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  • Gustavo Richards
    Gustavo Richards

    10 Surprising Signs You're with a Submissive Man

    Key Takeaways:

    • Submissiveness varies across relationships
    • Submissive men enjoy empowered partners
    • Psychological factors drive submissive behavior
    • Control in bed differs from control in life
    • Stereotypes of submissive men are flawed

    Being Submissive in Bed vs. Being Submissive in Your Relationship

    The line between submissiveness in the bedroom and in a relationship can be blurry, but there's a stark difference. A submissive guy in the bedroom may hand over control during intimate moments, while outside of that, he might maintain balance or even take the lead in other areas. This complexity can confuse partners who expect submissive behavior across all aspects of life, but it's important to realize that sexual dynamics don't always reflect relational dynamics.

    Think of it like this: a submissive man may crave dominance during intimacy but prefer equality in decision-making. It's a unique balance, and every relationship handles it differently. Understanding these subtleties is key to building a stronger, healthier dynamic.

    What's Inside a Submissive Man's Mind?

    What drives a man to be submissive? It's not about weakness or lack of masculinity, contrary to popular belief. In fact, many submissive men find fulfillment and peace in letting their partner take charge. It can stem from deep psychological needs—security, admiration, and even selflessness. The act of submission allows them to feel nurtured and valued, something many men may struggle to find in traditional roles.

    According to Dr. Roy Baumeister in Masochism and the Self, “submission can often be about the release of responsibility and the acceptance of trust.” A submissive guy may feel a sense of emotional freedom when his partner takes the reins. This role lets him surrender some societal pressures and focus on offering love and support in a way that suits him. For some men, submission is liberating.

    The Psychology Behind Submissive Men

    At the heart of submissiveness lies a complex interplay of psychological needs and desires. It's not as simple as wanting to be controlled; often, submissive men find comfort in relinquishing decision-making and focusing on making their partner happy. This dynamic allows them to feel valued without the pressure of being in constant control. But where does this come from?

    Psychologists like Carl Jung have explored the concept of anima and animus—the feminine and masculine aspects present in everyone. Submissive men may connect with their feminine side in relationships, finding satisfaction in nurturing and following instead of leading. This doesn't mean they're less masculine; instead, they're balancing both sides of their personality.

    Some experts believe submissive behavior can also be a response to societal pressures. Many men are raised with the expectation to be strong and dominant, but for some, constantly adhering to this standard creates emotional fatigue. Submissiveness becomes a way to escape, even if only temporarily, from these pressures.

    Submissive Men vs. Dominant Men: Key Differences

    When we think about the dynamics between submissive men and dominant men, the differences run deeper than just who holds the reins in a relationship. A dominant man thrives on control and decision-making, often deriving confidence from leading his partner. For him, leadership is empowering.

    A submissive man, on the other hand, doesn't feel the same need to control his environment or his relationship. He's often more focused on being attuned to his partner's desires and finding satisfaction in letting them lead. This doesn't make him less capable—it simply means his emotional satisfaction comes from being a supportive, nurturing presence rather than the one driving the relationship forward.

    Dominance and submission aren't just about power; they reflect two different but equally valuable relationship roles. What's important is that both roles can coexist healthily, as long as both partners are on the same page.

    10 Signs You're in a Relationship with a Submissive Man

    Not all submissive men openly express their preferences, but there are subtle and not-so-subtle signs to look for in your relationship. Whether he's someone who enjoys being led or simply prefers to take a supportive role, these signs can help you understand his dynamics better.

    1. He Wants His Woman to Take Control
    2. He Loves It When You Are Aggressive
    3. He Is Not Interested in Getting the Upper Hand
    4. He Looks Up to You
    5. He's Turned On by Successful Women
    6. He Loves It When You Handle Your Sex Life
    7. High Heels Are a Big Turn-On
    8. A Certified Old-Fashioned Gentleman
    9. He Loves It When She Has an Attitude
    10. He Supports Female Bosses

    1. He Wants His Woman to Take Control

    A defining characteristic of a submissive man is his genuine desire for you to take the lead. He finds reassurance in your strength and decisiveness, whether it's something as simple as deciding where to eat or more significant life decisions. He trusts you fully, knowing that you'll steer the relationship in the right direction.

    It's important to note that this desire to follow your lead isn't about him being passive or lacking his own voice. In fact, it's quite the opposite. He finds strength in letting you shine, knowing that your confidence elevates both of you as a couple. You'll notice that he often defers to you in conversations, looking for your approval or decision before taking action. It's his way of showing respect and admiration for your leadership qualities.

    2. He Loves It When You Are Aggressive

    Assertiveness can be incredibly attractive to a submissive man. Whether you're assertive in daily life or in more intimate settings, he's drawn to the power and confidence you exude when you're in control. In moments where you take charge, whether it's in public or in private, he feels deeply connected to you. It's not just about being led—it's about the thrill he gets when you assert yourself and take what you want.

    In fact, many submissive men enjoy the contrast of being with a strong, assertive partner because it creates a dynamic they find stimulating. It's not about conflict; it's about balance. He appreciates when you voice your opinions strongly, make decisions with conviction, or even take a dominant role in the bedroom. The energy that comes from your assertiveness invigorates him and makes him feel more connected to you.

    3. He Is Not Interested in Getting the Upper Hand

    Unlike many traditional dynamics where men may feel the need to assert dominance or compete for control, a submissive man isn't concerned with being the one in charge. He's content with balance and sees the relationship as a partnership, where power is shared or even tilted in your favor. This doesn't mean he's uninterested in making decisions or contributing; it simply means he's not interested in one-upmanship.

    This can be a relief in relationships where power struggles can often cause tension. A submissive guy would rather focus on harmony than winning arguments or having the final say. For him, the relationship isn't about who holds the most control, but how you both complement each other. His lack of interest in getting the upper hand shows his respect for your opinions and his comfort in stepping back when needed.

    4. He Looks Up to You

    Admiration runs deep in the mind of a submissive man. He often views his partner as a source of strength, inspiration, and wisdom. This admiration isn't superficial—he genuinely respects your intelligence, your achievements, and your character. You'll notice how he frequently seeks your input, values your advice, and celebrates your successes as if they were his own.

    In fact, being with a strong and capable partner is one of the things that makes him happiest. He feels proud of your independence and looks up to you in ways that many might not expect from a typical male role. This dynamic builds a sense of deep trust between you. When a man looks up to you, he's investing his emotional energy in the relationship, letting you know that he values not just the romantic aspect, but who you are as a person.

    This admiration can often extend into how he views your authority, especially when you take charge of situations, whether in social settings or at home. He's drawn to your leadership and relishes the opportunity to support you as you soar higher.

    5. He's Turned On by Successful Women

    Success is sexy, especially to a submissive man. He's not intimidated by a woman who's accomplished or climbing her way to the top—on the contrary, he finds it incredibly attractive. Whether it's your career achievements, personal growth, or the way you handle life's challenges, your success excites him. This admiration isn't just surface-level; it's a deep respect for your drive, intelligence, and determination.

    For him, a successful woman represents confidence and power, both qualities he values and is drawn to. He sees your ambition as an extension of your strength, and it stirs something inside him. While some men may feel insecure when their partner outshines them, a submissive man revels in it. Your achievements make him feel proud to stand beside you, knowing that he's supporting a woman who's not only capable but thriving.

    6. He Loves It When You Handle Your Sex Life

    When it comes to intimacy, a submissive man often prefers when you take the lead. He loves the idea of you directing the experience, guiding both of you through the moments that make up your sex life. Whether it's initiating, deciding the pace, or setting the tone, he trusts you completely to take control. For him, this is where he can let go and focus entirely on your pleasure, knowing that you'll steer the experience in a way that's satisfying for both of you.

    This doesn't mean he's passive in bed, but rather that he finds pleasure in following your cues. He's happy to let you explore what makes you feel good, and his satisfaction comes from seeing you enjoy yourself. It's a form of intimacy that deepens your connection, as he's more than willing to surrender control to ensure that your needs come first. This dynamic can be incredibly liberating for both partners, creating a space where trust and desire intersect.

    7. High Heels Are a Big Turn-On

    High heels, for many submissive men, symbolize power, confidence, and control. There's something about the visual dominance that high heels project—perhaps it's the added height or the way they make you stand tall—that stirs his submissive nature. He sees you as commanding the room, exuding authority, and that's a huge turn-on for him.

    It's not just about the aesthetics of the heels; it's the way they amplify your confidence. When you wear them, you embody a strong, assertive woman who knows what she wants. That's exactly the dynamic that excites him. High heels represent more than just footwear—they symbolize the power play he finds so attractive. He loves seeing you in them because they're a reminder of the strength you carry, both physically and emotionally.

    8. A Certified Old-Fashioned Gentleman

    Despite his submissive tendencies, a submissive man can also be an old-fashioned gentleman at heart. He'll hold doors open, pull out your chair, and make sure you're comfortable before himself. These small acts of chivalry aren't about controlling you but about showing his respect and admiration. He loves serving in these traditional roles, not because he believes in outdated gender norms, but because it's his way of showing how much he values you.

    His gentlemanly behavior often reflects his desire to protect and care for you, even though he doesn't want to lead the relationship. It's his way of expressing his affection and loyalty. You'll find that he's always courteous, thoughtful, and respectful, traits that might seem old-fashioned but are rooted in his desire to make you feel cherished. These gestures come naturally to him because his focus is always on making you feel appreciated.

    9. He Loves It When She Has an Attitude

    For a submissive man, a little attitude goes a long way. He doesn't shy away from your boldness or assertiveness—he's drawn to it. When you stand your ground, speak your mind, or show a little sass, he finds it exciting. Your strong personality, especially when it comes with a bit of edge, is something he genuinely enjoys. It keeps the dynamic between you lively and makes him feel more connected to your inner strength.

    He doesn't see attitude as conflict; rather, he sees it as confidence. Whether you're being playful or serious, he respects that you're unafraid to express your emotions or opinions. In fact, he admires how you can balance strength and emotion without losing your cool. This boldness, even in heated moments, often turns him on because it reminds him of the power dynamic he thrives on in your relationship.

    10. He Supports Female Bosses

    A submissive man has no issue with strong women in leadership positions. In fact, he embraces it. Whether it's at work or in social circles, he's likely to champion female bosses and leaders. He respects their authority and doesn't feel the need to compete or assert his dominance in those settings. To him, leadership isn't about gender—it's about capability and vision.

    In his relationship with you, this translates to admiration for your leadership qualities. If you're ambitious or career-driven, he'll support your goals without hesitation. He values equality in both his personal and professional life and is inspired by women who take charge. His ability to respect and support strong female figures, without feeling threatened, is a clear indicator of his comfort in his own skin and his willingness to challenge traditional gender roles.

    Submissive Men in Marriage: How It Changes the Dynamic

    When a submissive man enters into marriage, the dynamics of the relationship may shift in subtle but meaningful ways. Marriage brings an added layer of commitment, and for a submissive husband, this often translates to an even deeper desire to please and support his partner. He sees his role as someone who provides emotional and practical support, without needing to take the lead in most aspects of the relationship.

    In a marriage, a submissive man may feel even more secure in letting his spouse take charge. He's more likely to defer to your decisions on everything from household management to finances, trusting that you'll make choices in the best interest of both of you. This doesn't mean he doesn't have opinions or input, but rather that he feels comfortable letting you take the lead where you excel.

    It's also common for a submissive husband to focus on creating harmony in the relationship. He's not likely to instigate conflict or push for dominance. Instead, he'll focus on finding solutions that benefit both of you, valuing peace over power. This can create a strong, balanced marriage where both partners know their roles and respect each other's contributions.

    How to Encourage a Healthy Relationship with a Submissive Partner

    Fostering a healthy relationship with a submissive partner starts with communication and mutual respect. While your submissive man may enjoy letting you take control in certain aspects of your relationship, it's crucial that both partners feel heard and valued. Openly discussing boundaries, needs, and expectations will help ensure that both of you are on the same page.

    One key aspect of nurturing a submissive man is making sure he doesn't feel taken for granted. Just because he enjoys letting you lead doesn't mean he wants to feel invisible. Show appreciation for his support and acknowledge the ways he contributes to your relationship. Small gestures of gratitude, whether it's thanking him for his efforts or showing affection, go a long way.

    Additionally, balance is essential. While he may love being submissive, it's important not to let the dynamic become one-sided. Encourage him to express his thoughts and desires, ensuring that both partners' needs are met. This creates a more sustainable and fulfilling relationship where each person feels valued and understood.

    Common Misconceptions About Submissive Men

    There are plenty of misconceptions about submissive men, many of which stem from outdated ideas about masculinity. One common belief is that a submissive man lacks confidence or is somehow weak. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, choosing to be submissive often requires a deep sense of security and self-awareness. He's comfortable enough in his own skin to step away from traditional gender roles and embrace a more balanced relationship dynamic.

    Another myth is that submissive men are passive in all areas of life. While a submissive man may prefer his partner to take the lead in certain situations, it doesn't mean he lacks ambition or the ability to take initiative. Whether it's in his career, social life, or personal goals, he can still be driven and assertive. His submission is often a conscious choice made out of respect and trust, not a result of passivity or indecision.

    Lastly, some people assume that submissive men aren't “real men.” This harmful stereotype ignores the complexity of human nature and reduces masculinity to outdated power dynamics. Submissive men can be just as strong, loving, and protective as dominant men—they simply express it in different ways.

    Submissive Men in Society: Breaking Stereotypes

    Submissive men are often misunderstood by society, as we still live in a world that tends to prize dominance and control, especially in men. However, more and more, these traditional ideas of masculinity are being challenged. Submissive men are helping to break down these stereotypes by embracing a new form of masculinity—one that doesn't rely on being in control but instead focuses on partnership, empathy, and respect.

    By supporting their partners and allowing space for shared leadership, submissive men are showing that relationships don't have to conform to rigid power structures. They're proving that submission is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strength that comes from knowing and respecting yourself and your partner.

    As societal expectations around gender roles evolve, submissive men are stepping forward to challenge the idea that dominance equals masculinity. They're breaking stereotypes by living authentically, proving that being a man doesn't always mean taking charge—it can mean offering support, showing vulnerability, and building a partnership based on mutual respect.


    What is a submissive personality?

    A submissive personality refers to someone who is comfortable allowing others to take the lead, often preferring to follow rather than dominate. In relationships, this might mean they enjoy supporting their partner's decisions, focusing on creating harmony rather than asserting control. This doesn't mean they are weak or incapable; instead, they find fulfillment in complementing a more dominant partner.

    What does submissive mean in romance?

    In romantic relationships, submissiveness often involves a partner who enjoys taking a supportive or passive role, allowing their significant other to guide the relationship. This can apply to both emotional and physical dynamics, with the submissive partner trusting their counterpart to lead, make decisions, or even take charge in the bedroom. It's a dynamic based on trust and mutual satisfaction.

    How to be submissive to your husband?

    Being submissive to your husband doesn't mean losing your voice or autonomy. It's about letting him take the lead when it feels natural, supporting his decisions, and trusting his judgment. In healthy relationships, submission is a choice, not an obligation. Open communication is key—discuss boundaries, desires, and ensure that your submission is empowering for both of you.

    When a man wants you to submit to him?

    When a man asks for submission, he's typically expressing a desire for trust and control within a certain dynamic, often in specific areas of the relationship. However, submission should always be mutual and consensual. It's important to have open discussions to ensure both partners feel comfortable and respected. Submission should never come at the expense of your well-being or self-worth.


    Submissive men challenge traditional gender roles, offering a different kind of masculinity that's rooted in respect, partnership, and empathy. Whether in the bedroom or in daily life, these men thrive on allowing their partners to lead and finding strength in supportive roles. Understanding and nurturing a relationship with a submissive man requires communication, mutual respect, and a recognition that power dynamics in relationships are fluid and personal.

    As society continues to break down stereotypes around gender and dominance, submissive men are proving that masculinity isn't about control—it's about balance, trust, and shared leadership. Whether you're in a relationship with a submissive man or simply exploring these dynamics, it's crucial to remember that submission, like any other aspect of a relationship, thrives on mutual respect and open dialogue.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Psychology of Love by Sigmund Freud
    • Masochism and the Self by Roy Baumeister
    • Gender Trouble by Judith Butler

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