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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    12 Surprising Reasons to Be in a Relationship (You'll Want to Know!)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Relationships teach selflessness and compromise
    • Foster intimacy and communication skills
    • Love can improve mental health
    • Provide emotional safety and support
    • Encourage personal growth and self-discovery

    What does it mean to be in a relationship?

    Being in a relationship isn't just about sharing romantic moments or spending time together. At its core, a relationship means having a deep connection with someone, where both people are committed to supporting, growing, and challenging each other. It's about building a partnership where trust, communication, and respect take center stage. Relationships can be fulfilling, but they require work, patience, and a willingness to learn not only about the other person but also about ourselves. So, what does it really mean to be in a relationship? It means navigating life's highs and lows together, while continuously striving to build a stronger bond.

    12 powerful reasons to be in a relationship

    1. Teaches you to act less selfishly

    When we're single, it's easy to focus solely on our own needs. But a relationship challenges this. Suddenly, you're sharing your life with someone else, and their needs matter just as much as yours. This push towards selflessness helps us grow as individuals. According to Dr. John Gottman, “Successful relationships are built on understanding that it's not all about you.” Selflessness becomes a natural part of the relationship dynamic, leading to deeper connections.

    2. Chance to be with someone who understands you

    Having someone who truly "gets" you can feel like a breath of fresh air. Relationships offer the opportunity to be with someone who not only listens but also understands your quirks, insecurities, and passions. It's incredibly fulfilling to know that you're accepted for who you are, flaws and all. This level of understanding fosters a unique kind of emotional intimacy that can't easily be found elsewhere.

    3. Love can make you happy

    There's no denying the joy that love can bring. Numerous studies suggest that being in a loving relationship releases oxytocin—the so-called "love hormone"—which boosts happiness levels. Love doesn't just bring joy in the moment; it creates lasting emotional benefits that help improve your overall mood and outlook on life.

    4. Fosters intimacy and communication

    A healthy relationship teaches us how to communicate openly and intimately. It's through communication that we build trust, resolve conflicts, and deepen our bonds. According to relationship expert Esther Perel, “The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.” Open communication fosters understanding, intimacy, and connection.

    5. Feeling safe

    In a committed relationship, there's an inherent sense of safety and security. Knowing you have someone to lean on during tough times provides comfort that goes beyond words. Emotional safety builds the foundation for a relationship where both partners feel valued and respected.

    6. Provides you with a healthy challenge

    Relationships are not always smooth sailing. But facing challenges together teaches resilience and strengthens the bond. Whether it's working through differences or dealing with external stressors, these hurdles encourage growth—both individually and as a couple. Relationships challenge us to improve and learn from our mistakes, making us better partners in the long run.

    7. A partner for adventures

    Having someone by your side to experience life's adventures—whether big or small—is one of the most exciting parts of being in a relationship. From traveling the world to trying new hobbies, relationships bring an extra layer of fun and spontaneity. Having a partner to share these moments with enhances the joy of new experiences.

    8. Love can help you live longer

    Believe it or not, love is good for your health. Studies show that people in happy, committed relationships often live longer, healthier lives. Being in love can lower stress, improve cardiovascular health, and even boost your immune system. It's no wonder that having a loving partner can extend your lifespan!

    9. Helps reduce your risk of depression

    Love has the power to alleviate feelings of loneliness, which can often lead to depression. Having someone who supports you emotionally can significantly improve mental health. Being in a relationship provides a strong sense of belonging, which is essential for emotional well-being. When life gets tough, having a partner by your side can make all the difference.

    10. A chance to express yourself more

    Being in a relationship gives you the space to open up and share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It provides a platform where you can be your most authentic self without fear of judgment. This ability to express yourself freely builds a deeper connection and helps foster mutual understanding.

    11. Allows you to learn about yourself

    Relationships act as mirrors—they reflect not only the good parts of ourselves but also areas where we need growth. Being in a relationship offers constant opportunities for self-reflection. You begin to notice how you react to challenges, how you communicate, and what you need to work on personally. This kind of self-awareness is key to personal development.

    12. Teaches you to compromise and make sacrifices

    Compromise is the backbone of any strong relationship. It teaches us to meet halfway, even when it's difficult. Relationships remind us that we don't always get our way, and sometimes, we need to put the needs of our partner ahead of our own. This process fosters patience, empathy, and understanding, which are essential for long-term happiness together.

    How do I know if I'm ready to be in a relationship?

    Relationship readiness

    Many of us wonder, “Am I truly ready for a relationship?” It's an important question to ask yourself because entering into a relationship without emotional readiness can lead to frustration and heartache. To determine if you're ready, let's explore a few key factors that reflect emotional maturity and preparedness.

    1. You understand your own emotions

    The first sign you're ready for a relationship is having a solid understanding of your own emotions. Do you know how you react in different situations? Can you identify your emotional triggers? Emotional self-awareness is crucial because it allows you to navigate the ups and downs of a relationship without being overwhelmed. As Brené Brown, a leading expert on vulnerability, says, “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” When you understand your emotions, you're better equipped to handle someone else's.

    2. You're ready to communicate openly

    Open communication is the backbone of any successful relationship. If you're ready to express your needs, desires, and concerns with clarity, you're on the right track. Being able to talk about your feelings without fear of judgment or rejection shows that you've developed the trust necessary for a healthy relationship. Good communication strengthens connection and resolves conflict before it escalates.

    3. You're not expecting perfection

    If you're looking for the perfect partner, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. Relationships aren't about perfection; they're about growth. Recognizing that no one—including yourself—is perfect is essential. Instead of seeking someone who ticks every box, focus on finding a partner who complements your values and challenges you to be your best self.

    4. You feel independent

    Before entering a relationship, it's vital to feel comfortable on your own. Independence means that you don't rely on another person to fulfill all your needs or define your happiness. It's about having your own passions, friends, and identity outside of the relationship. When two independent individuals come together, the relationship becomes a choice, not a need, which is much healthier.

    5. You're willing to grow with someone else

    A relationship involves growth—both individually and together as a couple. If you're ready to embrace the challenges that come with learning about another person and evolving together, it's a sign that you're ready for a relationship. Relationships require continuous effort, and being willing to grow alongside someone shows emotional maturity and resilience.

    Commonly asked questions

    Is it good to be romantic in a relationship?

    Yes! Romance keeps the spark alive. Acts of affection, whether grand or small, help build intimacy and connection. Romance doesn't have to be elaborate; sometimes, it's the thoughtful gestures that mean the most. Showing your partner that you cherish them strengthens the emotional bond and deepens the love you share.

    Why do people choose to be in relationships?

    People choose relationships for many reasons, including emotional connection, support, and companionship. Being in a relationship offers a sense of belonging and partnership, which can be incredibly fulfilling. Relationships also offer opportunities for growth, shared experiences, and building a life together.

    What are some challenges of being in a relationship?

    Every relationship faces challenges. Common issues include communication breakdowns, differing values, or conflicts over priorities. These challenges require effort and understanding to navigate successfully. However, overcoming these difficulties often strengthens the relationship, making it more resilient in the long term.

    How do I deal with conflict in a relationship?

    Conflict is inevitable, but how you handle it makes all the difference. Approach disagreements with empathy and a willingness to listen. Healthy conflict resolution involves open communication, compromise, and the ability to see things from your partner's perspective. Remember, the goal is to resolve the issue, not to “win” the argument.


    At the end of the day, relationships are about connection, growth, and emotional fulfillment. They provide us with opportunities to act selflessly, communicate openly, and learn from our partners. While relationships can be challenging, they offer so much in return—happiness, emotional safety, personal development, and a shared journey through life's adventures. The key is to ensure that you're emotionally ready before diving in and to always remember that relationships require continuous effort and commitment. When approached with understanding and self-awareness, relationships can truly enrich your life in ways you might not expect.

    From teaching us how to act less selfishly to giving us a space to grow emotionally, relationships offer powerful experiences that shape who we are. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in a committed partnership for years, it's important to reflect on why relationships matter and how they can make our lives more meaningful. If you're ready to communicate, compromise, and embrace challenges, you'll find that a relationship can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

    Recommended Resources

    • "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by Dr. John Gottman
    • "Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love" by Dr. Sue Johnson
    • "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown


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