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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    10 Surprising Things Men Find Incredibly Romantic (and Why)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Men desire emotional connection.
    • Romance isn't just grand gestures.
    • Honesty is deeply romantic for men.
    • Men crave validation and affection.
    • Vulnerability enhances male romance.

    Do men actually like romance?

    Let's be clear, men absolutely enjoy romance. But, we have to redefine what "romantic" means when we think about men. It's a common misconception that men shy away from love's tender moments, but the truth is they crave connection just like anyone else. While traditional portrayals of romance often center around women, men are equally emotionally driven.

    Sure, the way men express and experience romance may differ. Some men may not show excitement about flowers or candlelit dinners, but that doesn't mean they're indifferent. It's often the quieter, more meaningful moments—like being understood or valued—that light the romantic spark for men.

    In fact, Dr. John Gottman, one of the leading experts in relationship psychology, says, “Men are far more vulnerable to the highs and lows of romance than we often realize. They may not speak about it, but it matters deeply.” That vulnerability and craving for connection often go unnoticed, but it's undeniably there.

    What is romance for a man?

    Romance for men isn't a one-size-fits-all experience. It's nuanced and personal, just like for women. For some men, romance could mean sharing intimate conversations where they feel safe to be themselves. For others, it might be the physical connection that reaffirms their bond with their partner.

    Romance is not always the grand gestures we see in movies. It's the everyday moments where a man feels respected, appreciated, and truly seen. Men often associate romance with emotional intimacy, where they feel their partner is in tune with their needs and feelings.

    So, what does romance feel like for a man? It feels like being valued. It feels like having a partner who listens, understands, and shares in life's vulnerable moments. It's the sense of security that comes from knowing he's not just loved, but cherished. To sum it up—romance is when a man knows he's essential, not just desired.

    Men seek the same things as women

    couple on bench

    It's easy to fall into the assumption that men and women want different things from their relationships. However, when we strip away the stereotypes, the truth is men seek the same emotional fulfillment and connection as women. Men desire security, appreciation, and to feel understood by their partner. These desires are universal, whether we're talking about romantic relationships or friendships.

    For men, it's not just about physical attraction or surface-level gestures. They want to feel valued in a deeper, emotional sense. Romantic men crave the same respect, trust, and intimacy that women look for. When these elements are present, they are just as likely to open up emotionally and become more vulnerable in love. Connection is a two-way street.

    Think about it—when was the last time you asked your partner what makes him feel most connected to you? It might surprise you that his answer mirrors your own.

    Are men more romantic than women?

    We've been taught for ages that romance is a woman's domain, but let's bust that myth wide open. In reality, men can be just as, if not more, romantic than women. It's all about how we define romance. Society tends to focus on stereotypical male behaviors, like being strong and stoic, but that doesn't erase a man's capacity for love and affection.

    In fact, many men express their love in uniquely romantic ways that don't fit traditional expectations. It could be through acts of service, quiet gestures, or even physical touch. Some studies suggest that men actually fall in love faster and with more intensity than women. Romance isn't limited to grand displays of affection—it's often found in the quiet moments, the simple things that go unnoticed.

    So, are men more romantic? In many ways, yes. Their version of romance might look different, but it's just as powerful, if not more so. And once they find the right partner, they have a deep desire to nurture that relationship with tenderness and attention.

    Romance isn't just about gestures, it's about connection

    When we talk about romance, we often think of grand gestures—roses, candlelight dinners, and dramatic declarations of love. But for men, and really for anyone, romance is much deeper than just a single action. It's about building and maintaining a connection that makes both partners feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

    While gestures are nice, they lose their power without emotional depth. Romance, for a man, often means fostering a bond where he feels understood on an emotional level. He wants to know that his partner gets him—his struggles, his desires, his vulnerabilities. It's that connection that fuels romantic feelings and keeps the relationship alive.

    Think about it like this: a quiet evening where you talk about life, listen to each other, and enjoy each other's company can sometimes mean more than a flashy date night. It's not the size of the gesture but the emotional significance behind it.

    10 things men find absolutely romantic

    Contrary to popular belief, men have a strong romantic side. The things they find romantic may not always be the typical candlelit dinners or beach strolls we associate with romance, but they are just as meaningful. Here are ten things men often find deeply romantic:

    1. Honesty and openness: Men find it incredibly romantic when they can have honest, transparent conversations with their partner. It builds trust and emotional intimacy.
    2. Clear communication: Being able to express feelings and needs without confusion or misinterpretation is a cornerstone of romance for many men.
    3. Confidence and emotional security: A partner who knows herself, is secure in the relationship, and doesn't play mind games makes a man feel loved and secure.
    4. Dedicated quality time: Spending time together without distractions—no phones, no interruptions—can be one of the most romantic things for a man.
    5. Physical touch and displays of affection: Simple touches like holding hands or hugs create a deep sense of connection and are often more romantic than over-the-top gestures.
    6. The little things that count: Small, thoughtful gestures like leaving a note or remembering something he mentioned in passing make a big impact.
    7. Romantic gestures like dance: A spontaneous dance, even in the kitchen, can be unexpectedly romantic for a man.
    8. The power of love letters: Handwritten notes or messages that express genuine feelings can melt any man's heart.
    9. Validation and feeling appreciated: Men want to feel valued in the relationship. Recognizing his efforts and showing gratitude goes a long way.
    10. Being desired and pursued: Romance isn't just about men chasing women. Men find it deeply romantic when they feel desired and pursued by their partner.

    1. Honesty and openness

    For many men, romance is deeply tied to the feeling of being understood and accepted. Honesty and openness in a relationship create a space where vulnerability is encouraged, which is essential for emotional intimacy. When a man knows he can express his feelings, worries, and even his flaws without judgment, he feels closer to his partner in ways that simple romantic gestures can't achieve.

    Being honest doesn't mean laying everything on the table all at once. It's about building trust over time. Sharing thoughts and emotions in a genuine way makes a man feel like he's not just part of a relationship but part of a partnership. A connection built on openness is one of the most romantic things a couple can share.

    As relationship expert Brené Brown puts it, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.” When you allow space for vulnerability through honesty, the romance naturally follows.

    2. Clear communication

    Clear communication is another key aspect of romance that men appreciate more than we often realize. Misunderstandings and assumptions can erode the foundation of a relationship, while open and clear communication strengthens it. A romantic man values a partner who can express her thoughts and emotions in a straightforward manner, eliminating confusion and frustration.

    Communication isn't just about words; it's also about the tone and the timing. Men, like everyone else, need to feel safe when sharing their thoughts or discussing difficult topics. Romance blooms when both partners understand and respect each other's communication styles, ensuring that they're on the same page emotionally.

    It's the little moments of clear understanding and being able to say, “I get you,” that build the kind of bond that lasts. And that, more than anything, is incredibly romantic.

    3. Confidence and emotional security

    Confidence in a relationship is more than just a personal trait—it's about creating an environment where both partners feel secure and valued. Men find it deeply romantic when their partner exudes self-confidence, but emotional security is even more significant. Confidence in the relationship means knowing that both individuals are committed, supportive, and free of games or manipulation.

    For a man, nothing is more attractive than feeling secure in his partner's affection and trust. He doesn't have to worry about being constantly tested or second-guessed. This kind of emotional security allows him to open up and share his deeper thoughts and feelings without fear of rejection or judgment. It's this unspoken reassurance that truly elevates the romance in a relationship.

    As psychologist Dr. Stan Tatkin explains, “Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust and safety. When both partners feel secure, they're able to be themselves fully.” And being fully seen and loved for who you are? That's the height of romance.

    4. Dedicated quality time

    In the fast-paced world we live in, dedicated quality time has become one of the most romantic gestures you can offer your partner. For men, the gift of undivided attention speaks volumes. It's not just about being physically present; it's about being mentally and emotionally engaged in the moment.

    Men cherish those moments when they can step away from the distractions of life and just enjoy their partner's company—whether it's a quiet night in, a weekend getaway, or even just a long walk. These are the moments that deepen emotional bonds and create lasting memories. Romance thrives in these quiet, uninterrupted spaces.

    Quality time tells a man, “I choose to be with you, and you are my priority.” And that is one of the most romantic sentiments of all. It's not about how much time is spent but the depth and presence in those moments.

    5. Physical touch and displays of affection

    Physical touch is a love language that resonates with many men. It's not just about grand, passionate gestures—though those can be important—it's also the everyday displays of affection that make a man feel connected. Holding hands, a reassuring hug, or even a simple touch on the shoulder can convey love and support without a single word.

    Affectionate touches help foster intimacy and create a sense of security in the relationship. For men, these small moments of physical connection can be incredibly romantic. It reassures him that he is loved and desired, and this goes beyond sexual attraction. It's about being present in the moment with your partner and reinforcing that emotional bond through physical means.

    These simple gestures build trust and closeness, making a relationship feel more secure. As therapist Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, suggests, “Physical touch fosters a sense of closeness and connection, often providing the comfort and warmth words cannot express.” For many men, these touches are as vital as the emotional connection.

    6. The little things that count

    We often underestimate the power of small, thoughtful gestures. While big, elaborate romantic gestures may grab attention, it's often the little things that truly matter to men. It's the note you leave on his desk, the way you remember his favorite snack, or simply checking in on how his day went. These small actions speak volumes and show that you care in meaningful ways.

    For men, these little things add up to a deeper sense of connection and romance. They feel noticed, appreciated, and valued for who they are. Romance isn't about one grand gesture that happens once in a while—it's built in the small moments of everyday life.

    When you consistently show him through these little things that he matters, it reinforces the emotional bond between you. These subtle, loving reminders make all the difference and keep the romance alive.

    7. Romantic gestures like dance

    There's something timeless about dancing, especially when it comes to romance. Whether it's a slow dance at a wedding or a spontaneous twirl around the kitchen, men often find these moments to be surprisingly romantic. It's not about being a great dancer or perfecting your moves—it's about the connection that happens when two people move together, in sync with each other, and let go of the world for a while.

    For men, these shared moments can evoke feelings of closeness, playfulness, and even vulnerability. Dancing creates a physical and emotional connection that can be both intimate and fun. It's a way of saying, “I want to be with you in this moment, without any distractions.” The beauty of this gesture lies in its simplicity—it's not about perfection, but presence.

    So, the next time a favorite song comes on, grab your partner's hand. You might just create one of those lasting romantic memories without even realizing it.

    8. The power of love letters

    In a world dominated by quick texts and instant messages, the romance of a handwritten love letter still holds immense power. For men, receiving a love letter can feel deeply personal and touching. It's a tangible reminder of your feelings, something they can hold onto, revisit, and cherish over time.

    Love letters allow for a level of vulnerability that may not come as easily in everyday conversation. Putting emotions into words can be an incredibly meaningful gesture, especially when those words are written with thought and care. It shows your partner that you've taken the time to express what they mean to you in a way that feels timeless and sincere.

    Even in today's fast-paced world, a handwritten note or heartfelt message carries weight. As poet Rainer Maria Rilke once said, “The only journey is the one within.” A love letter takes your partner on that emotional journey, revealing the depths of your connection in a way that's both romantic and unforgettable.

    9. Validation and feeling appreciated

    Men, just like anyone else, crave validation and appreciation in a relationship. Often, we assume men don't need constant reassurance, but the truth is, feeling appreciated is a deeply romantic experience for them. When a man feels like his efforts are noticed—whether it's something as simple as fixing a small problem around the house or providing emotional support—he feels valued. That validation strengthens his emotional connection to his partner.

    Romance isn't just about grand gestures; it's about recognizing the small, everyday things. Letting him know that you appreciate the little efforts he makes, even when they seem mundane, can go a long way. Compliment him, thank him, and let him know his presence matters. Feeling seen and appreciated keeps the spark alive in the relationship, and for a man, that's truly romantic.

    As relationship counselor Gary Chapman explains, “When we feel validated by our partner, it strengthens our bond and deepens our love.” Men, just like women, thrive when they know they are making a meaningful impact in the relationship.

    10. Being desired and pursued

    We often think of romance as a one-way street where the man is always the pursuer. But men also want to feel desired and pursued by their partner. Knowing that his partner finds him attractive, both physically and emotionally, makes a man feel special and appreciated. It's not just about sexual attraction—though that certainly plays a part—but about feeling wanted on a deeper level.

    For men, feeling desired can reignite the romance in the relationship. It's that extra bit of attention, the flirtatious banter, or the unexpected kiss that reminds him he's still wanted, not just needed. Pursuing him romantically shows that you're still as excited about the relationship as he is, and that can strengthen the bond between you.

    Romance is a dance between two people, and when both partners actively pursue one another, the relationship remains dynamic and exciting. A man who feels desired and pursued is more likely to return those feelings with greater intensity, making the relationship all the more fulfilling.

    Why men crave emotional intimacy

    Despite popular stereotypes, men have a deep need for emotional intimacy in their relationships. It's easy to think men are primarily focused on physical connections, but the truth is, emotional intimacy is what sustains romance over time. Men want to feel emotionally safe with their partner—where they can share their vulnerabilities, fears, and dreams without judgment.

    Emotional intimacy provides a foundation of trust and connection that strengthens the romantic bond. When a man feels understood and supported emotionally, it builds a sense of security in the relationship that allows him to be more open and loving. This is why emotional intimacy often leads to a deeper, more lasting romance. Without it, the relationship can feel shallow or disconnected.

    Psychologist Dr. Sue Johnson, creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), says, “When we feel emotionally secure, our brains are wired to connect, to bond, and to experience deep intimacy.” This emotional bond is what fuels a man's romantic side, making him feel loved in a way that transcends physical attraction.

    How romance evolves for a man

    Romance for a man doesn't stay the same throughout his life. It evolves and changes based on his experiences, maturity, and emotional needs. In the early stages of a relationship, romance might be about excitement, passion, and newness. Men often focus on grand gestures and physical attraction during this time, aiming to impress and win over their partner.

    As the relationship deepens, however, the nature of romance shifts. It becomes more about emotional connection, trust, and stability. Men begin to appreciate the quiet moments—long conversations, shared experiences, and mutual support. Romance is no longer just about what he can do to “wow” his partner; it's about building a life together, creating a strong emotional foundation, and growing closer in ways that feel more meaningful.

    In long-term relationships, romance can sometimes take on a quieter, more subtle form, but that doesn't mean it's any less powerful. It may not look like it did in the beginning, but the depth and emotional richness that come with time often create a bond that's even stronger.

    The role of vulnerability in male romance

    Vulnerability is a crucial, though often overlooked, component of male romance. While society conditions men to be tough and emotionally guarded, true romance thrives when a man feels safe enough to show his vulnerable side. For many men, being vulnerable is not easy. It requires trust and the assurance that their emotions won't be dismissed or ridiculed.

    When a man is willing to open up emotionally, it creates a deeper level of intimacy in the relationship. Vulnerability allows for honest conversations, shared fears, and the admission of insecurities—these moments foster connection and closeness. For a man, feeling like he can be his full, authentic self without judgment is incredibly romantic.

    Dr. Brené Brown, renowned for her work on vulnerability, emphasizes, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of being truly loved.” For male romance, vulnerability isn't a weakness—it's the key to a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

    Debunking myths about men and romance

    There are countless myths about men and romance, many of which paint an incomplete picture of what men truly want in a relationship. One of the most persistent myths is that men are less interested in romance than women. This couldn't be further from the truth. Men crave romance just as much, though they may express it differently. They often seek emotional intimacy, security, and validation—just like women.

    Another myth is that men are only driven by physical attraction, leaving emotional connections to take a backseat. While physical attraction is important, it's not the whole story. Men are deeply invested in building emotional bonds and finding connection beyond the surface level. The stereotype that men shy away from romance undermines their emotional depth and the many ways they express love.

    Finally, the idea that men don't care about the little things in a relationship is simply untrue. Many men find romance in the smallest gestures—a thoughtful compliment, a supportive conversation, or just being there during hard times. These moments of connection mean far more than any grand romantic display could.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
    • Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
    • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

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