complimenting him on qualities that are uniquely his—his work ethic, his sense of humor, or even the way he handles difficult situations—shows that you're noticing the things that make him who he is.

    Keep it chill. Avoid overwhelming him with flattery, but drop in these compliments naturally during your conversations. “You always know how to make people laugh,” or “I love how patient you are with things,” are small remarks that can make him feel good without putting too much pressure on the moment. According to research, genuine compliments help boost self-esteem, reinforcing a positive self-image. The more specific you are, the more genuine and meaningful the compliment feels.

    The key is authenticity—complimenting him in a way that feels organic, yet impactful, is sure to make him feel appreciated.

    Leave Him His Space: The Importance of Balance

    In any healthy relationship, knowing when to give your partner space is as important as being there when they need you. Everyone needs moments of solitude or time to themselves to recharge and reflect, including men. Giving him room to breathe doesn't mean you're pulling away emotionally—it means you're respecting his individuality.

    We all have personal boundaries, and understanding when to step back and let him have his time is a sign of trust. Sometimes, we feel the urge to always be together, especially when the relationship feels new or when we're deeply connected. But too much closeness without enough personal space can create tension.

    Experts often talk about the “pursuer-distancer dynamic,” where one partner feels the need for closeness while the other desires space. Finding that balance—giving him room when he needs it while staying connected emotionally—can prevent this dynamic from becoming unhealthy.

    It's okay if he wants to spend an evening watching his favorite show alone or hanging out with his friends. When you let him enjoy his time apart without guilt-tripping or questioning, it strengthens your bond because it shows mutual respect. Remember, absence can make the heart grow fonder, and a little distance can reignite the spark between you two.

    Tap into His Passions: Support His Hobbies

    We all have passions, those activities that light us up and make us feel alive. For many men, their hobbies are more than just a way to pass time—they're often a form of self-expression and stress relief. Whether he's into sports, video games, music, or woodworking, showing genuine interest in what he loves can deepen your connection.

    You don't have to love what he loves, but a little curiosity goes a long way. Ask questions, show enthusiasm for his progress, and let him share his excitement with you. Being supportive of his passions signals that you value what brings him joy. Even better, if you're willing to join in every now and then, it can create fun bonding experiences.

    Research in positive psychology shows that couples who support each other's interests tend to have more fulfilling and stable relationships. By supporting his hobbies, you're reinforcing the idea that he's free to be himself with you, no masks or compromises needed.

    And don't worry if you don't always get why he's so obsessed with that one hobby—just the fact that you care enough to ask or listen can make a huge difference in how he feels about you and your relationship.

    Open Up to Him: Emotional Connection Builds Trust

    Emotional intimacy is the glue that holds a relationship together. While it's common to focus on how to make your partner feel good, it's equally important to be vulnerable yourself. By opening up and sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you're inviting him into a deeper connection. This level of trust and vulnerability builds a stronger emotional bond.

    Men may sometimes struggle to open up emotionally, but when they see you do it, it can create a safe space for them to reciprocate. This doesn't mean dumping all your worries on him at once, but being honest about your feelings, whether it's something exciting or something challenging.

    Studies on emotional intelligence have shown that couples who openly communicate their feelings are more likely to resolve conflicts and maintain long-term satisfaction in their relationships. So, take the time to talk about your day, your dreams, and even your fears. Letting him in emotionally shows him that you trust him, and trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship.

    Surprise Him: Unexpected Gestures Count

    Surprises don't have to be extravagant to make an impact. In fact, it's often the small, unexpected gestures that leave the biggest impression. Whether it's slipping his favorite snack into his bag, planning a spontaneous date night, or leaving a sweet note where he'll find it, these surprises show him you're thinking of him in a meaningful way.

    Psychologically, unexpected positive experiences trigger a release of dopamine, the feel-good chemical in our brains. This not only makes him feel happy in the moment but also reinforces a positive association with you and your relationship. Surprise gestures keep things exciting and remind him that you care enough to put in the effort, even when it's not expected.

    Think of ways to surprise him that align with his personality and preferences. Does he love adventure? Plan an impromptu weekend getaway. Does he have a favorite band? Grab tickets to a concert. These little moments of surprise can keep your relationship feeling fresh and exciting.

    Text Him Sweet Little Nothings: Stay Connected

    In today's digital age, we're constantly connected through our phones, and while this can sometimes feel overwhelming, it also provides a unique way to strengthen your relationship. Sending him simple, sweet messages throughout the day lets him know you're thinking about him, even when you're apart. These “sweet little nothings” aren't meant to be deep or overly thoughtful—they're just small reminders that he's on your mind.

    A quick, “Hey, just thinking about you,” or “You looked great this morning,” can brighten his day and keep the connection strong, even in the busiest of times. It's about making sure the lines of communication remain open and affectionate, even when life gets hectic.

    These messages also tap into the psychology of positive reinforcement. When he receives a loving message out of the blue, it sparks a positive emotion and makes him feel appreciated and connected. It's a simple but powerful way to keep the romance alive in between all the other demands of life.

    Seduce Him: The Power of Intimacy

    Intimacy is a crucial component of any romantic relationship, but it goes beyond physical closeness—it's about emotional and psychological connection as well. Seduction isn't just about bedroom moments; it's about creating an environment where both partners feel desired and connected on multiple levels.

    Men, just like women, want to feel wanted. Initiating physical intimacy in a way that feels natural and affectionate can make him feel confident and valued. A light touch, a lingering kiss, or even a flirtatious smile can speak volumes, reminding him of the chemistry you share.

    According to Esther Perel, a renowned psychotherapist, maintaining eroticism in a relationship requires intentionality. “Desire needs space,” she says, suggesting that sometimes, it's about creating anticipation and mystery. Flirting, playfulness, and even seduction are ways to keep that spark alive and reinforce the romantic connection.

    Don't be afraid to take the lead sometimes. Showing him that you desire him fosters a sense of mutual attraction and deepens the bond of intimacy between you. It's not just about physical closeness, but about reinforcing the emotional and psychological ties that keep your relationship strong.

    Have His Back: Be His Support System

    One of the most meaningful ways to make a guy feel good is by being his biggest supporter. Life throws challenges at all of us, and knowing someone has your back can make all the difference. Being a reliable support system means standing by him, especially when things get tough, and offering encouragement when he's feeling unsure.

    This doesn't mean fixing his problems or telling him what to do, but rather, offering emotional support. When you show up consistently, whether it's by lending an ear after a bad day or cheering him on as he chases his goals, you demonstrate that you're in his corner no matter what.

    Support is one of the pillars of a strong relationship, and it goes both ways. By being there for each other, you strengthen the bond of trust and create a sense of partnership. When he knows you've got his back, it fosters a deeper level of emotional security in your relationship.

    Be Strong But Not Bossy: Finding Balance

    Strength is an attractive quality in a partner, but there's a fine line between being strong and coming across as controlling or bossy. It's important to show your confidence, independence, and assertiveness, but always in a way that respects his autonomy and allows for collaboration.

    Being strong in a relationship means knowing your boundaries, standing up for yourself, and being clear about what you need. At the same time, it's essential to make room for his perspective and not dominate decisions or conversations. Balance is key here. The goal is to be assertive without undermining his opinions or making him feel like he has no voice.

    Healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect and equality, so it's crucial to maintain that balance between strength and flexibility. When both partners feel valued and heard, it creates an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual admiration, where neither person feels overshadowed or silenced.

    Collaborate on Key Decisions: Teamwork Builds Trust

    In any relationship, big decisions inevitably come up—whether it's about finances, future plans, or major life changes. Making these decisions together not only ensures that both of you are on the same page but also strengthens the trust between you. When he sees that you value his input and want to make decisions as a team, it creates a partnership where both parties feel equally respected and heard.

    Collaboration is about open communication and compromise. You both bring different perspectives, and blending those can lead to better outcomes. It's important to be clear about what's important to you, but equally vital to listen and consider his opinions too. Teamwork doesn't mean one person leads while the other follows—it means you're working side by side to create a life that benefits both of you.

    As relationship therapist Dr. Harriet Lerner points out in her book, The Dance of Connection, “True intimacy is about the ability to stay connected while also respecting differences.” Decisions made together foster mutual respect, which is the bedrock of a healthy relationship.

    Let Absence Work in Your Favor: Distance Strengthens Bonds

    We often fear distance in relationships, but in reality, a little space can work wonders. Absence doesn't have to mean drifting apart—if handled well, it can actually strengthen your bond. When you give each other the time to pursue individual interests, friendships, or even short-term trips apart, it creates a sense of longing and appreciation for the time you do spend together.

    Renowned relationship expert Esther Perel suggests that mystery and longing are essential elements of desire in long-term relationships. “Eroticism thrives in the space between you and me,” she explains, emphasizing that distance can reignite passion and curiosity in each other. It's the balance between closeness and autonomy that keeps relationships dynamic and exciting.

    So, instead of worrying about moments of separation, embrace them as opportunities to miss each other, reflect on your relationship, and return with renewed appreciation and love. Let the time apart fuel your connection, rather than diminish it.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Dance of Connection by Dr. Harriet Lerner
    • Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman


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